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"Come in and sit down, I'm glad you've come to discuss your duties. I wanted to give you both time however, considering- the circumstances.." said headmistress McGonagall curtly. Scorpius and I sat down stiffly in the arm chairs that sat in front of her large wooden desk. "Now, you will be pleased to know that you are both still headboy and headgirl, as taking away that position for a reason much out of your control would be cruel and highly irrational." I breathed a sigh of relief, I'm still headgirl, thank Merlin. "However-" she began, her mouth forming a thin line. "You both need to catch up immediately. Classes have been going on for nearly two weeks, and you both have been present for not even one day. So, in order to fix this problem, you both will attend make-up hours for two hours after normal classes end every day for two weeks, and you will attend a full eight hour day on Saturday for the next two weeks, Sunday's you will be given to complete homework and extra credit projects. Yes this may seem excessive, but this is your NEWT year after all, so you must do what must be done." She finished, looking at us to see if we had questions. Me and Scorpius looked at each other in horror. Two hours, after school, everyday for two weeks. I raised my hand awkwardly, and she nodded towards me to indicate I may ask my question. "Um- not that I don't appreciate the opportunity to make up my missing hours, but- how are we to spend two hours after school on studies, and have time to do our head duties?" I asked. She began to think. "Well, classes start at eight o'clock and end at four o'clock, but your classes will start at eight o'clock, and end at six o'clock, dinner is at seven o'clock, so, it seems you both will need to make a new schedule for prefects to follow, to where you two will be on duty last. I'm sure you will be able to figure it out. "But what about homework?" Scorpius asked, as he seemed to be looking quite overwhelmed with the idea of so much work in one day for two whole weeks.

"Well, depending on how your monitor duties work out will depend what time you do homework. But, you mustn't forget your other head duties. Such as the event planning, setting up meetings with fellow prefects, discussing serious issues you feel the school should recognize, and if I am being honest, this is a lot of work for the both of you. Will you be able to do it all?" She said, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. I could tell she wasn't trying to be harsh, she was trying to be honest. I nodded my head. "We can handle it. Don't worry." I said firmly. I almost saw a smile I think. "And do inform me when you've made a decision of this event we are to hold this year? Because we do have a whole school to inform as well." We nodded our heads and stood out of our seats. "You will begin going to class this next coming Monday, on September 15th, so that's three days to settle any- unfinished family issues." She said curtly, I'm assuming she didn't want to sound rude, asking about our families at the moment. We smiled and left the room. "So, what do we do now?" Scorpius asked, entwining his hands with mine as we walked down the corridor. "Let's go back to our common room. It's already two o'clock, and Albus and Harley won't be out of class until four, so maybe we can just rest awhile. Maybe even talk about this even we are suppose to hold?"

He nodded his head. "Works for me, but, our of curiosity, how's your mother?" He asked softly. I stopped walking and stared at my feet. I haven't been able to face my mom for awhile now.. "Every time I've seen her, she's crying, you know? And I know it's selfish, it's just, I've cried so much lately that I just want it to stop, and I feel like, if I see her, I'll start again.. And I really just want to forget about it for awhile.." I said softly. He kissed my forehead, and hugged me. "Well avoiding it won't fix anything, Rose. I think you should see your mom tomorrow. Because this is just as hard for her as it is for you. I mean- I can't imagine.. If I ever lost you- I just think that your mom really needs you right now." He said quietly. I buried my face in his chest and sighed. "I know I know. I'll send her an owl tonight." He stroked my hair awhile longer, before we continued to our corridor. Later that night Albus and Harley showed up, where they began to tell us everything that we've missed, and Scorpius and I did the same for them. It felt nice, to be able to feel normal for once.. To feel like something wasn't waiting in the shadows to attack us.. We had so much ahead of us to deal with this year, but, I truly truly believed we could do it. We had no choice really. And that night, I had slept for the first time in six years, with absolutely nothing weighing heavily on my chest, or the fear of my families lives, I just felt like I did in first year. As if I had a life of magic and wonder just waiting to happen.. And I couldn't wait to wake up and have it begin.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now