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The next morning I awoke smiling like an idiot. I jumped out of my bed, ready to start my classes at Hogwarts. Hannah, Sarah, and Harley were just waking up as well. "Morning!" Harley said cheerfully. There was a mumble of 'morning' while the other girls rubbed their eyes trying to wipe the sleep away. We all got dressed and ran down to breakfast, sitting at the Gryffindor table. Uncle Nevil was handing out our schedules while we are when Malfoy and Albus came walking into the great hall, silver and green ties shining on the robes. I forgot that Al was a Slytherin... And apparently has a new best friend. I feel my face heat up with anger. How could he befriend that jerk? After what he said about my mother? "Rose?" I look away from Albus to face Harley, who was giving me a reproachful look. "Yes?" I ask stiffly, trying to calm my voice. "Are you okay?" I feel my face relax, I'm mad at Albus, not Harley. "Yea I'm find, don't worry." Harley gives me a smile and then to my surprise says "Don't worry, just because he's in Slytherin doesn't mean you guys won't get along anymore, it just means you guys are going to have a bit more of a competitive side is all." I'm a little shocked, how did she know? "My older brother, David, is a Ravenclaw. Different houses only mean different views on things." She said answering my question I didn't even say out loud. I smile at her. "Hia Rosie! Here's your schedule." Uncle Nevil said beside me handing me my schedule. "Thanks Uncle-" "professor Longbottom." Uncle Nevil corrects me. "Haha, right" I start to read my schedule and am happy and disappointed at the same time. My first class is Potions with the Slytherins. Good because I'll get to see Al, bad because I also have to see Malfoy. "Hey! We have the same class next!" Harley said smiling widely as she read my schedule. I guess it couldn't be that bad, at least I'll know someone there now. I looked up at the enchanted ceiling to see the sky matched my mood perfectly. It was bright and sunny, cloudless. It was a perfect day. After breakfast Harley and I picked up our bags and started heading down to the dungeons, Sarah and Hannah had a class with the Hufflepuffs in Herbology so it was just us two. Harley and I talked about a number of things. From how nice the weather was to when we first got our magical powers. "My mother, she was a half blood, said I started showing signs at age 8. Said I was arguing with my brother one day, and accidentally caught his toy broom on fire." Harley was saying to me as we walked down the cold stone steps. "Wow, and you say your dad was muggle born?" I asked her as we lined up along the wall, waiting to be ushered inside for class. "Yea, met my mum here at Hogwarts. But what about you?" She asked me while more students started to arrive and line up. "Not much to tell really, everyone know about my parents dont they? The Daily Prophet writes enough about them." I said. I was never keen on talking about my parents, everyone always wanted to act like they were celebrities instead of people with lives. "Only what the news writes about them, I try not to read the gossip in the Daily Prophet, that Skeeter woman always says horrible things." Harley replied shyly. I smiled, it's nice she doesn't believe the crap in the Daily Prophet. "Rose!" I turn around to see Albus running towards me. "Hey! I didn't get to talk to you last night before bed, and couldn't talk to you at breakfast. Weird right?" Albus asks as he points at his silver and green tie. "Yea, weird." I state in an empty voice. I'm still not sure how I feel about Albus being in Slytherin. It feels unnatural. "Oi! Al, why were you running?" Malfoy asks panting slightly, looks like he tried to keep up with Al and it got him out of breath, good. Malfoy looks over at me and narrows his eyes. "Oh, I see." I narrow my eyes back. Silver and sapphire have a staring contest that only breaks when Albus and Harley both cough awkwardly. "Well, I'll see you in class Rose?" Albus asks as he starts to walk away. "Yea, see you..." And I turn away from the two boys. "So that's your cousin?" Harley asks as she stares after them. "Yea, and the little rat you saw was Malfoy." Harley started to giggle. "What was up with that anyway? Isn't it too early in the school year to make an enemy?" Harley laughed as she looked away from the boys and back at me. "Let's just say I have no patience for the pure blood rodent." I state giving her a smirk. She laughs, then the dungeon door swings open and professor Slughorn beckons us all into the class. "Welcome! Welcome! Hurry along now, please be seated." The large walrus like man said as he closed the door behind us. Harley and I sat at a table in the front of the room, as Albus and Malfoy sat in the very back. "Now do not get too comfortable in your seats, I intend to move you later in the year once iv seen how you work with certain people." Slughorn was standing at the front of the class, bouncing on the balls of his feet, as he looked around the class. "Now for your first lesson, we shall start with a simple potion, just to get the year started. We shall kick the year off with a 'girding potion'! Now can anyone tell me what that potion may do?" My hand shot up in the air so fast I doubt anyone saw it. But to my surprise Slughorn said "Ah, yes Mr. Malfoy?" I turned around in my seat to face the silver eye boy. "A girding potion will give the taker extra endurance, meaning they could withstand more than others." Malfoy answered the question. "Yes! Very good! 5 points to Slytherin!" I can't believe it. Malfoy is actually INTELLIGENT? "The ingredients you will need are already on your table, you have 45 minutes, you may begin." I quickly opened my text book and started making my potion. I need to get a higher grade than Malfoy. I HAVE to! 45 minutes later my potion is complete. As Slughorn was walking around to grade, he stopped at Malfoys first. "Dear boy! It's almost perfect! 5 more points to Slytherin!" Are you kidding me right now? When Slughorn got to mine I was happy to hear him say "You must have gotten your skill from your mother, 5 points to Gryffindor ms. Weasley!" The bell rand and we packed our stuff up and went to our next class. I was pleased to see that Harley and I had almost every class together, I was even more pleased when I discovered I only have two classes with the Slytherins! Potions and Transfiguration. I can deal with that for two classes. No problem. But Merlin was I wrong when I got to dinner that night. Out of all things that could happen on the first day of school, why did hell have to break lose?

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now