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For the rest of the summer Scorpius and I avoided each other as much as possible, and if we saw each other we didn't say anything. It was rather peaceful for me too and when ever Harley finally came over from her trip to Russia my summer became a lot better. We played quidditch, well I played and Harley watched. And she told me all about Russia and all the things she saw. And I told her about how I showed Malfoy up in our quidditch match. We only had three more weeks till we went into second year so Harley and I had been taking about exams and how much we couldn't wait to see Sarah and Hannah. I had sent them a letter to meet us at Diagon Alley today when we go get our school things for the new year. "Girls! Come downstairs! We are about to leave!" I could hear my mother yelling downstairs. "Come on, we better hurry." I told Harley as I closed the book I was reading. Harley and I stood up and walked out onto the landing that lead upstairs and downstairs. The moment I closed my door and turned around to walk is what set off one of the worst chain reactions ever. Scorpius ran right into me, knocking me over. I grabbed onto Harley who screamed and fell down with us. We fell down the stairs and didn't stop rolling till the last step. We lay in a crumbled heap on the floor moaning in pain. "Gerofmm" I heard Scorpius mumble. "What?" I mumbled as I rubbed my head. "I think he said "get off me."" Harley said with a heavy sigh. "Hm? Oh." I sat up and rolled off of the blonde rodent that was Malfoy. He took a heavy breath. "Honestly Weasley, maybe check where your going next time?" He said as he laid down on the cold wooden floor. "Watch where IM going? Oh that's rich coming from you, seeing as how your the one who ran into me!" I said irritably as I helped Harley off the floor. "Whatever Weasley." Malfoy sat up and got off the floor, dusting himself off. Albus, Mother, and the rest of the family gathered around us. "What happened?" "What was all that noise?" "Did you fall?" "Gasp* are you ok?" "Is anyone hurt?" So many questions at once. I rubbed my head and looked at my family. "Yes, we're fine. Just took a short cut down the stairs is all." A few of them laughed. "Yea well can we just take the long way next time?" Harley said as she dusted herself off, but she wasn't that serious. I could see her holding in her laugh. "Alright, time to go. Everyone into the living room." Grandma Molly yelled over everyone. Everyone went into the living room and lined up. "Alright, you know the drill children. Take a small pinch of floo powder and speak very very clearly." We all nodded our heads. We waited for grandma to start passing around the vase but she stood still and examined us all. "Grandma?" I heard Teddy ask. "Oh, sorry dear. Just got an idea is all. There are so many of you and why waist floo powder? How about we do two at a time yes?" We all hesitated at first but then agreed. First Mom and Hugo, then uncle Harry and Lilly. Then James and Fred. Uncle George and Dad went to the joke shop early this morning so we would meet them there. Grandma, Fleur, and Aunt Ginny would be staying here. The rest went ahead until all that was left was Albus, Harley, Scorpius and I. Albus stepped into the fireplace and waited for Scorpius. But to my horror my grandmother ushered Harley into the fireplace. Harley shot me a look of confusion. Albus and Scorpius look just as confused as Harley and I. "I just remembered, Harley's parents sent an owl this morning. They are meeting you at Flourish and Blotts dear. So you need to get there sooner." We all nodded reluctantly. Then Albus and Harley where engulfed in green flames, then gone. "Alright dears, you next." Scorpius and I got into the fireplace trying to keep a distance away from each other, but in a small fireplace that's not exactly easy. "Alright Scorpius, take a pinch of floo powder." Scorpius did. "There you go, now remember to speak very clearly." Grandma Molly took a step back and Scorpius threw down the floo powder and yelled, "diagon lilly!" And me and my grandma shared one last wide eyed look of horror as the green flames engulfed Scorpius and I. I felt a horrible jolt like a fish hook at my mid section, and the Burrow vanished from sight.

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