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On September first my mother had woken Hugo and I up to go to kings cross station. I was going back to Hogwarts. I was going to meet Harley, Sarah and Hannah there, my father was at work so he said his goodbyes last night. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and got dressed. After a couple of hours of getting ready and driving, we finally arrived at the train station. We walked in silence, trudging along the walkway. My new owl, Romeo, hooted as he saw other owls in their cages as their owners walk ahead of us. My father had gotten me the chestnut barn owl as a pity present. He felt bad about going back to the auror office so I guess he thought the owl would cheer me up. I ran threw the barrier and soon I was on platform 9 3/4. "Rosie, do you have everything? If you forgot something send a letter and I'll send it over ok?" My mother said as she pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back. We spent the rest of the summer like that mostly. After my dad was told he was going to be an auror again, my mother said it was best if we spent the rest of the summer at our home. So after a couple of days we went back to our house where I decided moping in my room won't make me feel better. So me and my mom spent most of the last days of summer curled up on the couch just hugging, both too sad and scared to really do much. I didn't want to let her go but I had no choice, I released my mother and stepped away. "I love you." She said as she tucked a stand of hair behind my ear. "Love you too. Wheres Aunt Ginny and Albus?" I asked. I forgot about them, Uncle Harry was at work so aunt ginny came in her own with my cousins. And the rest of my family where els where on the platform. "I think Albus and James are already on the train, they had be here early you see with Harry- you know." I nodded. "Bye mom, Hugo. Love you guys." And I got onto the Hogwarts express and waved at my mother and brother until they vanished from around the corner. I started going down the compartment trying to find my friends, when I found them they were all sitting near the end of the train. "Rosie!!!" Harley flung herself at me and I nearly toppled over with the weight. Everyone started laughing. I looked at my best friend and forced a smile, they where hard to make now a days. "Hey guys. What did I miss?" Then the stories where told. Sarah and Hannah told me about there summer and how Hannah thinks her little brother might be magical too, said some weird stuff has been happening when her 8 year old brother is left alone or when their backs are turned. Harley kept shooting looks at me. But I would try to avoid her gaze. I know she wants to talk about what happened with my dad, but I don't feel like sharing it with anyone right now. I stayed silent for most of the train ride, only saying something when asked a question or statement that needed a response. After a long long while we finally arrived in Hogsmeid train station. I stayed quiet all night. I didn't talk during the feast much either. It wasn't until Harley pulled me aside at 8 o'clock in the common room that night that I remembered where I was. Harley grabbed my wrist a dragged me through the portrait of the fat lady and into the halls. "Spill." Harley said simply as crossed her arms, glaring at me. "Pardon?" I asked a little confused. "You haven't spoken to me in weeks. After I left that day you didn't even say good bye! And you haven't been speaking! So are you going to tell me what's wrong? Or am I not your best friend?" Harley said stiffly. Suddenly I felt more guilty then anything. She was right! She is my best friend so why am I not including her in my life? Why am I letting this get me down so much? My father needs my support not my resentment. I looked at Harley and smiled for the first time in weeks. "Your right. I'm sorry." Harley's face relaxed as I told her everything that happened. Harley made a weird squeaking sound when I mentioned the Azkaban break out. "Wait. There's a break out in Azkaban and you didn't know?" I asked in shock. "No! The daily prophet hasn't said anything!" I gaped at her. Are you serious? "Wow..." We stared at each other in silence for a while. Harley was the first to speak. "I get why your worried. You could have told me you know." I looked at my best friend who I cared about. "I know. I guess I was scared to talk about it out loud." She nodded her head in understanding. Then she took a step closer and put a comforting arm around me. "So when do you think the Daily Prophet is going to tell everyone about this break out?" Harley asked curiously. I felt so much better. I was really home now. "I'm not sure. I think Kingsley doesn't want to start a panic, it can't be long though right?" I asked looking at my best friend. She nodded her head. After that we went to bed, me feeling the best I've felt in weeks. Like a giant weight was lifted off of me. I had the support of my friends, what more could I ask for now? It wasn't until another week till Romeo came flying into the great hall with the day's Daily Prophet did the wizarding world finally get information about the Azkaban break out. They put it in small detail, small enough that not everyone freaked out.

"Antonio Dolohov escapes Azkaban prison! Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shackelbolt, does not go into detail but says 'Everything is being handled and I have the best Auors on the job-" "Our dads Rose!" Albus cut across as I read the paper out loud to our family at the Gryffindor table. "More information will be given as the search continues for this former death eater." Everyone found it interesting that the Famous Harry Potter and Ron Weasley where back in action, but our family on the other hand was very nervous about it. Harley, Sarah, and Hannah where kind enough to worry with me. Even Scorpius was less irritable that year for Albus's sake. The year went on with no sight of Dolohov. It was almost normal besides the constant letters our family where receiving about what's been really going on. I beat Malfoy in every exam and remained top of my class, and we still had duels in the hallways. But I think Scorpius was losing his touch that year. He had a sorrowful look whenever he would catch my eye. Almost like he could feel my pain...

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