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A couple of days later I had found myself on Christmas Eve. It was hard to decide the best part, the festive holiday spirit, or the fact Dominique had caught the flu? She had been spending her holiday in her room with a fever, and it was horrible, but it kept making me smile. "What she was thinking! Honestly! A skirt in the snow." Grandma kept going in and out of her room to give her food and medicine mumbling under her breath. Scorpius and I hadn't been able to get any alone time since then, but we kept catching each other's eyes, and I was surprised by how much it hurt to not be around him. But I wouldn't have to be alone for long, Harley was coming over the day after Christmas to spend the rest of the holiday at the Burrow. My father and uncle had been away all holiday, but today they were coming home finally. "I wish your father would hurry up. It's getting late." My mother said as she started washing the dishes from dinner. "Why were they gone so long?" I asked as I sat down at the table, watching my mother. She sighed heavily, "after- well you know... They've been working so much more, extra hours, I'm worried they almost never sleep." My mother said heavily. I felt my body go stiff, and a shiver go down my spine at her words. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. My mother turned away from her dishes with a horrified look on her face. "Don't you dare!" She whispered angrily, her eyes shining with tears. "Don't you dare for one second think it's your fault!" She said as she sat down next to me and took my hands in hers. "But now they have to practically camp at the ministry." I said sadly. I felt my mothers hands tighten at my words. Then she started to laugh, actually laugh. "Mom?" I asked, starting to get worried. "Trust me Rosie. They are going to have the biggest laugh the moment they have to camp anywhere." She said with a chuckle. She stood up and waved her wand and the dishes flew out of the sink and started to dry themselves with a towel. "Am I missing something?" I asked, curious about what she meant. She shook her head, "one of these days I'll tell you, but not now." She said with a smile. "Now go get ready for bed like everyone els, big day tomorrow." She said sternly. We said our goodnights and I left the kitchen, heading upstairs to get ready for bed. Everyone els was already in their rooms, except a few of the parents, who were waiting up for uncle Harry and my dad. Once I reached the landing to my room, I saw the door was already open... I pulled out my wand, and stepped inside. The door closed behind me and the lights turned on. I quickly turned behind me to see Scorpius with his hands in the air, "it's just me." He whispered. Not knowing what came over me, I threw myself at him. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck as I kissed him. When I pulled away, Scorpius was blushing and his eyes were wide with shock. "I- um-" he stuttered, making me laugh. I kissed him again, more gently this time. "I missed you..." I whispered, resting my forehead against his. He put me down, and reached into his back pocket. "Well, I can't give this to you tomorrow, so I figured I'd give it to you tonight..." He pulled out a small, thin, envelop. "You can't open it yet though, you have to wait ok?" He said as he handed it to me. I smiled at the envelop, "okay." I said happily, putting the envelope in my open trunk at the edge of my bed. I rummaged inside my trunk and pulled out a small, neatly wrapped dark blue box with a silver ribbon. I turned to give it to him and his face flushed, "you- got me something?" He asked shyly. "Yea, why wouldn't I?" I asked. "Well- I've only really gotten presents from your grandma and Albus..." He said awkwardly. 'That can't be right..?' I thought to myself. "But- what about your mom and dad?" I asked. I saw his eyes dart to the floor. "My father says that they make you spoiled, so I've never gotten anything from him or mother." He said in a would-be- lightly tone of voice. He put on a strained smile, "I don't really care. I don't need objects." He said sternly. I felt my stomach churn, "that's true- but it's the thought that counts isn't it? It's about being with your family.." I said quietly. Scorpius laughed harshly, "like he cares about that, on holidays he stays in his studies, working." He said as he leaned against the wall. "But what about your mom?" I asked sadly. He shrugged his shoulders, "she's drunk half the time. I'm pretty sure she likes to pretend me and my father don't exist, I can't blame her. I'd want to forget anything that has to do with him if I was her too." He spat out bitterly. I went stiff at his words, "but... The holidays are suppose to be spent with your family..." I said sadly, wishing more then anything that what he was saying was a joke. He sighed heavily, "If that were the case then where are they? Don't you notice that I'm practically always here?" He said, throwing his arms in exaggeration. "I'm always here Rose. Hell, I'd rather be here then with my folks any day." He said simply, no struggle in his voice. I didn't know what to say... I didn't think it was possible to say such a thing about your own family... He seemed to notice the shock in my eyes, "Your family is different Rose. You get to live a perfect little life here." He said, crossing his arms. My grip tightened around the box. "You use to stand up for your father." I said stiffly. He rolled his eyes, "I was stupid. I didn't realize all he had done! I know the stories of your family, we read about them every year in History of Magic! Even from my point of view, I hate the Malfoy name." He spat out bitterly. "You said that he didn't have a choice though!" I said angrily. His face went red, "everyone has a choice! He was a coward!" He yelled back. "He tried to make sure his family was safe!" I tried to defend. He laughed coldly, "keep them safe? He tried to keep himself safe. It's because of him that everywhere I go, I'm looked at like trash, you met him! You know what he's like! Because of him people look at me like I'm a parasite. Like a disease that won't go away." He spat. I tried to be understanding, "your not trash, no one thinks that-" I tried to say but he interrupted me, "No one thinks that!?" He yelled angrily, making me fall silent. "Your own father thinks that! MY father thinks that!" He yelled. "You don't know what it's like! Only people who don't think I'm trash are girls, and that's because of my looks! You wouldn't understand because your the golden child! Everyone is too busy thinking how wonderful you are-" SMACK. I had thrown the box at his face, hard. My heart was racing from anger and my face was red. "How dare you." I whispered. "You have no right." I continued quietly. "Just because my family didn't make the same mistakes your father made, does not give you the right to say such things." I whispered angrily. He didn't say anything, "thanks for the present." I said firmly. I turned my back on him and started to pull out pajamas, trying to ignore the stinging in my eyes. I heard a thud, when I turned around Scorpius was gone and the door was closed. 'Your such an idiot!' I thought angrily in my head. I started to pull everything out of my trunk angrily, throwing clothes everywhere. Finally I saw it, the white envelope. I yanked it out and threw it across the room in anger. It made a dull thud sound. I heard hurried footsteps and my door slam open, "what's going on!?" I turned around to see my mother looking worried, her wand in hand. "What are all your clothes doing on the floor?" She asked. "Nothing, sorry was looking for something." I said, not turning around to meet her eyes. "But- I heard yelling?" She said more calmly. "Yea- Malfoy was up here. He threw a fake spider in my room as a prank." I lied. I felt my chest tighten when I used his last name to address him. My mother sighed heavily, "boys..." She mumbled as she closed my door. I sat on the cold wooden floor in silence. 'What are you? Are you still together? Was this just a fight or a long lasting thing?' Thoughts kept swarming in my head, and I wasn't sure what to think. "Why does it hurt so much?" I asked myself quietly, as tears escaped my eyes and slid down my cheek. I hugged my knees close to me as I felt the cold tears drip down onto the floor. Not fully conscious to what I was doing, I got up off the ground, and put on a jacket. I opened the window in my room, and began to climb out of it. There was a tree branch that sat right next to my window. I clambered into the tree, and began to climb as high as I could. I blinked away the now frozen tears as the wind whistled around my body. I reached my hand up to grab a branch, but my foot slipped on ice and I let go. I screamed as I was dangling from the tree. I started to breath heavily, I swung my leg to a branch and began to climb again. Finally I reached a perch, dusted the snow off, and sat in the tree. I snuggled in my jacket while I tried to catch my breath. I looked down and saw I was at least 50ft up, looking like a never ending fall with all the snow. I felt the snowflakes land in my windswept hair as I sat in the frozen tree. I looked up in the sky to see it was dark blue, with almost no silver stars shining in its dark blanket. I don't know how long I stared at the sky silently, but it felt like ages till I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was to see the orange tint in my eyelids and the faint chirping of birds. My eyes fluttered open, and I stared at the sky for a little bit, then I sat up so quickly I almost fell out of the tree. I looked around and saw how high in the tree I was, "when the hell did I get in a tree!?" I asked myself, starting to panic. I was freezing and stiff, and my joints popped every time I tried to move. I started to climb down the tree, slipping every now and then. After what felt like forever, I finally got to my window. I carefully climbed back inside, panting slightly. As I looked around the room I saw the scattered clothes, and the memories of last night flew in my head. I felt a sudden sadness go through me. But I wasn't standing around for long until my door slammed open. "I already checked here! She isn't going- Rose?" Albus said looking shocked to see me, Fred and Lily behind him. "We've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?" Lily asked. "Oh- um-" I stood in the middle of my room trying to explain but nothing came out. Fred rolled his eyes, "let's go!" Fred grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of my room and down the stairs, not before I saw the worried look in Albus's eyes. I was soon in the living room where my entire family was crowded around, all looking worried. "She was in her room." Fred said as he sat down next to his dad. I looked around the room, Scorpius was sitting on the floor next to the tree, and I looked at his wrist and saw he was wearing the present I had got him. A very nice gold watch with his name engraved on the glass outside the numbers. I looked away and saw my dad and uncle were back. "Hia Rosie." My uncle said cheerfully. My dad walked over and hugged me, "hey guys." I said, trying to sound happy. "Alright, now you can all open your presents." My grandma said cheerfully. My grandpa started to call out names and toss parcels at the owners. "Hermione!" He said happily as he tossed one to my mother who flushed. The proud look in my fathers face told me it was from him. My mother gently took off the paper and gasped. "Oh- Ron!" I saw her put down what obviously looked like a book. My mother kissed my father and hugged the book. My fathers ears went read, "thought you'd like it.." He said quietly. My mother was practically beaming. I looked at the cover and saw it said, "Hogwarts, A history." "Scorpius!" I looked over to see my grandpa pass him a brown parcel. I could tell it was from my grandmother. Scorpius looked taken aback and looked around at them all. "But-?" My grandmother was smiling fondly. Scorpius opened the parcel and I saw a green sweater fall out. He held it up to show it had a golden M written on the front. "But-" Scorpius was at a lost for words. "Do you like it?" My grandmother asked with pleading eyes. "Please, it's not made of his rich people material." My father mumbled under his breath. "I thought I should give you one of the famous family sweaters. You are like family after all." My grandma said. Scorpius dropped the sweater neatly on the ground and hugged my grandma. She looked taken aback as he let go. "Thank you." He said firmly, his silver eyes filled with happiness. My grandma waved away his thank you, but I saw her wipe her eyes. "Annnnd, Rosie!" My name was called next. I was tossed a small and neatly wrapped object. I could tell it was a book, and I happily ripped off the paper. "The Hunger Games..." I read aloud. There were two other books with it, all apart of a set. "It's a very popular muggle story. They even have movies about it!" My mother said as she watched me examine the book with interest. "What's a movie?" Albus, Scorpius, Fred, and half the family asked at the same time. My mother sighed heavily, "never mind." she said. I understood that a movie was moving pictures, almost like a book, but different in a way. I set the books down and watched my family continue to open their presents. Hugo opened the present from me and I was happy to see the look on his face. "But- how did you know?" He asked as he lifted up the t-shirt with a picture of a muggle band on it called '3 days grace'. "I begged mom to take me to a muggle store, and I remember at the Christmas ball a couple years ago, you mentioned how much you loved this band." Hugo put the t-shirt on over his pajamas and smiled at me. I looked over and saw Scorpius was staring at me, I forced myself to look away. I focused on Al opening a present from Harley. "Oh sweet!" He said as he tried on his new quidditch goggles. "All the pros use these too!" He said happily as he stared at the goggles with admiration. "Maybe next time you can actually catch the snitch." Scorpius teased. "Shut up." Albus said, punching him playfully against the arm. Everyone in the room laughed, except my father, who had suddenly found Hugo's t-shirt very interesting. "Well, I'll go start breakfast." My grandmother said, all the moms got up to go help her. "Hey Rosie?" I turned around to see Hugo looking awkward. "Could I borrow Romeo?" He asked quickly. I found this very odd. "Why?" I asked suspiciously. "To write a letter." He said in a very annoyed tone. "I guess." I said. He ran upstairs, blushing. I looked over to see Lily giggling. "Does this have something to do with his new girlfriend?" I asked with a smirk. Lily stopped giggling at once, "nope." She said firmly. She grabbed her stuff and ran upstairs. "Hey Rosie! Wanna play a game of quidditch?" James asked. I thought about it, but I'm almost sure Scorpius would be there. Not wanting to see him right now, or pretend in front of people, "no, I think I'll start on my books actually." I said reluctantly. Ignoring James sad look, I grabbed my books, and ran upstairs. When I closed the door I climbed out of my window. I was just in the tree when I heard my bedroom door open. "Rose?" Someone whispered. Not wanting to reveal my hiding place, I didn't move. I heard a door close, and I began to climb the tree once more. Once I got to my little perch, I looked around and could see the figures in the distance flying on brooms. I cuddled in my jacket and opened the first book. "What the hell are you doing?" I heard someone ask loudly. I gasped and I watched in horror as my book fell out of my hands and fell out of the tree and onto the snowy ground. I turned around angrily and was surprised to see Scorpius. "I WAS reading until you made me drop it! Now the pages will get wet!" I said hotly. "Are you a witch or not?" Scorpius asked dryly. I narrowed my eyes, "I'm underaged." I said. He rolled his eyes, "yea, do you know how many Weasleys are in this one place? They would think it was your parents or something." He said irritably. I pulled out my wand, "Accio book." I said quietly. My book zoomed up off the ground and into my hands. I dusted the snow off the cover and slipped my wand into my knee high winter boots. "What are you doing here?" I asked irritably. "Well your little perch thing here? It's right next to my window." He said with a smirk. I looked over and was surprised to see an opened window. "Was that always there?" I asked in surprise. "Of course it was, you never noticed?"' He asked with raised eyebrows. I shrugged my shoulders, "only time I've been this high in the tree before today was last night..." I said quietly, not wanting to look away from the window. It was awkwardly silent for awhile, "you didn't answer my question." I said before I could stop myself. "Why are you here?" I asked. I looked away from the window to see his face. He was always pale, but he had whiter skin in contrast to the snow. His blonde hair almost white. His silver eyes standing almost transparent with the lighting. "I was sitting in my room, and I saw very familiar red hair through my window." He said with a smirk. "I see." I said quietly. I was hoping for something els to be his reason for being here... "I'm sorry..." He whispered. I looked into his eyes and saw he meant it. "I had no right to yell at you. You were only trying to be understanding and I- well I was a total douche." He said honestly. I felt my face contort into a smile. "I see you opened my present." I said in a sarcastic angry voice. He laughed and looked at the watch. "Uh- yea... I was angry and then- well you threw it at my face! Can't blame me for wanting to open it and see what hit me." He said, failing to hide the laugh in his voice. "Yea, I guess not. I would say I was sorry for that- but I'm not a very good liar." I said with a wink. He scoffed, "oh really?" He said, standing up slowly in the branch. I watched him grab some snow off the top branch and start to form a ball. "You wouldn't." I said, trying to believe my own words. He nodded his head and looked at the snowball, then back at me. "I would say I wouldn't do that to you, but I'm not a very good liar." He said, giving me an evil smirk. He threw the snowball and it hit my pant leg. I quickly started to maneuver my way around the tree, I grabbed some snow off a branch and made it into a ball. When I peeked around the tree however, he was gone. "Scorpius?" I asked slowly, starting to get worried. I looked below, but I didn't see him anywhere. I felt something cold hit the top of my head, and when I looked up I saw Scorpius sitting in the highest branch of the tree, about 10ft above me. "How did you get up there!?" I asked in surprise. He shrugged his shoulders, "very carefully!" He yelled down, and I saw him drop another snow bomb on me. I swung myself around the tree and dodged it. I looked up and saw a lining of tree limbs sticking out that he must have climbed. I slowly began to climb up, hugging closely to the tree. "Not sure if that's a good idea Weasley!" He called down. I screamed as I watched him swing backwards with his legs wrapped around the branch so he was now dangling off the tree upside down. "Your going to hurt yourself!" I yelled. He reached his arm down (or in his case, up) and pick up snow on the branch below him. He balled it up and dropped it on my head. "I'm not worried!" He called down with a laugh. "You are SO going to get it Malfoy!" I growled with a smirk. I grabbed some snow, and aimed it directly at his face. His eyes widened as I threw it, and then he was spitting up snow. He carefully threw his torso back over so he was sitting up, and he began to climb down. At first I though he was coming to me, but then I saw him grab some snow and I immediately started to climb down to my window as fast as possible. "No where to run Weasley!" He called down with a laugh. I jumped through my window, panting. I looked around my room for some type of shield and saw a pillow. I quickly grabbed it and turned back to the window in enough time to see Scorpius climb through it. The snow was still frozen in a ball in his pale hand, "haha, cornered." He said happily. I put the pillow in front of me like a shield as a laugh escaped my throat. He came closer, "stay away!" I laughed. He sighed dramatically, "I'm afraid I can't! Revenge must be taken into action for your horrible crime." He said sternly, making me laugh. "And what crime was that?" I said in a falsely dignified voice as I whacked him in the arm, trying to knock the snowball out of his hands but he kept ahold of it. "The crime, of being too perfect." He said quietly. I rolled my eyes and swung the pillow at him again. He dodged it and wrapped his arms around me from behind, our backs now facing the door. I tried to break loose but he had one leg wrapped around my ankle making me not able to get out. I squirmed as he started to laugh, "victory really is sweet isn't it?" He whispered in my ear, making my body shiver. "Don't do it!" I whined as he showed me the snowball. He started to laugh as he dropped it on my head and rubbed it into my hair, making it wet and cold. "Ugh" I groaned. He started to laugh again, his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. He kissed my cheek gently, "I win." He said happily. "Oh trust me, I'll get payback." I said in a very serious tone. He started to laugh again. "Very cute." He said. I didn't laugh, "what's cuter is that you think I'm playing." I said with a smirk. I looked behind to watch his smile fade a little and his eyes looked scared. Suddenly I heard my bedroom door opened wide behind us and someone walked in, my heart started to beat fast and Scorpius had lost any color he had on his face as his body went rigid. We had got caught.

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