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"Rose, wake up." I heard a soothing voice whisper. I felt a warm breeze against my face, and felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, and I never wanted to open my eyes. "Shhh just let it happen." I mumbled as I snuggled into Scorpius's chest. I heard him chuckle softly at this. "Rose, open your eyes, love." He said softly, shaking me gently. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see a bright light. We were under the tree, in front of the lake on the school grounds.

"Why are we..?" I began to ask why we were outside, until memories of last night flashed in my mind. Daddy.. He spoke to me last night.. And then, he was gone.. And Scorpius came to comfort me.. He began to stroke my hair. "Rose.. We should talk about yesterday.. About everything.." He whispered. I looked into his silver eyes and smiled. "We will, I promise. But right now? I think we should get breakfast." I said lightly. His eyes widened slightly, and he looked confused. "First we need to wash up of course, but then I think we should go eat. I'm actually very hungry." All he did was shake his head in silence, eyes still wide. "What's up?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. "What's up? I haven't seen you want food, or look this relaxed in weeks.." He said, combing his shaggy platinum hair out of his eyes with his hand.

All I could do was shrug my shoulders. "I'll have to explain later. But I think things are going to be okay again.." I said quietly, fingering the small sapphire around my neck, staring at my feet. They have to be... That's what he would have wanted.. I looked up and grabbed his hand. "Come on, I want food." I said with a laugh, it felt so good to feel a natural laugh come out of my mouth. Scorpius finally smirked and followed behind me, as we trudged up the hill to the castle.

Once we got to the head boy and head girl common room, I looked around. "I'm sorry I made you decorate by yourself.." I heard him whisper behind me. I turned around and frowned slightly. "I know.. It's okay though. We can talk about everything after I get out of the shower, okay?" I said, looking at him with a hopeful smile. He smiled at me and nodded his head. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and then I went into the bathroom.

Once I entered the large lavatory, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. My clothes were covered in grass and dirt, and my hair was sticking up in places. I sighed heavily, and dropped my face in my hands. You have to be strong... I can't dwell on this, Scorpius and my family needs me, and I just need to remember what my dad told me. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, I need to accept things are going to be hard, and it's okay to be upset. But I also need to focus on the future.

After my shower, I wrapped a fluffy white robe around my damp body, and stepped out into the common room. Scorpius was on the couch, and I saw that all too familiar parchment in his hands. His knuckles were white and his eyes were closed. My heart ached for him... All these years, he's felt abused, neglected.. Unloved.. And it wasn't even true.. I walked up to him slowly, and sat next to him on the sofa. His hands began to shake. By instinct my hands shot out towards his own, and wrapped around his fingers. He dropped the letter and grasped my hands firmly.

"Why are our lives always so complicated..." He whispered, his eyes opening slightly, staring at our intertwined hands as his thumb gently rubbed the back of my hand. I lifted my legs onto the couch, and rested my wet head against his shoulder. "Oh god.. I'm so sorry for what I've put you through.. It's all my fault." He spat bitterly. I gripped his hand tighter, tears springing to my eyes. "Don't ever say that again." I choked out.

He looked at me, eyebrows cocked in confusion. "But it is my fault, isn't it?" He asked quietly. I stood up off the couch, my body suddenly shaking at his words. I gripped my head, and groaned in irritation. "Woah, what did I do..?" His arms were raised in surrender, his eyes wide with worry. "What did you do..? Are you serious!?" I yelled. I turned around but quickly looked back at him. "You are never. EVER. Allowed to say those words again. Because if you do, your practically saying you regret us falling in love! Your saying you regret US, your saying- your- ugh-"

My words were cut off by his lips. His soft, warm, familiar lips. He kissed me deeply, a hand on my cheek, and the other holding the back of my head. My eyes were wide with surprise as I was caught off guard. He pulled away long enough to whisper "Merlin I'm in love with you-" and then he was on me again. A moan escaped my throat, my legs became weak, and my body and mind became fuzzy. Oh I missed this... His lips, his arms around me... It feels so right.. My arms gripped the front of his shirt as I pulled him closer, pulling myself deeper into his kiss.

His hands roamed down my body, until it reached the ties that kept my robe closed. I expected him to untie it, but his hands stayed perfectly still, waiting for permission. I broke our kiss and looked into his eyes. "I love you too..." I whispered, and then I dropped the robe myself.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now