Chapter 1: First Day

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“Free! Free wait up!” A brown hair girl screamed, slipping and smashing her face into the concrete ground. She looked up with a bloody face, and a few chipped teeth. She still retained a smile though. She got up and wiped off what she could of her black cotton hoodie, and dark blue jeans. Before she could keep running after the boy she was chasing, he turned around and noticed her ripped up face. Her smile left in an instance. “Oh, now you wait for me!” She growled losing her balance again, but quickly regaining it.

“Becky, I don’t care how many times you hit your face on the ground, it takes more than relentlessness to make it at this school. This is Legends Academy of Military and Academic Excellence. Not Gideon Martin Composite High School...” Free was about six feet tall. He boasted a red jacket over a plain black shirt that really gripped his flesh, as if we was trying to flash his muscles. His black hair was long enough to cover one eye, but it wasn’t because he wanted a goth look. He hid a scar. The eye was useless, and harboured no visionary purpose for him.

Becky staggered up beside him grinning and he shoved his hand in her face pushing her back. Becky was a high school student who was immediately scholarshipped to Legends on account of her insane grades and more insane combat skills. In mixed martial arts, she was top of her class. Wielding a bo staff she was seen as completely unstoppable, and hand to hand combat was also a high point for her. Surprisingly though, most would turn down the scholarship due to the dangerous nature of the job it gives. Not Becky, she was too strong for that. And stubborn. Even as a kid she wanted to attend Legends, just like her grandfather. Even the fact that her grandfather was sent home in a body bag as nothing but a torso and half a head. Death didn’t scare her, and neither did a first day at school. 

She looked up at the massive limestone academy and gazed in a trance of jaw dropping awe. Hundreds of thousands of kids from the age of fourteen like her, to twenty one, like Free. The gargantuan building took to much of her attention though. She tripped right over her own shoelace right back onto her face, she looked up in the shadow to see a hand helping her up. She grabbed it and helping her up was a boy her age. He wore a forest green collared shirt. He didn’t have a huge smile. In fact, he looked depressed. She blushed a little, as he was fairly attractive. He had messy black hair and he had a sort of grim look to him. He wore twin katanas on his hips, and he also boasted a dagger in a shoulder holster. She went to thank him.

“Um, th-”

“Don’t mention it.” He snarked before giving her a snarl and walking back to the crowd. Becky was once again completely lost and she scampered up the crowd again looking for Free.

“Free! You there! Freedom, where *are you*!” She called across the large crowd. She drew a lot attention, until Free burst through grabbed her wrist and started dragging her forwards. She had the biggest grin on her face, but seemed to be the only one. The whole crowd looked like a meeting of zombies walking to their prey. They reached the gates and there was a podium in front of the door. He dropped her on the ground and he snarled at her under his breath.

“I swear to god, Becky! If you embarrass me like that again I will personally-”

“Attention Freshman, welcome to Legends Academy of Military and Academic Excellence!” Becky helped herself up and looked to the podium. An older woman stood tall with her hands behind her back. “You are the best of your generation. There are those who worked for the money to buy their way into the academy, proving persistence and strength. Then there's the scholars who have shown near perfection in both the art combat, and the studies of science, history, and mathematics. But no matter which side of the freshman you are on, only one thing is relevant at this time, in this specific exciting moment. You are all in the next generation of Raiders. Weather you travel to the depths of the new world, or keep the gates safe from harm, or hunt for precious resources, what matters is that we work for humanity. As the highest rated Scholar of this year's freshman, I present to you, Jaden Hidash!” The older woman stepped aside and the black haired boy from earlier stepped up to the podium. 

“Thank you, Mrs. Gassalade. Attention students, over the past year, the current Raiders have struggled, so we have actually lost ground. We expect nothing but the best, from this years graduates. As tradition holds, you’ll all sign up for an arena match. Thousands of captured creatures are being held in the catacombs. You will fill out your entry card by answering the following questions. What weapon class you use, which monster you wish to fight, and if you are a scholar or a student.” He held up an entry card. “Unlike previous years, you will be marked on how you did. Your marks will decide if you go into class Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, or the most prestigious class, Omega. I too will be participating. Tomorrow the battles will begin. Please head to your dormitories and make yourself accustom to your roommates. Though don’t get too attached. I can say only about half of you will end up on the field. Good luck students of class 1120. May your year of training, begin.” And he stepped away from the podium. Mrs. Gassalade walked up to the podium to finish the freshman speech. Every year a new class would leave the school for what lies beyond the bridge, as Raiders.

“Thank you, Jaden, the sign up cards are all directly at the door. After filling one out, you will receive a dorm card. That card will decide whom you are rooming with. Please have a good night. All 350 thousand of you.” Without applause the cluster of students waddled towards the door, and Becky and Free joined the flow. Becky filled out her card first.

Name: Becklyn Amanda Corvin

Weapon Class: Staff

Desired Monster: Wolfbeast

Scholar or Student

Then Free grabbed his.

Name: Freedom Leonardo Corvin

Weapon Class: Handgun X Blade combo

Desired Monster: Twin Reaper

Scholar or Student

They both grabbed their dorm cards and hugged. Becky was the first talk. “Good luck, brother.” And she ran off. Free remained completely speechless. 

He walked back to his dorm and opened the door, to see his roommate. He took off his green collared shirt and threw it on a chair before hucking on a grey pullover hoodie. Jaden. He pulled out a pencil and he put it in his mouth while he searched his pockets for a notepad, which he found after an indefinite amount of time whilst stalling his introduction. “I gave my speech.” He said in a cocky voice, showing nothing but an antisocial personality. “Let’s hear yours”

“My name is Free. I’m a student and my sister is the fifth best Scholar in the academy. She’s going to kick your ass tomorrow I can tell you that.”

“Really? she’s only taking on a wolf beast! It’s you I’m scared of. You’re taking on a Twin Reaper. Two monsters that only die is you kill both halves within five to ten seconds of each other.” He yelled sketching out an image of the terrifying creature.

“How do you know that!?” Free said stumbling back.

“Silly, do you think that any normal human would have gotten to the top of the Scholars. I’m not normal. I’m a witch.” He said grinning. Free scurried back a little in fear. Even though the only affect a witches unheard of magical ability had on a human was mind reading and basic telepathic speech, the thought of him using telekinesis or mind control on a creature was not a pleasant one.

Becky walked into her already trashed room. It was filled with smoke and an older girl was passed out on the bed with a bong on her bed. Her bags and bras littered the floor, and she looked like she just dug out the drugs and went to town. Becky looked at her dorms electronic nameplate and her name was Olivia Kimchi. Becky then crawled up to the top of the bunk bed and put the blanket over her head, hoping it would reduce the amount she would inhale. even still, within minutes she was coughing. She wrapped herself in her blanket and walked into the halls where she curled up in a ball and tried to sleep for the night on the hard itchy carpet.

She was not happy with her current situation, but she mumbled to herself. “At least it can’t get any worse.” And then she remembered. She left her staff in the room. She wandered into get it and Olivia woke up.

“Hey sister you made it!” She called tackling Becky. They slammed into the dresser and she passed out in the drug filled room. The night before the arena battle. The last thing she heard was Olivia mumbling, “Oh, I guess you need some sleep. I can’t sleep without my stuff, mind if I close the door?” Becky tried to answer but went out of it before she had the chance, and the crockpot began to fill with fumes.

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