Chapter 14 Love Hate relationship

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At school i'm putting my books in my locker when I see Ethan over my shoulder. 

"Hey babe." 

"Don't hey babe me you little shit." I say. 

"Oh feisty I like it dinner Saturday?" I ask. 

"Your so stupid i saw your Instagram pics of you and Sadie, you cheated on me.. I should have never trusted you in the first place but I let you play me but now i know..." I say my eyes burn. Don't cry. I bite my lip. 

"I.. come on give me one more chance Friday?" 

"No I'm not doing it leave me alone."  He grabs my wrist and pins me up against my locker. 

"Chloe please." He begs his  eyes bore into me. 

"No Ethan I'm sorry." I whisper. 

"I'll show you I've changed I'll break up with her please Chloe?" He begs. I smile a little. 

"Sure I.. one more shot and your out." I say. He nods. 

"I won't let you down." He  says and gives me a soft kiss. 


"Mom I want to get a piercing." i say as I get in the car. Ever since I started dating Ethan I feel out of place  with no  ink or piercings (that and I always wanted one) 

"Really where?" she asks. 

"My lip." I say. My mom looks at me and my purple and blue hair tips  I am turning punk before her eyes. 

"Ok when do you want to?" she asks, I'm surprised. 

"Really?" I ask surprised by how relaxed she is.

"Yeah freedom of expression and if you don't wear it the holes will close." she says. I nod. 

"Um I'll ask Ethan where he got his eyebrow one and maybe this weekend?" I ask. She nods as we go to run some errands. 

I look around the tiny room. It's Thursday and I'm getting my lip pierced. 

"So do you want snake bites or spider bites?" The guy shows me the pictures. 

"Um spider with black rings though." I say. He nods. I feel the needle hit my skin and my eyes tear up,. My mom is sitting in a chair watching and looking a bit nervous. 

"Ok your done." The guy says handing me a mirror. I look  two black rings hang out the left side of my mouth. I slowly stretch my hand out to touch it. Feels funny. I lick the part that's in my mouth. Feels funny. "Just make sure you keep your mouth really clean ok?" He says. I nod as my mom and I leave. 

"It looks cool." My mom cays. I smile. 

The next day I get dressed in skinny jeans  low top black converse and  my Hipster Please, shirt. I put on some purple eye liner and a black hoodie. I grab my board and check the wheel before slinging my bag over my shoulders and skating off to school.

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