Love Sick

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*Layla's POV*

We got out of the car at Niall's house. I got out and made my way to his couch. I laid down and cried. I just kept crying. I couldn't stop. My head hurt. But I couldn't stop crying.

"I love him!" I shouted out. I had to tell the world. Everything started to go black and I saw dots.

*Niall's POV*

She walked I and cried. That's all she did for about 5 minutes. I didn't think it was a good idea to mess with her. I just sat in the seat beside her.

"I love him!" She shouted out. I saw her fall to the floor. "Layla!" I screamed I grabbed my phone and called Harry. I had to tell him. I picked her up and carried her to my car. I sat her down and drove her to the hospital. She laid there till we got there and I carried her in. They took her from me and to an emergency room.

"She was crying for about five minutes and she passed out I guess." I told the doctor.

"Okay thank you." I called Baylee. I had forgotten her at home.

"Hey I'm sorry Layla passed out and I rushed her to the hospital. I'm sorry as soon as Harry gets her i'll come and get you. Okay?"

"Yeah it's fine. She's okay right? She is my absolute best friend you know. If anything where to happen to her I don't know what I would do."

"Just calm down I'm sure she is going to be fine. Okay I think Harry is here i'll come and get you in a minute." I hung up and looked at Harry. Who was with Audrey.

(A/N that didn't take long haha it's a little short but my absolute favorite chapter ill update later when I get 10 total votes haha I'm almost there anyways haha. Tell me what you thought about it!





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