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We didn't breath or move, we heard the person walk in quickly and close the door behind them. Scorpius let me go and we both slowly turned around. I felt the biggest wave of relief wash over me. It was Harley. "You two are SO lucky it was me!" She whispered, looking very shocked. I ran up and hugged her, "what are you doing here!? You weren't suppose to be here till tomorrow! I thought you were going to be someone els." I sighed loudly. She back away and looked at the two of us sternly, "my parents had to go on a business trip so I showed up early. And you both should be grateful it was me who opened that door while you two did your- weird relationship stuff." She said stiffly. "By the way Malfoy, Albus has been looking for you. He's on his way upstairs." She added kindly. Scorpius jumped, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and ran out of the window and began to climb the tree yelling "thanks!" As he disappeared from view. "It's dangerous doing that HERE, don't you think?" She whispered. I shrugged my shoulders awkwardly, "we got caught in the moment?" I said shyly. Harley rolled her eyes, but I saw the corner of her lips twitch. She dropped her bags on the guest bed that was in the corner of the room. "Ok, first things first, we need a plan!" She said happily. She pulled out a quill and parchment. "Pardon?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, feeling confused. "A plan? To make sure Dominique doesn't attempt to get your boyfriend!" Harley said loudly, shocked I had forgotten something so major (in her point of view.) I shook my head, "no need. My lovely cousin decided she was going to skimp around in a mini skirt to catch his eye. Well we eat outside right? She had a fever the next morning. She's had the flu all holiday." I said with a laugh. Harley began to laugh, but stopped immediately. "Shouldn't laugh at that." Harley said to herself. "Harley it's okay to laugh at her, it's what she gets for going in the snow in a skirt." I said calmly. Harley nodded her head and I saw a grin creep across her face. "So how did Al like his present?" She asked. I smiled, "loved it." I said. She did a happy little clapping dance then sat down on the bed, crossed her legs, and rested her chin in her hands. "Okay, let me see it." She said happily. I gave her a puzzled look, "see what?" I asked. "What he got you!" She said as if it were the most obvious thing ever. Realizing what she meant, I went to the corner of my room and grabbed the envelope. "I don't know what he got me actually..." I said slowly, turning the envelope in my hand carefully. I walked back over to Harley and sat next to her, still staring at the envelope. "Are you going to open it anytime soon?" Harley asked sarcastically. 'Am I?' I asked myself. "I don't know if I should."
I said quietly. "Why not?" Harley asked curiously. 'Yea... Why not?' A voice in my head asked. "Well... Alright." I said. I opened the envelope and looked inside. There was a folded piece of parchment, and a silver locket... I held up the chain and saw a small sapphire at the end of it. "Wow, it's really pretty..." Harley said quietly. I held the sapphire part of the necklace and turned it over in my hands. The silver piece that held the sapphire onto the necklace had a white 'M' engraved on it. "Wonder what it stands for?" She asked, also staring at the pretty 'M'. I shrugged my shoulders quietly. The necklace was beautiful, and I loved it but- something felt weird about it. Like it shouldn't really be mine. "I'll put it on you." Harley said, taking the necklace out of my hands carefully. She put the necklace on me and I walked over to a mirror to examine it. It was very beautiful... "Makes your eyes pop more." Harley said with a thumbs up. It was true, the blue in the necklace matched the blue in my eyes. I smiled widely at it, the eerie feeling fading in the blue diamonds beauty. I quickly ran back to the envelope that was laying on the bed. I picked up the folded piece of parchment but when I tried to unfold it, I felt a sting and dropped it on the floor. "What's up with it?" Harley asked, picking up the paper, that gleamed red. "There's a charm on it, to keep me from opening it... But why?" I asked, grabbing the paper from Harley and examining it. "Wait! There are words!" Harley said, pointing at the back of the paper. I turned it over to see a neat scrawl of words appear.
"I will never open, till the day is in need Where there lacks trust, is when you may read. I hope the day does not come, for when the first sorrow falls. But if it must, rely on me to call."
I read aloud from the paper. I looked up at Harley to see the same look of confusion I felt. "What do you think that means?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "beats me..." I said quietly, turning the paper over in my hands. "Ask him later, your grandma told me to tell you lunch was ready." She said, starting to walk out of the room. I put the folded parchment inside my trunk, inside one of my new books. I tucked the beautiful sapphire necklace into my shirt and followed Harley down the stairs where the smell of roasted sandwiches wafted all around the house. As we walked I heard footsteps behind us and when I turned around I saw a very grumpy looking Dominique. "Hey Dom, how you feeling?" I asked, leaning against the wall. She sniffed and threw her nose in the air, "I feel fine thank you." She said stiffly. "Maybe next time you won't wear a skirt when it's only 20 degrees outside?" I asked with raised eyebrows. I saw her face go pink, then I saw her eyes dart to my chest. "What is that weird lump in your shirt?" She asked hurriedly, desperate to change the subject no doubt. I hesitated, but pulled out the beautiful sapphire necklace to show her. She stared at it in awe. "Where did you get that?" She asked as she looked at it. I clamped my hand around it and held it close to myself, "Christmas present. Don't let grams see you out of bed Dom, unless you want to see her explode." I said warningly. Doms eyes widened and I watched as she ran back into her room. Harley and I laughed as we went down the stairs, "told you, nothing to worry about." I said as we entered the snow covered backyard for lunch. "There you are! Had me worried for a second. I haven't seen you in ages." My father said, standing up from the table and hugging me. I hugged him back, not being able to really say anything. He pulled away and looked at me fondly, "we're going to catch the guys who did that to you, I promise." He said firmly. I shuddered unwillingly at the thought of what happened and forced a smile, "yea." I said quietly. His face looked suddenly very intrigued. "Where did you get that Rosie?" He asked, pointing at my chest. I looked down and saw I had forgotten to tuck back in the silver chain and the sapphire was sparking happily against my black sweater, the sun rays blinking off it. "Oh- um-" I started to say, "I got it for her as a present. I found it in diagon alley and thought she would like it." Harley said in a very casual tone. I felt a bubble of praise raise in my stomach. As we walked away, "thank you." I sighed with relief. She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't like lying, but we have no choice right now do we?" She said quietly. We sat down at the end of the table and started eat our sandwiches. "So is it true Teddy and Victorie are getting married!?" She whispered excitedly. I nodded my head, "yea, I think she is wanting it during this summer?" I said with a smile. Harley nodded her head a looked down the table in interest. "Did you find anything out about Hugo's new girlfriend?" She asked, not taking her eyes off Hugo (who was whispering to Lily with a small smile as he had a slight blush around his cheeks.) I shook my head, "Nope, all I know is that he's been using Romeo to send letters to her." I said. Harley nodded her head slowly. "We're going to spy on him arnt we?" She asked. I took a bite of my sandwich and without looking at her, "yup." I said simply. I looked up to see her deep in thought, "what's up?" I asked slowly. "I have a plan..." She muttered, still looking at Hugo. I chewed my food silently, waiting for her to tell me. "Does he ask to use Romeo?" She asked, finally turning to look at me. "Yea why?" I asked stupidly. She nodded her head and leaned forward in her seat, looking around her to make sure no one was listening. "Here's the plan. When Hugo asks to borrow Romeo, and goes to write the letter, we can wait a couple of minutes. Enough time maybe to know he has a letter written or before he sends it. Then, we create a diversion." She whispered happily. I stared at her blankly. She sighed heavily, "well I can call up to him and say his mother wants him immediately! Then when he comes downstairs, you sneak into his room and read the letter, then get out before he sees you!" She said as if it were obvious. I nodded my head slowly, almost a perfect plan! "Alright." I said firmly. "Let's do it." We stood up, and I caught Scorpius's eye. He gave me a questioning look, and I tried to say 'tell you later' with my eyes, though I doubt it worked. I looked down the long table for my brother and found him, "hey! Hugo!" I called. He stopped whispering to Lily at once and looked at me. "Is Romeo back yet?" I asked casually. He shot Lily a look and then looked back at me, "well- yea I was planning on sending a letter after lunch actually... If you don't mind that is." He added quickly. I nodded my head, "yea no problem, I was just wondering is all." I said simply. I turned around and walked back inside with Harley. "Alright, you need to position yourself outside his room, stay hidden." She said quietly. "Yea but how will you know when to call him downstairs?" I asked suddenly. She shrugged her shoulders, "I'll just wait a minute or two." She said simply. I suddenly felt like this plan might not be the best idea... She shooed me upstairs, once I got to the landing where Hugo's room was located, (he also shared it with Louis, James, and Fred at the moment) and went up just one more landing. I sat on the steps above his room and waited. I would need to hear him go inside, then hear him leave. I waited for a long while and was starting to get board until I finally heard footsteps. I heard a door open and close, and then silence once again. I was only waiting for a little over a minute when I heard more footsteps. "Hugo!" Harley's voice called up the stairs. I heard a muffled sound from his room, then the door open. "What!" My brother yelled. "Your mother wants you, she says it can't wait!" She called. Hugo groaned, "I'm busy!" He called back. "She said if you don't get down here now- oh dear. I'd rather not repeat it!" She called up. I clamped a hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh. I heard a door slam, and quick footsteps down the stairs. I quietly walked down the steps and opened Hugo's door. It was a pig sty, you could tell James and Fred slept here. Clothes were scattered everywhere, candy wrappers, and other trash littered the floor and beds. Even Louis's side looked unkept. But I looked to the right corner of the room that was next to the window where Hugo slept and saw it was perfectly clean. The bed was made and not a spec of dust or trash insight. I walked over to his desk in front of the window where sunlight poured into the room. Romeo, who was perched on Hugo's bed post hooted softly as I passed him. I saw a piece of parchment on the desk. I started to read the neat scrawl of my brothers handwriting, not touching the paper, not wanting to look like someone touched it.
"I'm sorry babe. I know you hate this secret thing, but I'm not ready to tell my family. Not yet. Besides, you can't get onto me about not telling anyone. Your parents don't know yet either, just saying. But we can get through this, I promise. I miss you too and we only have one more week until we can see each other again. And really babe? All that's going on with us, and your more worried about what people will think about the fact we are in different houses? You are so crazy, and I love it. Ugh, my sisters friend is calling me downstairs. Hold on-"

And the letter ends there. "Hmmmm..." I hummed quietly, thinking quickly. I looked around the desk and saw a folded piece of parchment. I picked it up, unfolded it, and began to read.

"Hugo, God I miss you. I hate having to keep this a secret! I wish you would tell someone other then Lily, maybe then we could see each other more often. When we do tell people about our relationship, do you think your family will hate me for being a Ravenclaw? I mean- I know how your family was when one of your cousins was put in Slytherin. Didn't you say your dad threw a glass or something at the wall? I got to go, hurry up and write me! By the way, your sisters owl is wonderful, love the name.

As I finished the letter I heard footsteps up the stairs, I quickly folded the letter and put it how I found it. I quickly walked over to James side of the large room and started throwing stuff randomly, pretending to look for something. The door opened, "Rosie!?" Hugo asked suddenly, I looked over and saw he went pale and shot his letter a quick glance. "Oh- hey! I lost something of mine and I think James took it- but I can't seem to find it." I moved one more thing then turned fully around. "I'll ask him if he has it." I said quickly. I walked towards the door, "oh and hurry with Romeo, I need to send a letter." I lied, trying to make me being there more realistic. He nodded his head and walked over to his desk irritably. I closed his door behind me and bolted upstairs to my room, when I opened the door Harley was already there. "Well?" She asked in a hushed voice. I sat down and began to tell her all I found out. "Well, I know his girlfriends name is Erin." I said happily. She nodded her head quickly, eager for me to continue. "And she doesn't like keeping it a secret, but Hugo isn't ready to tell us all he's dating her!" I said. Harley didn't say anything, "and why? Because she's a Ravenclaw! It's so stupid, like we would care if he dates a girl from a different house." I grumbled. Harley nodded her head, "it makes since, he's worried about what your father will say when he knows his girlfriend isn't a Gryffindor." She said knowingly. I stood up angrily, "it shouldn't matter though! A house is just a house, and it shouldn't matter! Not what her house is, or what her families past is!" I yelled angrily. Harley stared at me in shock at my outburst. I was a little shocked myself. "Are you saying that because you support your brother, or because you support your relationship?" She asked with raised eyebrows. I hesitated, "maybe both..." I whispered quietly. She nodded her head, "well at least now we know SOMETHING, now we just need to wait till Hugo feels it's time to tell us." She said simply. I nodded my head in agreement. "Well I'm going to find Albus, haven't seen him in awhile. And he said something about a walk around the pond." She said, standing up. "Ok, see you later." I said as I watched her skip out of the room. I walked around my room and looked out the window. It was snowing lightly outside. I turned away from my window and walked over to my mirror. The sapphire sparkled against my black sweater, and I stared at it in silence. 'It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, the silver chain gleaming in the light and sparkling with the blue diamond. And I know I should be thrilled that my boyfriend had thought to get me something so beautiful, and yet-? Something felt wrong about wearing it. But it felt wrong to take it off as well...' I thought to myself as I rubbed the diamond in between my thumb and index finger. I lifted the stone up and turned it over, going almost cross eyed because it was hard to look at this so closely. "M..." I read aloud. 'It wouldn't stand for Malfoy would it?' I thought. I tucked the necklace back into my shirt and walked over to my trunk, pulled out my book, and sat in my bed. Trying to stop thinking about the curious, yet beautiful chain around my neck. When I opened the book, a piece of folded parchment fell out. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. "Whenever the first sorrow falls?" I read aloud. I shoved the paper back in my book and tossed the book onto the foot of my bed in frustration. His present confused me in many ways, and I wasn't sure how to ask him about it. I wasn't sure if I SHOULD ask him about it actually. I rolled over on my side and hugged a pillow. As thoughts zoomed around in my head, I slowly drifted off into a deep slumber. The actions of the day taking over my energy.

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