The stain in the white sheet.

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This book is dedicated to the girl who stood with me through thick and thin and was always there, pushing me forward to write this book. For You Sis! 



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Any copying without the permission of the author will be punished severely.

All characters are fictional, any resemblance to person living or dead is purely co-incidental.

The idea and concept of the book belongs only to the author, any kind of photo copying is strictly prohibited.

The Stain in the White Sheet.





The Davidson family would probably be the best family, if they'd be living in your neighbourhood and you'd be proud to have them as your neighbours, what with having an absolutely flawless family with two perfect career parents and kids whose IQ level was far more than your age, their manners defectless almost as if they were born input with them. But its a quote that has been repeated since ages that every white sheet has a stain and every straight path has a bend. And all these qualities would be what you would say of the Davidson family if you knew them as an outsider or a stranger, gossips always find their ways and so do rusts. You would say all of these praises unless you'd meet Skylar...the supposedly stain in the white sheet .

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