School? Part 2

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We quickly went to lunch and sat at our normal table.

I sat down next to Jenny and Johnnie sat down next to me.

I could hear the rest of our friends fangirling over Johnnie being here.

"(Y/n). Who is this?" Syd asks me.

"Calm down the nation of my people!" Jenny states.

When I came here all of them had been friends from 7th grade and I had been welcomed amongst them.

Jenny was their leader and they had an ongoing joke.

It was based on an anime called Hetalia.

Jenny was China, she was their supreme leader.

Kait was Finland and Jenny's second in command.

Caroline was America, in charge of the military.

Syd was Austria, moral support.

Then you had Hannah and Liz. They were supporters.

Hannah's Canada. Haha rhymes.

And Liz's Iceland.

Jenny's boyfriend was Italy. He occasionally sat with us but not that much.

"Ok. Umm. Guys this is Johnnie. He's new here and our parents are friends so we know each other already."

~Johnnies POV~

We sat down at a table and (Y/n) and Jenny started talking to the girls there.

"Umm. Johnnie this is
Kait"- a girl with dark brown hair and a good sense of style.
"Liz"- girl with short blonde hair and wore a blue headband.
"Caroline"- a girl with long blonde hair with a scene cut with the tips dyed neon blue. That must be hard to maintain.
"Syd"- long brown hair. Marvel fan.
"And of course you know Jenny already and next to her is her Girlfriend, Kait. #JAITLYN" (Y/n) yelled really loudly.

Jenny's like that? I wouldn't think of it like that. Maybe it's like how Kohnnie is.

Jenny groaned and hit her head against the table while Kaitlyn wrapped her arm around Jenny's shoulders.

I hear a mumbled: "I have a fucking boyfriend!"

"Baby, do I look like I give a shit? No." Kaitlyn smirked with her reply.

Oh. Haha. It must be a Kohnnie situation.

She lifted her head and turned around. A tall boy with blonde hair and sweep bangs walked up and sat across from Jenny.

"And speak of my amazing boyfriend" Jenny stated.

"Hi. I'm Beau. You must be Johnnie." The guy states putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Uhh. Yea. That's me." I say awkwardly and shake his hand.

"Everybody has their lunch right?" Jenny asks

"What's going on?" I whisper to (Y/n).

"Oh. You'll see. It's pretty interesting." (Y/n) says and pulls out her lunch.

Here's what happened.
Everybody put their lunch on the table.

Liz- Doritos, 3 red fun dips 2 blue. Water sleeve of thin mints. Sandwich.
Syd- thin mints, Fritos, water, soup, and some Jello
Hannah- sandwich. 3 green fun dips water, Pringles.
Caroline- sandwich, water, potato chips, samosas
Jenny- hard boiled egg. (Don't judge meh) fruit snacks, craisins, juice box and some mixed Girl Scout cookies.
(Y/n)- (similar to Jenny except for a tuna packet instead of an egg.)

Beau sat and watched. He began to eat his lunch and I have him a confused look.

"I have school lunch. They all think it's cancer in food form"

"IT IS!" I hear Caroline pipe in.

Kait and Beau roll their eyes and I noticed that Kait has school lunch as well.

I watched as Syd grabbed her lunch back.

Jenny stole most of Liz's food. Caroline stole all of the fruit snacks.

Kait took Jenny's and (Y/n)s craisins and threw them out. Jenny grabbed back her egg before anyone touched it.

Hannah grabbed her lunch and everybody got a fun dip.

(Y/n)- red
And I got green. Even though I was new, they treated me like I was one of them.

And finally, it was the tuna.

Nobody touched it until (Y/n) picked it up.

"I have no idea why my dad thinks I like this stuff?!"

She quickly went up and threw it out.

We ate quickly and then started to talk.

(Y/n), Kait, Caroline, and Jenny are the life at the table I learned.

Yelling back and forth between the 4 of them.

The bell rang and we headed to art.

Mrs. Kronwall is really nice I learned and that most the time you can do what you want as long as your making art.

(Y/n) pulled out her sketchbook and started sketching.

I watched her for a while and noticed she was drawing human Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls.

She noticed me staring and looked up at me.

"I like your drawing."

She blushed a little bit. "Oh. Thanks."

I looked down at my paper and started sketching stuff from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

The bell rang and we went to science and then after that, we went to Language arts. Jenny and Kait had those classes with us.

Then it was pride. I guessed it was just an empty period if you could say. It was just like art, except we could listen to music and go on our phones in this class if we wanted.

We were finally let out and (Y/n) and I got our boards and headed to her house.

"Want to hang out for a while?" She asked and we went into her house.
I hope that wasn't too confusing.

I kinda just wanted to get to a chapter to explain your friends.

So yea. I'm gonna go. Ignore the seating in a way because on one side was Hannah, then Liz then Syd then Beau.
On the other side was Johnnie then you then Caroline then Jenny and finally Kait.


You guys are awesome. See you next time.

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