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~Time skip to Monday because I'm lazy~

It was now Monday, and I had school.

It had just been awesome that Johnnie and I had been texting me until 2:30 in the morning, except for the part that I was only able to get 2 hours of sleep.

Great start to the week (Y/n).

I rolled out of bed and took my shower, changed, put on my makeup and by the time I was done with that I made myself a bagel with cream cheese.

(Sorry, had to)

Someone knocked on the door, I grabbed my bag, knowing it was Johnnie.

I hugged my dad and left.

We were skating to school because it honestly wasn't that far away.

When we got to school we put our boards in my favorite teachers room and walked to the front office to get Johnnies schedule.

Because it was only halfway through the year I had art.

I had gym last semester and it was horrible. At least my best friend Jenny was in it with me so I didn't have to be alone.     (Here I am. I decided to change from '(BFF/n)' to Jenny. So yea)

Johnnie got his schedule and handed it to me.

1st period. Math
2nd period. Social studies
3rd period. Maroon- Spanish    Gold- Choir
4th period. Art
5th period. Science
6th period. Language arts
PRIDE. Kronwall- Art


"What is it?" He asked.

"We have all the same classes. Even our maroon and gold days."

"What are maroon and gold days?" He asked again. Oh boy. This was going to be complicated.

"Well, every other day is a maroon or gold day and on one day you'll have one class and the next day the other. So basically you have choir every other day and the days you don't have choir you have Spanish."

"Ok then. You'll have to help me with this."

"Oh no problem. You'll get used to it." I said. You do get used to it after a while.


"Now, let's see where your locker is." I looked at the paper.     "Ahh here it is. 2065, right next to mine. And on the other side is Lexi. Don't worry about her though."

"O-ok." He seemed intimidated by all this. I feel so sorry for him.

"Its ok. At least we have our classes together so I can help you with everything." I said reassuring him. The warning bell rang, meaning we had 10 minutes to get to class.

"Great. Now to my locker?"

"Yea. Follow me!"

I walked off to my locker which was all the way across from the building from the front office.

We finally got to our lockers and I told Johnnie about the trick with the lockers.

Most of the time they were pretty complicated to open.

You had your lock and then you normally had to hit your locker a few times afterwards to get it to open.

I threw all my unneeded stuff in my locker and grabbed my books for math and S.S.

"They let you carry your bags by the way. Let's go."

I slammed my locker shut and started to walk to math. It was hard to get through everybody and even harder when your trying not to loose your short emo boy and get to class.

We finally got to class and sat in the back of the room.

The bell rang to start the day and the teacher walked in.

"Hello class, today we will have a new student be joining us. Johnnie, if you could please introduce yourself."

Johnnie stood up and seemed nervous.

"Umm. Hello? I'm Johnnie and I just moved here from L.A. And stuff. Yea."

He awkwardly sat back down and the teacher started to talk again.

"Ok. Well class, be nice to him and we'll get today's lesson started. (Y/n), you will help Johnnie with his work from now on."

"O-ok Mrs. Smith."

She started working on the board and I got a bit bored.

I pulled out my earbuds and plugged then in, sliding them through the sleeve of my hoodie.

I did the trick for listening to music and when I looked over at Johnnie he was looking at his phone.

He shut his phone off and slid it back into his pocket.

It took forever but the bell finally rang and we filed out of the room.

Quickly heading to social studies we sat in the back, again.

Going through the same thing as lay class Jenny ran in 10 minutes late and I sighed.

"Ms. Hahn. I hope you have a pass for being late." Miss McCarthy said in mock anger.

"I'm sorry Miss McCarthy. I slept in. I have a pass." She was panting as she handed our teacher the note.

"Your fine Jenny. Go to your seat." She said laughing a little bit and started our lesson as Jenny came back and sat next to me.

"You slept in again?" I asked.

"Yea. My dad woke me up at 6:30 and you know how I always go back to sleep for 30 minutes so I woke up to my dad leaning over me looking really pissed off.
He then drove me here and got me a pass, saying that I was at the doctors."

"Wow. I don't know how your dad puts up with you Jenny."

"Me neither."

"GIRLS!" Miss McCarthy said to us.

"Sorry!" I called back. She rolled her eyes and went back to teaching.

"So who's this? Are you going to introduce me to my favorite YouTuber?" Jenny asked.

"I'll tell you everything at lunch."

2nd period ended to quickly for my liking, for it was my favorite class.

3rd period went fast as well.

And finally it was lunch.

How was it?

Horrible? Yea. That's what I thought.

Sorry that I haven't been updating much lately it's just that I have stuff going on.

Like friends and school.

This was 1012 words. Long chapter, I know.

I'll see you next time. Bai.

Letting It Out (Johnnie Guilbert X Reader) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now