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The entire week was spent trying to clean the Burrow, and keep Victorie and Teddy happy. I didn't get to see my father or uncle Harry often through out the week because they were at work almost the entire time, I know they were trying to make sure that nothing goes wrong during the wedding, but I secretly think that they are both happy to not have to be cleaning the entire house like the rest of us. Every night when I was in my room, I would look at the message parchment, hoping to see a letter or note from Scorpius. But it stayed blank all week long... I was too scared to message him first, worried I could get him in trouble. All I could do was hope he wasn't hurt or locked in a cellar, I don't know why I think his father would do such a thing, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if that was a type of punishment Draco Malfoy would use... But the time flew faster then I thought it would. Because before I knew it, I was being woken up at 7:00 o'clock in the morning by my grandmother. "Rosie, wake up dear. We need to start preparing for the wedding." She whispered softly. I mumbled incoherently and rolled over as my grandmother walked out of my room to continue waking everyone up. I sat up groggily to see Harley looking back at me from across the room, smiling sleepily. "Let's get this over with." She said though a yawn as she got out of her bed. I followed suit and began to get dressed. I put on my sneakers along with shorts and a baggy t-shirt. It was hot outside after all. I put my hair in a bun and began to walk down stairs along with Harley. "Hia Rosie!" My dad said sleepily. I was surprised to see him actually, I ran up to hug him. "Hey- what are you doing here?" I asked with raised eyebrows. My father shrugged his shoulders and drank his coffee. "Me and Harry took the day off, your grandmother would kill us if we missed a family wedding." He said simply, picking up the Daily Prophet. Harley and I shared a look and shrugged our shoulders. "Oh, Rose- Harley. Grandma wants you two. She's in the backyard." Dominique said as she walked into the living room, curlers in her blonde hair. Harley and I walked outside to the backyard where most of the family was already at. I saw uncle Bill, uncle Charlie, uncle Harry, and uncle Percy setting up the white fold out chairs inside the tent where all the guests and family will be sitting. Louis, Lucy, Molly and Hugo were all crawling along the ground and looking in bushes, trying to find gnomes. Fred was levitating James in the air so he could hang ribbons along the roof of the tent and across the trees, though I know for a fact they could do that with magic, I'm pretty sure James wanted to be levitating to do his chores. And my grandmother was producing magic from her wand that was sparkling and moving around the yard.... fairies. "You wanted to see us?" I said as I continued to watch my grandmother produce the fascinating magical creatures. My grandmother jumped at the sound of my voice, "oh! Rosie dear, thank goodness. I need you and Harley to go through the guest list, each name has a picture of the person. Your father and uncle are bringing extra security to the wedding, and it would really help if you and Harley could usher everyone to their seats. But I need to ask you to look at everyone's pictures as well, alright? We need to make sure it's really them and not- well- you know." She said quietly. I nodded my head and my chest tightened. Dolohov would never show his face at this wedding. Never. "But I understand if you are too scared or worried dear." She added quickly. I shook my head quickly, "no no! I understand. It won't be a problem, I promise I'm fine." I said with a forced smile. My grandmother nodded her head and sighed heavily, "the guests will start to arrive at 6:00 o'clock, so you need to be ready before then alright? Then you will usher everyone. Till then, you and Harley can help the mothers in the kitchen." She said warmly. Harley and I ran inside. "Are you really ok? What if Dolohov does show up?" Harley asked nervously. I gulped and took a deep breath, shaking my head. "I'm not scared. Why would that monster even bother to show his face here? With Auors all over the place? Yea right." I said in a shaky breath. Harley didn't push the conversation further. I turned a corner that led to the stairs instead of the kitchen, "wait- where are you going?" Harley called after me as I began to go up the steps. "They won't notice us missing, trust me!" I called back down. Harley must have agreed because she dashed upstairs to follow me. We went to our room and closed the door. "I think Albus and Lily are at their house, getting ready probably." I said quietly, picking my book off my bed. Harley's head snapped up at my words, "crap! I forgot we had to get ready!" Harley said, standing up and walking to her trunk. "Harley, it's only 8:00 o'clock. We have hours to get ready." I said dryly, rolling my eyes. Harley shrugged her shoulders, "it's never to early to prepare." She said simply, laying out her clothes and shoes she intended to wear at the wedding. "So, anything from Scorpius yet?" Harley asked in a would-be-casual voice. I couldn't hide the frown on my face. "No, nothing. But I'll see him today won't I?" I said hopefully. Harley nodded her head enthusiastically. I went to my trunk and found the message parchment. He hadn't told me anything for over a week, and I was feeling worried. I was also having second thoughts... What if his father already suspects we are together? And that's why I haven't gotten a message from Scorpius... Imagine going public... I dropped the parchment and shook my head vigorously. I refuse to chicken out of this. I'm almost seventeen years old! I need to make the adult choice, and be honest with my family. It will be better for the both of us... I hope. Suddenly my bedroom door opened and in walked Dominique. "Torie needs you!" She said breathlessly before running out of the room, her curls falling out of her hair sloppily. I shot Harley a silent 'see you later' and began to walk upstairs. When I entered the room it was to see aunt Fleur speaking rapid French to Victorie who looked frustrated, and to see Dominique painting Tories nails carefully. Victorie caught sight of me and lept out of her seat in relief. Dominique fell back at her sisters sudden movement and looked aggravated. And aunt Fleur fell silent. "Rosie!" My cousin said shrilly in a voice so unlike her own. "Just who I needed to see!" She turned to look at her mother and sister, "you two need to go, I need to speak with Rose alone." She said tartly, ushering the women out of her room. She closed the door behind the arguing girls and sighed heavily. "The two haven't shut up all morning! Honestly, I need a break!" She said heavily, walking over to her vanity and sitting in front of her mirror. "What did you need to see me about?" I asked calmly, walking up next to her. She looked at me through the mirror, "could you help me? Only with the simple things of course... My mother would kill me if she couldn't help with the dress and hair... But just keep me company? Maybe finish my nails for me?" She said hopefully, with a strained smile. I smiled and pulled up a stool. "I'd love to." I said softly, picking up the clear sparkling nail polish.

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