Normal Day

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up and Layla was snuggled up to me. I laughed. After the interview we went back to the flat and watched Forest Gump and she fell asleep on the couch and I carried her to the bed and I fell asleep.

We have magazine interviews, signings and a benefit concert today. I didn't want to get up. I wanted to lay here forever.

"Hey Layla. Wake up." I shook her.

"What?" She moned turning over.

"Come on. I have a really busy day."

"What time is it?" I looked at my phone.

"Um. 7:50."

"Crap. I have to meet my class at 8!" She got up and got shoes on. She had sweats and my shirt on.

"Can I wear your shirt today I don't have time to change?"

"Yeah sure. Come on i'll drive you."

She followed me and put her hair up as we walked out the door.

"They told us to go to an old little coffee house."

"Oh okay. Cathy's?" (A/N yea with a C!)

"Yeah I guess that's right."


"Okay. We're here." I said pulling in a parking spot.

"Thank you so much." She kissed my cheek and hurried to her class. I sat there for a minute. I just looked at her. She looked at me. I think she realized I hadn't left yet.

She blushed and smiled and turned around back to the teacher. I saw Niall pull up Baylee got out if his car and ran up to Layla. I looked back over at Niall he waved and I did too. I finally left.


"Hey Louis?"

"Hey. The concert got rescheduled. I don't know when they said they were under lock down. Apparently people got sick and they don't want it spreading."

"Okay good. We still have the magazine interview right?"

"Yup come on i'll drive." I followed him to the door. We left and went to a big building.

A woman came to us. "Hello. I'm Hannah." She greeted. "Take a seat."

We all sat down like she said.

"So first question. How do you fit everything in with your busy schedules? Like friends, girlfriends, all that that stuff."

"Well, it's kind of hard. We just make time." Louis said.

"I have come late to tons of things trying to fit time in." I chuckled at my words. I was thinking of Layla and how she was late this morning to her class.

"Dude your smiling like an idiot." Louis nudged me. He snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So boys Harry recently confessed to the new girlfriend thing. Layla? Her name right?"

"Yes, I am actually happy for them. She's a very nice girl." Louis said to the reporter. I smiled.

"Yeah she's funny and her best friend is Baylee so they hang out together anyways. We're really good friends." Niall smiled and looked at me.

"So Liam, how does it feel to be the only single one?"

"Well I'm used to being single a lot so it doesn't bother me to much."

"Well thank you guys for coming you are all just adorable." We all left and I went to go meet Layla at the coffee house.

I road with Niall to go pick the girls up.

"Hey." I greeted her when she and Baylee walk out. She looked so beautiful. I was so happy to have her back with me.

"So what did you girls do today?" Niall asked as they climbed in the back.

"Not much just pretended to listen to the teacher." Baylee answered.

"Yeah we only have to go the rest of this month and were done with the class. We get to spend the last 3 months doing whatever we want!" Layla added.

"Good. We get to spend the three months together!"

"Um lad. I hate to break it to you but we are only here for two more months before we go back to America." I could feel my smile drop. We only had two months together.

It was silent till we got to mine and Louis flat. Layla and I got out and Baylee moved to the front. We walked in the door and I closed it behind us.

She started to walk away and I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me. She blushed and I kissed her. Her lips were soft. She put her hands on my neck. I still had mine on her waist. We kissed for a minute then we both pulled away. I gave her a tight hug.

She let me go and she pulled me over to the kitchen. "I'm starving! I forgot money to buy lunch. So I just had some fries."

"And why should I make you something?" I said facing my back to her playfully. I felt her jump on my back. She rapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"Because. You love me!" She said into my neck. "Your curls are in my face!" She yelled rubbing her face on my shoulder. I just smiled and shook my head back and forth. She giggled.

"Please. Make me food! My blood sugar is going to get low and I'm going to be grumpy!" She whined playfully.

"You're worse then Niall." She giggled in my neck again. "Fine I guess." I got a bowl and put some crackers in it.

"Here. Happy now?" I asked giving the bowl to her.

"I guess. Now take me to the couch slave!"

"Yes master, whatever you say, master." I said in a weird hunchback voice. She started laughing really hard. I slammed her down on the couch. She started laughing even harder. She laughed so hard she snorted and then laughed even harder. Her face got really red.

She finally stopped and took a deep breath and she was calmed down. "I want to watch The Hunchback of Noter Dame now!"

I texted Louis.

TO: Louis

Hey get Hunchback of Noter Dame on your way home please. Thanks.

I leaned on her stomach and rubbed my head on her. She started giggling.

"Shh. Be quite." I shushed her. I kept tickling her.

"But. Stop!" She said pushing me away. I finally stopped and helped her sit up.

"Why do you tickle me so much." She said sounding like a little kid.

"Because I love your laugh." She blushed and hugged me.

"Why do you love me?" She asked.

"Well there's to much to name. I love you because you didn't leave when I turned away. Because I love your laugh, your smile, the way you blush, the way you make things happy, you can always make me smile. I could say so much more but I think you get the picture." I grabbed her head and put it on my chest. "Hear that?"

She nodded and put her hand up to my chest. "It beats for you. I love you." I put my hand on her back and rubbed circles and the other in her hand.

"I love you too Harry." She mumbled.

(A/N pretty boring chapter. I love the ending and is Noter dame two or one words? I'll fix it when I find out but idk I think it's two. Please tell me haha but I really want to see that movie now. I had horrible writers block. I have worked in this chapter all day.





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