Staying alive Pt. 2

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*Time Skip to spring break because I'm lazy and want this to be close to where I am right now I'm the school year*

Cutting had become a daily thing for me again. Of course I could go for a day or two but never for a week or more.

It was Spring break now and Johnnie and I had decided to spend some time together.

"(Y/n). Are you here?"

Johnnie was coming over and I ran go the door, forgeting that I had shorts and a tank top on.

With these shorts, you could see my scars and a few of my newer cuts.

I opened the door and Johnnie came in and pecked my lips.

Then, looking down he noticed the scars on my legs.


"(Y/n)," he walked in and shut the door behind him, "did-did you do this to yourself?"

I looked away from his eyes, "Yes"

I teared up a bit but tried to hold them back but a few slipped out and slid down my face.

"Why would you do this to yourself?" He came up closer and pulled me into a hug.

"Because I'm useless and I shouldn't be alive!" I burried myself in his t-shirt and started to cry.

He brought me over to the couch and we sat down.

"(Y/n). You are one of the most wonderful people that I know and you shouldn't do this to yourself." I cried a little bit more.

"How long?"

I didn't want to tell him the truth but I will.

"Since the day I was beat up by Faith."

Johnnie held me closer if that was even possible.

I felt that he was crying as well and I just sat there with him for god knows how long.

I wiped my tears out of my face and looked down at my lap. I was such an idiot for wearing these shorts.

"So now that you know, want to watch a movie or something?" I ask really quietly.

"That would be lovely."

I blushed a little and I set up a movie for our tv.

We decided on Captain America: the Winter Soldier.

I was about to run upstairs to change into some pants to cover my legs but Johnnie wouldn't let me go. He made me show my scars.

We settled down in the couch under a blanket with some popcorn and watched the movie.

After the movie was over we switched to the local news.

It said that a house in town had been caught and the oldest daughter was caught in the house and died.

Then a memorial popped up on the screen.

It was titled: Faith Bree, loving member of the community, she will be missed.

It was sad that someone had died but I couldn't stop smiling.

The person who has tortured my life and made me want to kill myself was now gone from this world.

"At least we won't have to deal with her anymore." Johnnie said and I laughed.

Turning off the tv I looked at Johnnie.

He had the most beautiful eyes that I'd ever seen.

I started to lean in and he met me there halfway.

Our lips moved in sync and I was actually happy.

This had been one of the best days in my life.

I'm so sorry.

Please don't kill me.

I haven't been working on this bc I swear I'm working on like, 15 different stories at once.

I now have this and I hop you liked it.

I kinda wanted to kill off the main bully and this was the only legal way I could think of.

So yea.

Sorry that I've forgotten about this for a while.

I would like to say thank you though.

We are so close to 3,000 reads. Yay. That is so cool.

If this chapter gets 10 votes I will update.

10 votes.

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