Chapter 5 Sweet Sixteen Gone Wrong

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"So were going to a party?" Olivia asks. I pull on some black shorts and a black short sleeve shirt with the shoulder out and pair it with a gold chain in my black converse that I never wear.

"Mom Olivia and I are going out be home later." I call. We get into Olivia's car and pull up infront of Ethan's house. I follow the noise to the back yard and see Theo.

'Chloe hey!" Theo gives me a hug Ethan's inside we have pizza too." He says. We make our way inside and it's crazy crowded. It's a bunch of punk teenagers and Olivia and I are the only tatoo less girls here. "Want a drink?" Jake hands me a cup. I take a sip. It burns my throat but it feels good.

"I did't know they woud have achahol here." Olivia looks nervous.

"It's fine we won't stay long." i say. I get another cup of beer and down it in one gulp.

"Let's go." Olivia says.

"No I'm not leaving not yet. I find Theo and we have shots.

"Hey you want to be my girlfriend?" He slurs. I laugh even though it's not funny i have no idea where Olivia went. "Sure why not?" I say. I get off the couch outside and stumble inside. The kitchen spins before my eyes. I feel really sick now and relize that the only people i know are the guys and I'm drunk and my mom will kill me. I burst out crying.

"Olivia?" I call out I need to get home.

"Hey you ok?" I turn and see a guy with ruffled brown blonde hair.

"N- no I need to get home..." I say.

"did you come with someone?" He ask looking me in the eyes. The room is really dark and I feel sick from everything I drank.

"Yeah.." I say.

"Your drunk huh?" He ask. I roll my eyes.

"Not at all why do you assume I am?" I snap.

"Well you sound drunk for one thing." He sas.

"Oh I do?" I say.

"Yeah hey I'm just trying to help you." He says. I walk out of the room and down the hall and to the bathroom where i puke. My stomach hurts so bad and I feel really bad. I feel my phone buzzing.


"Chloe where the hell are you?" Olivia.

"I'm in the house in the bathroom I had too much to drink." I groan.

"Oh really you say that now I'll come and get you." She hangs up and I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey are you ok in their you need a ride home?" The guy.

"Leave me alone!" I yell and splash water on my face. I hear a pounding fist on the door.

"Chloe it's Olivia." I open the door the boy is gone and Olivia is glaring at me. "Great you ruined your sweet sixteen good job." She snaps as we walk to her car. "I can't go home like this my mom will seriously kill me can I crash at your place?" I ask.

"Yeah sure until you sober up, I'm just glad I was at this damn party." Olivia says as we pull up infront of her house. I nod as I go up to her room and crash on her floor.

*Oufit Chloe wears is on the side it's the last one

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