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"Hey Rose! Should I wear my stud earrings, or the dangly ones?" I heard Harley call from the bedroom upstairs. I made my way to the living area of the common room, and watched as she descended from the stairs. She was wearing a long gown that tightened at the bust, and flowed down freely to her feet. There were small diamond like stones following the sweetheart neckline, and it was in a dark plum color. Her long black hair fell in a wave of lose curls over her right shoulder, as she held up both sets of earrings, waiting for my response. "Uuuuuh, I think I like the studs." I stated, turning my way back to the bathroom to finish my hair.

"It feels like forever since the last dance we had. God remember that?" I heard her chuckle lightly as she followed me in. I smiled at the memories. "Me and Scorpius causing a scene on the dance floor, nothing has changed much." My heart twitched at his name. "Do you think tonight is the night?" She whispered, leaning against the threshold, arms crossed. My heart ached at her question. I missed him so much. Days whenever we saw each other, we would smile, and mind our business. But lately it's like this nagging feeling in the back of my head, begging me not to look away from him. I smiled lightly, "I don't know. We haven't really talked since that night. I mean, who knows what he's feeling right now. Even if I'm ready, who says he is?" A long smirk crept on her face. "If he knows you're ready, I don't think he will waste any time." She said as she turned on her heals and left me to finish getting ready for the dance. My dress was deep blue, and tightened at my waist, the skirt flowing down to my heals. My curly hair was in a well intended messy bun, curls falling gracefully across my face. I preferred how I looked right now, over the last dance. Remembering that horrifying cupcake-shaped dress made my eye twitch.

I actually look quite nice, and I felt confident. I looked at the sink counter top, and stared at the silver pendant that was laying on the counter. I hadn't worn it for so long now, out of respect to Scorpius. Something inside me made my hands reach for it, and place it around my neck. I walked out into the common room, whilst attempting to put on a bracelet, "So, is Albus coming to get you, or are you meeting downstairs?" I looked up once I finally hooked the catch on the chain, and stopped in my tracks. Albus and Harley were standing together, with big grins on their face. Scorpius was standing not far from the door, staring at me. I saw his silver eyes travel down to the necklace, and then back to my eyes. "Well me and Harley are gunna go catch up with some friends, why don't you two catch up?" Albus boasted, Harley slapped his shoulder, and pulled him from the room, I heard something along the lines of "shut up, you idiot" as they closed the door. My heart began to race, my hands immediately grabbed the pendant. He raised an eyebrow at my actions. He walked closer towards the middle of the room, where I was standing. "You look beautiful. Much nicer gown than the last one." He said through a smirk. I could feel my face heat up. "What are you doing here?" I muttered.

He sighed. "I'm not sure. I just had this feeling to come here. And I'm starting to feel like that feeling was right." He stated, nodding his head towards the necklace I clenched in my hand. "What do you mean, a feeling?" I asked, staring at his shoes. "Rose, it's been awhile now, since we've seen each other. But my love for you hasn't gone away. Our connection has never gone away." He whispered. I felt like I was having a panic attack, I didn't know what to do. My heart races and my legs shook at his words. "And you wearing that necklace tells me something too. You haven't worn it since that night, Rose. Why tonight?" I finally looked up at him, my body shaking, his silver eyes were staring so deeply into mine. "I-um- I just-" I couldn't get words out. Merlin what was happening to me. Why does tonight feel so different. "Rose, if you aren't ready, tell me to leave." He said, as he took a step closer. Our eyes locked, never glancing elsewhere.

"I can't." I whispered. "You can't what?" He said, as he took another step closer. Now we were barley a foot apart. "I can't tell you to leave.." the words came out of me before I could stop them. It felt like the two hundred pound boulder that was on my chest, was finally lifted off. "Finally." Is all he said before embracing me in his arms. Kissing him felt like waking up for the first time, after a long sleep. Curling my fingers in his hair, and his arms tight on my waist, felt like I was finally safely home. Like nothing could touch us. When we finally came up for air, he grabbed my hand, and ran us out of the room. We felt this laughter bubbling up inside of us at every turn down the stairs, until we arrived at the dance. People stared, we didn't know why, at this point how are they even surprised anymore. We were the last people to leave the dance that night. We did not talk to anyone else. We just danced. Holding each other, ignoring anything else in the world. We knew where we belonged now. We knew what our lives would be now. And we were happy. Happy to finally know that hell or high water, we were going to make it. We had each other, and that was all that mattered now. Because when we have each other, we survive.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now