Chapter 11

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Sorry for any mistakes I'm really sleepy!! =)


I groaned heavily as I felt the piercing rays of the sun striking my eye, and blinding me temporarily.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them to find the curtains drawn back. I got up lazily from my bed and yawned heavily.

I looked at the clock to find it only 9:28 AM and groaned heavily as I realized that now that I was awake, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I brushed my teeth and splashed some cold water on my face, wiping it with a hand-towel as I headed downstairs for a sufficing breakfast.

I shivered slightly as the cold December winter air brushed past my bare legs which were covered only mid-thigh, now I regret wearing my oversized one-shouldered tee to bed.

I pushed my dirty blonde bangs off my eyes and was just tying my hair in a bun when-

"Don't do that, you look pretty with it open", he said as he caught hold of my wrist, causing me to lose my hold on my hair and for it to fall down the middle of my back.

Sometimes I really wish I paid attention to all those yoga classes of my mum which taught control of one's emotions on escaping on the face.

Does my fortune today read, ' You will be incapable of controlling the pink in your cheeks today?'

I flushed as the sparks of electricity ran through me as our hands brushed past each other, as I pulled my hands away from my hair and turned my back to him I rushed to grab myself the oh-so-delicious breakfast of cold cereal with cold milk.

I poured myself the coffee coloured cereal and watched it as its differant shades of brown faded into the boring white coloured milk.

I grabbed a spoon and tried my best to keep my eyes down as I gobbled down the tasteless food, and felt Drew's heated gaze on me.

I pretended like he didn't exist, like he wasn't there, like he wasn't there last night when I barged through the front door, welcomed by him and was found crying on the bathroom floor till what seemed like the wee hours of the morning.

Just as I decided to back out and walk to my room from the 'occupied' kitchen, spending my time in loneliness by myself.

Drew caught hold of my hand and spun me around, locking my gaze with his.

I gulped as I realised the huge mistake I had made and stared deeply at those icy pools of blue swirling around, taking me down in one mournful look.

"What's wrong?", he asked me in a low hushed voice as if he didn't want anyone else to listen to our conversation.

I scrunched my brows as I wondered how it would concern him and what he would get from my answer, looks like I've already put on my player mind.

"None of your goddamn business", I snapped at him and tried to move away from him, but his strong masculine arms held me in a cage.

Why am I 'praising' his arms?

Damn hormones!

I tried to wriggle my way out, but to no avail.

"You have to tell it at the end, sweetpea," I cringed and fake-gagged at his name for me.

"Do I look like a sweetpea from any angle?", I asked him with a smirk.

"Thats why you will now be given this name," I gagged again and tried with all my strength to move past him.

"Just say it," he said as if giving me a chance to escape.

"Will it give me freedom?," I asked him, as he creased the lines on his forehead with my choice of words.

"If you think so", he replied with an unsure expression, on that Greek God face of his.

Greek God, seriously?

"Well", I said elongating the first word in a rhyme form,"MypetdragondiedwithTyphoid", I blabbered some nonsense and pushed him out of the way as he gave some thought to my lame excuse.

"You'll have to say it some day", he shouted as I ran up the stairs to my room.

"Not even in your dreams, Robbs", I replied with a snort as I slammed my room door.


I examined myself one last time and ran down the stairs as Nick continously honked his car.

As I was about to leave the house in a rush, I heard a cough behind me and turned to face Emily-who had a knowing smile and smirk on her pretty face.

"Shouldn't your boyfriend have the dignity to step by inside?," she asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes as if she was expecting someone she knew.

I blushed in embarassment, (What happened to the first few lessons of yoga I attended?) and politely informed her that Nick and me were strictly friends or siblings for that matter.

I saw a flicker of hope die in her eyes but she smiled anyways, like she always did.

I gave her a small hug and left the house to find Nick with an annoyed expression on his face.

I slapped the back of his head, receiving an incoherant reply from him as he put the key in ignition and drove the car.

I looked out of the window as I thought about how Nick, being the good friend that he is, had decided to drag me to a party which according to him would 'lift my moods'.

I didn't take an effort in dressing up as I put on a black dress which was

v-necked and split in two as it fittedly hugged my curves and seemingly brought out my matte red lipstick which brought out the shape of my lips and suited my wavy natural hair.

I got out of the car after Nick parked it and was about to threaten Nick 'not' to ditch me, but considering how I saw him entering whosover's house with his arms around two girls who probably had been wearing the same dress since they were...six? My threat was useless.

I snorted at my joke and stepped in the house.

Sweaty bodies sticked to each other as they swayed to the punk music and drunk people, in the corners sucked each other's faces like their life depended on it.

I cringed as the foul scent of cheap alcohol filled my nose and made me feel puke-ish.

I headed to the bar and gulped down a bottle of beer which cooled me down and faded my problems temporarily.

I yawned sleepily around a group of strangers enjoying themselves and headed to go get the 'designated driver' who was probably drunk his a*s off! I walked up the staircase, I saw Nick going upto and sighed heavily as I saw a dozen rooms infront of me.

As I looked around hopefully, that Nick would pop from some room, I felt a large hand catch hold of my wrist and pull me in a room.


Howdee-do peeps?

I am sooo sleepy, my eyes are starting to pop out now its like 2:20AM in my place.×_×

I am so sorry for the late update which I (hopefully) made up for.

Also, one more thing I may not be able to update that fast until after Nov19th as I have my TermI GCSE exams going on.

Also,  I can't confirm the above because if you guys encourage me and vote for me I might update.

So yeah, please vote/comment/follow for quick updates.

Love you <3,


P.S I'm sorry for the cliffhanger but the next chp is intresting so hehehe!

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