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Later that night I made my way to the library entrance, were the HB and HG said Scorpius and I were to meet, then we would patrol the corridors. Soon I could see the library, with the platinum blonde hair in front of it. Malfoy didn't seem to notice me, he had his nose buried deep into a rather large piece of parchment. I got closer, hoping to catch a glimpse of what it could be. But Malfoy saw me and quickly folded it away and put it in his back pocket. "Finally, took you long enough." He mumbled. I crossed my arms and gave him a blank stare, "Malfoy, I'm two minutes early." He looked at his watch with raised eyebrows. "Oh- I see." I rolled my eyes, "Alright let's get a move on. Don't want to be around you more then I need to." I said bitterly as I started to walk down the corridors. We walked in silence for awhile until I asked, "What were you reading? By the library?" Malfoy looked awkward, but then narrowed his eyes at me. "And why is that any of your business?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "I was just curious. You don't need to get so defensive." I said. "Me? Defensive? I am not!" Malfoy said loudly. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you say Malfoy." He stopped walking. "I'm not defensive!" He yelled. "If your not defensive then why are you arguing about this still?" I asked annoyed. He only glared at me, "I can't believe she said we need to do rounds together! She knows we can't stand each other, yet she wants us to work together? She's gone mental!" Scorpius complained as we continued our walk through the corridors, checking in broom closets. "And how are you so casual about this?" Malfoy asked. I stopped walking and looked at him. Should I tell him? It couldn't hurt... No he would just make fun of me... I shrugged my shoulders. "There's nothing we can do, so complaining is pointless." I said quietly. He gave me a curious look. He opened his mouth, closed it again, but then, "There's more to it." He said. I looked at the floor, then back at Malfoy, then continued to walk. "Wait! Why are you so calm about having to do rounds with me? Weasley! Stop ignoring me!" Malfoy whined as I walked ahead of him. I growled, "Fine! You really want to know? It's because the other guy creeped me out! I'd rather do rounds with you, then be forced to do rounds with Peck." I said through gritted teeth. Malfoys face looked confused, like that wasn't what he was expecting to be my answer. "How does he creep you out?" He mumbled. "Wait what?" I asked. "How does he creep you out." Malfoy asked louder. Was he actually asking me a general question? "Oh- um- well... I don't know?" I more said it like a question instead of an answer. Malfoy rolled his eyes, "That makes so much sense Weasley. That answers the question just so perfectly-" "Alright alright." I interrupted his sarcasm. "I guess he just looks at me weird, it isn't just in class. But at rounds, when I'm alone with only him, it's kind of freaky. Like I'm vulnerable." I said. I turned around and started to continue patrol, Malfoy ran to catch up. "Why did you quit the quidditch team?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "Why are you asking so many questions?" I asked. "Because, if I asked you during the day in front of people, they might think I don't hate you or something! We musnt have that." He said with a curt nod. I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your business why I quit the team." I said firmly. "Quidditch isn't nearly as fun as it use to be. Now if we beat Gryffindor I can't taunt you as much and blame your loss on your bad playing." Scorpius said as he checked inside a broom closet. "Only reason Slytherin won in fifth year, was because James and Fred were gone. If they hadn't graduated Gryffindor would have kicked your arse." I said in a matter of fact voice. Scorpius shrugged his shoulders. "It still doesn't answer my question you know. Why you left the team and all." Scorpius said while we turned around to head back to the library. I sighed heavily, "It's none of your business but- I quit because I couldn't juggle it all. Quidditch, studies, and prefect duties? It's a lot, and I don't want my grades falling behind." I said. "Wait!" I said as I realized something, "How come I answered your questions but you won't answer mine!" I asked shrilly. Scorpius seemed startled by my sudden change in attitude. "What were you reading by the library?" I asked firmly. He smirked, "You didn't have to answer my questions Weasley." And then he turned and started to walk away. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To my common room." He said as he continued to walk away. "But your common room is the other way..." I said to myself. I walked back to Gryffindor tower alone. Where was Malfoy really going? This question was swimming in my mind none stop. And it didn't leave my mind until I got into bed, and drifted into sleep, forgetting the events of that night, forgetting that Malfoy and I had had a real conversation that didn't involve hexing one another.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now