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"Something wrong Rose?" He whispered in my ear. "No... Stay away from me.." I whispered. I heard a loud cold laugh, saw a flash of green light reflect off his dark brown eyes and heard a loud scream before I woke up, drenched in sweat. I was screaming, I had somehow kicked my blanket off the bed while I had a nightmare about Jake Peck, if that was even his name. I covered my mouth and started breathing heavily and fast, trying to calm down. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around me and I jumped. "Shhh, it's alright. It's just me..." I heard Harley whisper in my ear. For the hundredth time tonight, I broke down into uncontrollable sobs. I wrapped my arms around me knees and cried, Harley rubbing my back smoothly, she has been doing this all night, I don't think she's had a chance to sleep, I keep dozing to sleep in between breakdowns, have some nightmare involving either Dolohov or... Him... And wake up screaming. At the thought of Scorpius I began to hack up breath rattling sobs. "It's alright... It's okay..." Harley whispered. I didn't say anything, I can't breathe. My heart hurts from so many events from this night that I can't control my tears that won't contain themselves. What's the point of me even trying to stop crying? Is there anyone I need to be strong for anymore? I don't see a point. My sobs grew quieter and I looked up from my knees and out the window. I could see the tree I use to climb with Scorpius, now covered in leaves thanks to the beautiful summer weather. Was it really only last Christmas when Scorpius and I had just started to see each other? It feels so much longer ago... The sudden thought of the necklace he got me came into my mind. I felt the cold silver chain around my neck and held the sapphire in the palm of my hand firmly. Was this all I had of him now? No... I was still going to see him in school next year right? And he's going to write to me? I couldn't help the harsh chuckle that escaped my throat, making Harley gasp. Knowing his father, I doubt Scorpius will have the privilege of using the bathroom, let alone writing to me... I felt more tears pour from my eyes as I remembered what had happened with my father...

"Rose Weasley you are embarrassing me!"
"He was right there and he got away..."
My father didn't believe me when it mattered most, he let his anger over me being with Scorpius get the better of him, and he let them get away. I can't get their eyes out of my mind, the way his eyes went from blue, to brown... Almost like the way I saw Jake. He seemed innocent, but as realization dawned, I saw the true darkness within him. Not taking my eyes off the window I took a shaking breathe. "What time is it?" I whispered. Harley's hand stilled on my back. "6:45 in the morning." She said quietly. "I see. I'm sorry to have kept you awake all morning." I said in a stony voice. "I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyways.." She whispered. I don't blame her... Albus was so angry last night. All I remember was the anguish in his face as he pushed Harley away, and stormed upstairs after punching Scorpius. The first time I woke up screaming last night, Harley was still awake and had told me Albus had left the Burrow to return to his home in Godrics Hollow. I finally looked at Harley, she had tear stains on her face as well, and she looked distant. "Harley... He isn't mad at you-" I began to say. "You don't know that." She whispered coldly, sending shivers down my spine. "I had known for so long Rose. You were suppose to tell him sooner, I told you I hated lying to him about this, but you guys had been seeing each other for what? Six months right? You should have told him sooner, and instead he found out from a fight between you and your father." She spat out bitterly. I stared at her with wide eyes and once she saw me her eyes softened. "I'm sorry Rosie... I didn't mean that..." She whispered as a tear escaped her eye. "I'm just so worried he's going to wake up today and decide he hates me..." She adds softly. I shook my head and rested my head against her shoulder. "No no no, you guys have been together for like, ever. He wouldn't break up with you over my stupidity." I say firmly. "I'm gunna go to his house today. And I need to tell him everything Rose, he's been in the dark too long." She whispered. I nod my head, "I agree." I say softly. And for once, I feel relaxed. It feels nice having to comfort someone els. "Your mom was really worried about you, everyone was." She whispered. I didn't say anything. "Victorie and Teddy left for their honeymoon after you went to bed, and you Dad and Mr. Potter went to the ministry. Mrs. Ginny followed Albus to their house, and your mother went to bed, probably too stressed." She continued to inform me. "Believe it or not, Fred and James decided to clean the entire party up by themselves." She added, making me burst out laughing. The thought of those two volunteering to clean? Harley smiled as she saw me give a natural laugh. "And Hugo-" my stomach dropped. "Oh no! Hugo! I completely forgot! He was suppose to tell dad before I brought up Scorpius, oh no." I moaned loudly and put my face in my hands. "No Rose- it's fine! After you went upstairs, Hugo must have understood your stress enough not to hate you about the Scorpius thing. Everyone was really quiet after you left, and Hugo randomly said, "oh- by the way, I have a boyfriend!" And then he left to help James and Fred. It got really awkward, and I'm pretty sure your mother is going to have so many questions today..." She finished calmly. I lifted my head off her shoulder and sat criss cross on my bed. "As long as they aren't directed towards me anytime soon, she can ask as many questions as she wants." I whisper. Harley sighed heavily. "Rosie, you can't just hide forever." She said firmly. I nodded my head, "I know I know, I won't. I'm going to try to write to Scorpius... But if my father expects me to talk to him anytime soon he has another thing coming." I whisper dangerously. Harley got off the bed and stretched. "Well, seeing as how neither of us are going to sleep anytime soon, and seeing as we are both pissed, angry, or upset about something, I think I'll go downstairs and get food. And your going to come with me." She said firmly. I looked up at her, her black hair was flowing in waves down her shoulder, and she was still wearing her dress from the wedding, and she had dark circles under her brown eyes. I had taken my hair out of its bun and I could already feel how frizzy it must be right now, and I was also still wearing the dress from the wedding. "I don't think I want food.." I said sulkily. Harley rolled her eyes, "Rose, I wasn't talking about food food, I was talking about the fact I'm pretty sure you have ice cream in your freezer." She said oddly cheerfully for someone who got no sleep at all. I hesitated, but realized maybe ice cream didn't sound too bad at the moment. "Alright, help me up." I mumbled reluctantly. Harley pulled me to my feet and I looked into the full length mirror next to my bed. My hair still had a few braids in at the top where the bun was held, but my read hair flowed to my back and looked quite knotted. My face had eye liner smudges from crying, and my eyes were swollen. I wiped my face as best I could and managed to get rid of the make up smudges, but I couldn't do much about the swollen eyes. Harley was waiting patiently by the door for me to get myself together. I took a shallow breath and followed Harley downstairs, and into the deserted kitchen. There was a lot of food and plates scattered in the room, as no one got to eat much, the party ending a little earlier than expected. Harley ignored the assortment of breads and meats and walked to the freezer, pulled out a tub of vanilla once cream, grabbed two spoons, and walked me into the empty living room. We began to eat the ice cream in comfortable silence. I could see Harley's watch and saw it said it was now 7:30 in the morning.

This is what I needed. Just my best friends company, a tub of ice cream, and a laugh or two. I was still angry with my father, and worried about Scorpius, but at least I can sit quietly, and take a breather. It felt nice to not have to choke on tears for once, after spending the last 10 or 11 hours crying and screaming. I know that today I'm going to have to face a few demons, and Harley as well. But at least we have a good hour or so until we need to face them. And suddenly I heard a loud crack come from outside, making mine and Harley's eyes widen. And then the front door slammed open, in walking my uncle Harry and father, my dad yelling the words, "GOD DAMN IT!" In frustration.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now