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The rest of the train ride was spent with Albus telling horrible jokes, but it made me laugh none the less. "Did you see his face!? It was priceless!" Albus was laying on the seat across from me, laughing. Now that iv calm down, the whole 'almost killing Malfoy' thing has become a comical memory. "Your dad would be so proud!" He said sitting up, still laughing. "Yea, this is kind of a good thing too." I said as I thought about the sorting that was to take place in a couple of hours. "How so?" Al asked as he looked at me and recovers from his hysterical laughter. "Cause now we know for a fact I probably won't be a Hufflepuff." He started to laugh again. I wouldn't mind being a Hufflepuff, they're kind, hard working, but I doubt I'll be sorted there. I wouldn't mind Ravenclaw either. I think I just want to make sure I'm not put in Slytherin, now I can see why Al is so worried. Now don't take my not wanting to be in Slytherin as a prejudice thing, it's not like that. No one in my family has ever been a Slytherin, I don't want to be the one to break that record is all. Not to mention, I'm almost positive Malfoy will be a Slytherin, and I'd like to distance myself away from the pure blooded jerk as much as possible. Albus and I put on our Hogwarts robes and got our trunks from the luggage rack. "Okay Al, you ready?" I ask as I take a deep breath. Albus sighs heavily, "Bring it." We both laugh, I know he's nervous but he won't show it. When the train arrives in Hogsmeade train station, Albus and I step out of the train and join the crowded station with the other hundreds of students. "All firs years with me!" I can hear Hagrid yelling above all the noise. Most people are shocked or scared when they see Hagrid for the first time, but Hagrid is apart of our family, so it's normal to run up to him and hug him. "Ey! Al'righ there Rosie?" Hagrid was beaming down at me. "I'm great." I can't help but smile when he ruffles my hair. "Al'righ firs years! Follow me to the boats!" All the first years line up to follow Hagrid down to the lake where the first years arrive in the boats. Second years and above go by carriage, but first years get to make an entrance. Al and I get a boat together and the boats jolt forward. Iv lived around magic all my life but I can't help but be in awe as the boat moves forward on its own towards the gleaming castle light. "Watch it Weasley, you might catch flies if you leave your mouth hanging open like that." I heard an annoying voice say. I look over to the boat next to Al and I's to see Malfoy and Zabini sharing a boat. Zabini shoots me an apologetic look while Malfoy smirks. All I can do is narrow my eyes at the blonde and look away. "Don't let him ruin this for you Rose." I hear Albus mutter under his breath. I grin, "Dont worry, no one can." When we arrive, all of us are herded in through the castle and wait by the stairs that lead to the great hall. Uncle Nevil comes bursting through the door looking excited about the new year. "Welcome! I'm Professor Longbottom, the Herbology teacher here at Hogwarts, and also deputy Head Master." Uncle Nevil says, while beaming down at all his new students, there has to be a hundred at least. "Now, here in a second I will lead you into the great hall where you will be sorted into your houses. Through the year your house will be like your family, for doing good things you will earn points, any misdeeds and you will lose points. Any questions before it starts?" He looked around and when no one said anything he said, while smiling, "Let's get started then! Follow me!" And he lead us through the great hall. When I walked in, I never thought iv seen anything so beautiful before. Candles where floating in midair, and the sealing looked like the night sky, which was midnight blue with clouds and very few stars out tonight. There are four tables lined up, which I can assume is for the four different houses. Then there, there in the middle of the great hall, stood a stool with a mangled tarter old looking hat perched on top. I think I'm going to vomit. Then uncle Nevil stood beside the stool with a long piece of parchment and started speaking. "When I speak your name, please step up, sit on the stool, and place the sorting hat on your head." I stood and watched as girls and boys where called up and sorted, none where familiar to me. "Malfoy, Scorpius!" I held my breath as I watched the silver eyed boy walk, quite calmly, to the stool. Everyone was being very quiet, I don't know why. We all know where he's going. 'Hell I hope' I think to myself. As I look into the face of Malfoy I can see he seems to be having an internal argument about something, I wonder what... Then a lot later than anyone expected the hat finally yelled "Slytherin!" The Slytherin table clapped and cheered as they gained a new student, a famous one no doubt. As Malfoy hopped off the stool and walked to the Slytherin table, his face looked weird. Almost like he was in pain. I shake my head and look back up at the sorting. Then about 5 minutes later I hear "Potter, Albus!" If I thought it was quiet before, Merlin I don't know what to call this. It seems like everyone, including me, is waiting to see where the famous Albus Potter will be sorted into. Gryffindor like his father, whom he so closely resembles? Or Slytherin, like the man he was named after? Then, after what felt like ages of waiting, hell had finally frozen over. No cheers awaited Albus after the sorting hat yelled "Slytherin!" For the whole great hall to hear. I stared, open mouthed, as Albus stepped off the stool, shaking, and walked toward Slytherin table. Even Uncle Nevil was shocked speechless. The great Harry Potters son, is a Slytherin. The Potters have always been Gryffindor. Every generation and now, now it's been broken. Albus sits at the table, next to Malfoy, shaking. Al looks up at me and I can tell by his expression he is terrified. I don't know how long we stared at each other. It wasn't until I heard "Weasley, Rose!" That I snapped out of it. I took shaky steps up to the stool. As I sat down uncle Nevil gave me a quick wink. Then everything went dark. The hat was so large it covered my eyes and I couldn't see anything. Then I hear a croaking voice speaking in the back of my head. "Another Weasley eh? Your lot reproduce like rabbits don't they? Every year I get another one of you." I couldn't help but laugh a little, it was true. "Now... Where to put you... Not Hufflepuff.... Great mind though... But I see bravery.... And cleverness..." 'Not Slytherin, please." I think to myself, well more to the hat really. "Not Slytherin eh? Alright then..." Then out loud towards everyone in the great hall, "Gryffindor!!!!" I took the hat off, and I'm almost positive I skipped to my table, where almost all of my cousins where. Everyone was clapping, hell I wanted to clap along with them! When I sit down at the Gryffindor table where I'm welcomed to pats on the back, hand shakes, and cheers, I start looking around the table trying to find Albus. But then a sickening realization hits, and I remember that Al is in Slytherin. I look over to the table to see Albus looking at me with a sad look on his face. I try to give him a cheerful look but all it does is feel like my face was numbed. Then to my surprise, Malfoy taps him on the shoulder and says something. Albus looks suspicious at first but shakes his hand. Does Malfoy pity Albus? Why is he being so friendly? Then Uncle Nevil folds the piece of parchment and takes the stool out of the hall. And then Headmistress Mcgonigall stands up and gives a speech of welcome. "Welcome all! To those who have been here before, welcome back! Let the feast begin!" And it did begin. Food of all different sorts began piling up on the long tables. As I look back at the Slytherin table, hoping to catch Als eye and share a look of amazement, instead I see Malfoy and Albus is a heated discussion. Malfoy laughs out loud at something Al said, and I feel a twinge of jealousy hit me. I look down sadly at my mash potatoes and begin to slowly eat. I stay quiet all through out dinner. I was wrong, someone CAN ruin this for me. After an hour has passed the Headmistress stands up, waves her wand, and the food vanishes. "All right students, tomorrow you shall receive your schedules and classes will begin. Sleep well!" Everyone stands up, then the prefects start to call out for first years to line up to show us to our dormitories. "Come along first years! Keep up!" I hear my cousin Molly yell. She was made a prefect last year, we expect her to be head girl too, with the way she follows rules. What els would I expect from a child raised by Percy Wealsey? All the Gryffindor first years lined up and started to follow the prefects to Gryffindor tower. I'm in the front of the line because I want to have a chance to look at everything we pass, which is amazing. Hundreds of portraits, talking, moving. It's far from what I imagined. Then after walking up the never ending steps, we finally reached the portrait of the fat lady. "Password?" She said with a tone of superiority. Molly answered before the boy prefect did. "Devilssnare" then the portrait swung open to reveal a tunnel in the wall. "Follow me!" My cousin yelled so all of us could hear. By the time the 10 or so first years circled in the common room, all the older students had gone to their dorms. "Curfew for first years is 6:30, if you are caught out of the common room after curfew you will receive detention. Boys your dorms are in the stairs to your left, girls the same to your right. Any questions?" Molly asked in a strict almost bossy tone. After no one answered she gave a kurt nod and went out of the portrait to do rounds, the small sandy haired boy following behind her. All the first years just stood around for a few minutes awkwardly until they decided it was ok to move. I went up the stairs, only two flights up I saw my name "Rose Weasley" on the door, with 3 other names below mine. When I walked in it was to see three other girls who looked my age sitting on their four poster beds. "Hi..." I said quietly as I walked in and stepped towards the only empty bed left in the circular room. "Hey, what's your name?" Asked a pretty girl with black straight hair, already dressed in her pajamas. "Rose, Rose Weasley. You?" I started to put on my pajamas as we made introductions. "I'm Harley Andrews, and that girl next to you is Sarah Withers." Harley pointed at the girl who had brown, short, wavy hair and dark brown eyes. She had a round face but had a kind smile along with it. "Hey Rose, and this is Hannah Strophe." Sarah pointed at a girl with dark blond hair, it was long with a twinge of brown in it. She had a rather large nose and a thin face with ice blue eyes to match. "Hi..." Hannah waved at me with a shy smile. "Can you believe we get to start school tomorrow!?" Harley said excitedly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. I smiled at her. "I know right? I can't wait! I wonder what lesson I have first." I said as I brushed my red hair out. "We get to find out tomorrow!" Harley seemed like a very energetic girl, it made me smile a lot. "I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out." Hannah spoke quietly, but clearly as she pulled her knees up to her chin and hugged them close to herself. "Hannah's a muggle born, so she doesn't have the whole understanding of magic like we do." Sarah told me as she went to sit next to Hannah, putting a comforting arm around her. "Hey... Don't worry ok? My mum was a muggle born and she was the brightest witch of her age." I told her. I really do sympathies with her, my mum had to go through the same thing. "Well I can't wait to see the library! My mother told me it was one of the most magical places in the whole school for her." I said smiling and throwing myself on my bed. "Really? My father said he loved the Quidditch field." Harley said as she got under her covers. We all gave a small sound of laughter. As I lay there in bed, engulfed in warmth, I slowly start to drift to sleep. That night I had sweet dreams of books, magic, and of Hogwarts.

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