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I was woken up an hour later by Harley. I woke up when someone chucked a pillow at my head. "Why are you sleeping?" She asked loudly, hitting me with another pillow. I groaned and turned over in my bed, "it. Is. Still. Christmas." She said, hitting me across the body with a pillow after every word. I sat up groggily, "sorry, fell asleep.." I said while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. She dropped the pillow and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up off the bed. "Come on, everyone's in the living room." She said urgently. As I was dragged to the door I looked over to see the setting sun through my window. We walked down the stairs and when we entered the living room, everyone in the burrow was in the living room. My mother must have used many charms to grow the room to fit so many people inside. As I looked around I saw James, Fred, and uncle George playing with weird hats that made their heads disappear (to the entertainment of anyone watching). Victorie and Teddy were slow dancing under floating mistletoe, and uncle Bill was watching them with narrowed eyes as he half listened to aunt Fleur lecture Dominique in rapid French. Dominique rolled her eyes, making uncle Bill bring his attention back to his wife and daughter. "Do not use that attitude with your mother Dom." He said firmly. She cast her gaze to the floor and continued to listen to the lecture with a glum face. I almost felt bad for her. Lily and Hugo were by the fireplace playing chess and whispering happily to one another, while Louise and Roxanne played exploding snap. I watched Harley walk to one side of the room where I saw Albus and Scorpius hanging out laughing about something. I followed gladly, eager to talk to Scorpius, even if I had to pretend to hate him. "What's so funny?" Harley asked while nudging Albus in his side. Albus circled his arm around her waist and whispered in her ear, and she laughed. I felt a pang of jealousy as I looked at how openly happy they were, I was starting to wonder why Scorpius and I had to keep this a secret... But then I remember my father and his father and just- ugh! I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Harley. "They're talking about how Scorpius has a new fan." She said mockingly. Scorpius blushed and narrowed his eyes at Albus and Harley who were still laughing. Albus punched Scorpius on the arm playfully, "oh come on. It's funny! I mean she caught the flu for you bro." He said with a smirk. "Making it creepy." Scorpius stated dryly. I saw him glance at me then back at Albus. Al looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, as if thinking. "What?" I asked blankly. His eyes widened, "no smart ass retort? No joke? Nothing to make fun of?" He asked in shock. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't in the mood to pretend right now. I glanced at Scorpius, hoping for help. "She's just jealous is all." He said quickly. Al started to laugh again. "Um- where's my dad?" I asked quickly. "I think I saw uncle Ron outside." He said, pointing to the front door. I turned around quickly, grabbed my coat off the coat rack, and opened the front door where the cold wind whistled through my hair. I closed the door and stood in the cold snow, looking left and right for the red hair of my father. It didn't take long, he was standing by the window, looking grumpily inside, shivering. "The door isn't locked you know." I called after him, making him jump. He glanced at me, then looked back into the window grumpily. "I'm trying to figure out why he is here. I'm sure his father could have hired anyone to watch his little brat." He spat out bitterly. "Who? Scorpius?" I asked, walking up to him. He stared at me with wide eyes. "Since when do you call him Scorpius?" He asked in horror. I stopped walking as I felt my stomach drop, 'you idiot!!' I kicked myself in my mind. "Did I? My mistake." I said quickly. He shot me a suspicious look, then back to the window. "It's just suspicious..." He said quietly with narrowed eyes. "Er- what is?" I asked, starting to feel worried. My father shrugged his shoulders, "Malfoy has never stayed here unless it's during the summer. Your attacked, Dolohov is showing himself more often, and suddenly Draco Malfoy has something come up and his son needs to stay here during the Holidays?" He said quietly. "What are you trying to say?" I asked, my heart beating fast. "I love Albus like a son. And I get Scorpius is his best friend, but I don't trust him." He said firmly, looking me in the eye. I wasn't sure how to respond to his words. But all I knew was that I felt angry, angry that he always had to turn against Scorpius, like he was a monster or something fowl. "For the last time Dad, it's wasn't Scorp- Malfoy who helped Dolohov!" I said through clenched teeth. He sighed heavily, "how can you be sure Rose? You were tortured, scared and you even said you never heard the second voice." He said with raised eyebrows, as if making a point. I sighed angrily in frustration, "he wouldn't have done that to me!" I yelled. My father stared at me with wide eyes. He recovered from his shock and his nostrils flared, "I do not like this attitude young lady." He said firmly. "And I don't like you accusing him over everything just because you hate his father!" I yelled pleadingly, running both hands through my hair. I felt a surge of anger and adrenaline, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to control myself. "I do not know when you became so disrespectful, but let me tell you-" I couldn't stop myself interrupting, "OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T KNOW! BECAUSE YOUR NEVER AROUND!" I bellowed angrily, shutting him up at once. He gaped at me open mouthed, and I clamped a hand over my mouth in shock. The words I have been trying to keep hidden for the last five years, had exploded out of my mouth. My eyes were stinging, and I was horrified when I felt a tear escape. I wiped it away quickly, shaking all over. My father didn't say anything, but stared at me with wide eyes. He took a step closer, I took a step back, my eyes still wide in horror. I felt another tear escape. My father walked towards me, his hands out stretched, "Rosie-" he began to say weakly. "NO!" I screeched. I turned away from him and ran inside the house, slamming the door behind me, hiding my face as I ran upstairs, ignoring the gasps and calls from my family. I slammed my bedroom door shut, and stared around my room. I saw the dark sky through my window and ran to it, pushed it open, and began to climb the tree as quickly as possible. Once I got to my perch I hugged the branch and started to cry uncontrollably. I couldn't believe what I had said! I was suppose to be strong and understanding, and instead!- I continued to cry, tears leaking from my eyes and freezing on my cheeks. The stress from the lying, pretending, drama and anger were pouring out of my body all at once and I couldn't handle it. My head was hurting, and I felt like I couldn't stop crying. I clamped a hand over my mouth and closed my eyes tightly, trying to muffle the sobs. I started to hyperventilate, I would stop crying, then break down into sobs again as I thought about what I had said, and what I had been feeling for years. I held my breath, trying to stop crying long enough to listen closely, trying to hear what was happening inside. I heard muffled shouting, and my heart sank. Now he was going to be yelled at by everyone els as well! I started to cry silently in my hands, feeling horrible for what I had done. Then I heard a click, and the branch I was sitting on shook. I quickly stopped crying, and wiped away any proof of tears on my face as I sat stiffly on my perch. "You sure are loud when you cry." I turned around quickly and saw Albus climbing carefully towards my little sitting spot. "How did you-?" I began to say but he shook his head, "I saw your window open and could hear you from your door. Saw how high you were and just used my window." He said gruffly as he bent backwards avoiding a branch, and sitting next to me in my perch, wrapping an arm around me, and I suddenly dissolved into tears once more. I buried my face into his jacket and cried, I felt him pat my back soothingly. "I didn't mean to yell at him!" I cried. Albus said nothing, indicating he was listening. "It just happened! And- and-" I gave a shuddering breath. "I know..." Albus whispered soothingly. I groaned loudly and sniffed, "how do you do it?" I asked heavily. Albus shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "I don't deal with it, I hate it, James hates it, and so does everyone els. But he's doing what he feels is the right thing to do, and I know it's for the best." He said softly. "Our dads miss so much, and I guess uncle Ron just forgot that you had grown up while he was protecting you." He whispered. I sat up and rested my head on my cousins shoulder. "This sucks." I said grumpily, wiping my eyes. Albus chuckled, making me chuckle sadly. "I don't know... I think your dad has it worse. If my mom and aunt Hermione don't kill him, it will be a miracle." He said heavily, making me laugh. I sighed heavily, "I have to apologize, don't I?" I asked sadly. To my surprise Albus shook his head, he stared at me intently with his green eyes. "No one should have to apologize for being honest." He said firmly. I found his words so ironic, and it was at that moment I wanted to tell him the truth, but I couldn't. Not without Scorpius being okay with it first. My sadness must have shown on my face, because Albus was giving me a very worried look. "Now what?" He asked. I shook my head, "nothing Al, I just really love you." I said, hugging him.

We both climbed through his bedroom window and made our way down stairs. When I entered the living room, my father, mother, aunt Ginny and uncle Harry were missing. "Where-?" I started to ask but at that moment, my entire family pointed towards the kitchen door awkwardly. Getting the point, I awkwardly left the room and went inside the kitchen where uncle Harry was leaning against the fridge with an arm crossed and a hand on his forehead, while aunt Ginny and my mother were glaring daggers at my father. But for the first time in my life, my dad wasn't yelling or arguing or even glaring back. He was simply looking at the table with an empty, vacant look in his blue eyes. My uncle looked up from his hand and saw me, "Rose, come in." He said quietly. My father looked up from the table when he heard my name and saw me. He sat up and sat stiffly in his seat. My mother put a hand on my shoulder, "talk it out Ronald." My mother growled. Everyone except my father and I left the kitchen, leaving us in awkward silence. I crossed my arms and looked at my father blankly. "I didn't know that's how you felt." He said quietly, not meeting my gaze. "I didn't know that's how I felt either." I said just as quiet. He looked up from the table, and stared at the wall, "I've noticed I can't keep up with any of my kids lately. First your both fine... Then Hugo hates me... Then you get attacked, Hugo is closer with me and we have talked and now? Now my own daughter hates me..." He croaked. I felt a pang in my chest at his words, "I don't hate you daddy..." I said as I walked towards his chair and sat across from him so we were looking into each other's eyes. "I know the reason your never around is to protect us, I guess I couldn't handle the stress and worry, and I just exploded." I said quietly. He nodded his head and looked away, "it's been hard on everyone, but I'm going to catch this guy, I promise. And then we can be a proper family again." He reached across the table and held my hand firmly in both of his hands. "But dad, you can't keep blaming Malfoy for everything. He saved me whether you like it or not." I said sternly. He nodded his head reluctantly. "Alright, I trust your judgment. I love you sweetheart." He said, standing up and kissing me on the forehead.

During the rest of Christmas break, my entire family did activities together, including uncle Harry and my dad. Scorpius and Harley joined in of course, and stayed with us until the break ended and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. On the train ride, Albus and Harley got their own compartment, so Scorpius sat with me and my family in a different compartment. Of course he pretended to hate being around me, and we did our, now very well rehearsed, act of arguing around them so no family member would get suspicious. And Hugo went to his own compartment, saying he was meeting up with a friend. I knew right away he meant his girlfriend, Erin, at the way Lily was smirking the whole train ride. And since I couldn't speak to Scorpius, I spent my train ride pretending to do homework, while really I was enchanting two pieces of parchment so that way when someone writes on one piece, it shows on the other piece of parchment. So that way Scorpius and I can communicate when we can't be alone. Almost like this muggle technique I read about, I think it was called the text? It was quite fascinating. To give him his paper I left one of the pieces of parchment on my seat and started to walk out, "oi, Weasley you forgot your paper." He said, picking it up. He read the note I left that said, 'keep me'. "After you've touched it? Keep it." I said irritably as I walked out of the compartment, hoping he could figure out what I had done with the parchment. And he did, because after the feast when I went back to my dorm room and was getting under the covers to sleep, the parchment (I put it on the bed side table) glowed, and when I unfolded it,
"Very clever Weasley, sleep well.
And after a few seconds, the words vanished. I smiled to myself as I lay in the dark, and I slowly drifted off to sleep. Only the thoughts of everything good in my life swimming in my mind.

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