Chapter 9 My Bad Luck With Love

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At school Theo comes over to me.

"Hello Chloe." He says smiling.

"Hey Theo." I say. He sits next me.

"I was wondering would you go out with me?" His green eyes are on me. I take in his black jagged cut hair with the blonde tips and his tattoos and his piercings. He is cute.

"We're good friends why ruin that?" I ask.  Theo frowns. "Oh well..  He starts. "Wait how about we hang out as friends like not a date but a hang out of sorts?" I ask. Theo smiles and it's beautiful. He gives me a hug and kisses my cheek in a surprisingly soft way. "You want to go hang out , uh Saturday?" He asks



Tonight I'm hanging out  with Theo and I hope my mom likes him, I mean he's a sweetheart despite his harsh appearance. I look at my closet. It's a bit chilly outside so I find some dark skinny jeans and my black vans. I stand here in my room in my bra and jeans."Chloe." My mom opens my door. I slip on a hoodie and turn.


"Their is this boy downstairs says your going on a date?" She says

"What no we're just handing out and yeah that's Theo." I say.

"The guy who was at the restaurant?" She asks. I nod as I look for a shirt. Black tank? Nope?

"Oh cool have fun." She says. I search for a shirt and settle on a black shirt with studs. I walk downstairs and see Theo in jeans  and a band tee shirt. 

"Hi." I smile. 

"You look great." He says. 

"Thanks you too." I say. We get in his car and drive down to the beach. The sun is setting and the sky is a breath taking orange. "Do you surf?" He asks. 

"Yeah a bit do you?" 

"Ethan does." He says. 

"Yeah? We'll need to surf sometime." I say. Theo wraps his arm around me and leans in close and kisses me. His lips crashing ont to mine make my spine tingle. I can't pull away. I kiss back  my hand ruffling his hair.   He pulls away pressing his nose against mine his green eyes on me. 

"I love you Chloe." He says. 

"I.." I look at him and feel my heart twist. He's cute yeah but since my break up with Cory I've put up a wall and don't let just anyone in. Cory played me like a toy and left me picking up what he broke. 

"Is something wrong?" His green eyes look  concerned. 

"I..had a boyfriend who cheated one me so I.. have a hard time.. trusting people not to break my heart. It's not you Theo I swear I..." I look at him and feel myself tearing up. He said he loved me and I just shoved him away.

"I understand.. we are good friends.." He looks a little hurt but holds me hin his arms with me sitting between his legs as we look out at the water. It's calming in a way. 

"If you need me I'm here ok?" I nod. Theo drops me off and I go to my room. I pull on some shorts and curl up in my bed. 

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