Chapter 13: The Search for the Wizard

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Free went up to the top of the north west tower, where he had last seen Bond. He had gotten the key from the headmaster, who had granted him access to see the top of the tower. At the peak he found a bed and scattered documents. Somebody had been busy.

The Headmaster said that each tower was originally used for guarding high priority targets. Nobody ever went up there because there was no way up. They never bothered to check there for the eighth witch. They caught it at a bad time, and now they were certain he wasn’t going to show up now.

Becky and Wraith sat and discussed. He was the only one to see Bond’s dark self. He described her as a taller asian girl, with long black hair, and a katana. He also claimed to have heard a name. Bakaian. Going through the records, there was no male who even remotely fit these standards. It was obvious the two had fought before. She wasn’t sighted leaving the premise after the attack, so shes presumed an extremely stealthy warrior.

“Bec?” Wraith asked.

“Yeah?” She simply replied.

He gave an unsettled look. “Now that we know that we’re mystical beings of intense power… and the responsibility we now hold. We are destined to lead a new generation of Raiders, is it such a good idea for us to be doing what we’re doing? I mean, I could get you pregnant! Or if we break up, think of the drama, we don’t need that!”

“Then let’s not break up! If you’re trying to reason leaving me then leave. But if you wish to stay here and fight by my side as a fighter and my lover. The strength that would give me is unfathomable. You are a brilliant man, and, and I, I love-”

“Don’t finish that sentence.” Free called from the doorway. “So, it was you all along. I heard rumors of an older boy courting my sister. Never thought it would be the prodigy child Wraith Skrin. I’m not an idiot, now be a man and draw your scythe and armour. I’ll do the same.”

“Free, don’t do this…” Becky muddled.

Free turned. “Do not follow him. If anything happens I don’t want you to watch.”

Wraith turned to Becky and put his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Becky, I’m a conjurer of mind. I can run separate processes in my head in an instance. 95% of outcomes favour us.”

“And the other five?”

He sweat a little, as if not knowing what to say.

Becky nodded and he walked out of the room, drawing his glyph.

Wraith walked out and Free awaited in armour. He had his sword in the ground and he loaded six rounds into his revolver. Wraith took note of that number. He knew not to strike until all of Free’s shots were fired. Wraith was never well trained in combat. He always wanted to be a battle tactician. Free, on the other hand, looked as if he sunk his life into fighting. He must’ve wanted to be a Raider from the moment he was born, but for once, Wraith was scared. He tried to hide those feelings away in one of his brain sims, but couldn’t manage to grasp the concept of dying.


He twirled his scythe around his hands and then held it so his handle faced forwards and the blade wrapped around his back. Free picked up his sword and skipped the antics. He let out a battle cry that would rival that of the devil and he smashed full force into Wraith. The witch of joy blasted about ten meters and then went into a roll, whilst making sure he avoided self inflicted damage from his lengthy oversized weapon. Free pulled out his pistol and fired a shot but Wraith rolled and used his scythe to bump him self back on this feet where he slid under another shot. He knew that there was only four shots left in the chamber. Wraith had to wait before he went on the offensive.

Free then caused a huge breeze between the two of them and then pointed it straight at Wraith. Wraith swung his scythe around using the wind to capture the weight of the blade, hurdling him backwards where he dove under Free’s lunging jab. Free tried to turn and take a shot, but the breeze knocked the bullet to the side. Three to go. Wraith centered himself again and so did Free. Free ran like a bolt at Wraith. Wraith now knew Free’s advantage and that was speed, he relied on it for both combat and defense. Wraith on the other hand needed momentum which would be compromised by Free’s random bursts. It was rock vs scissors in the moment. Wraith threw his scythe up and he jumped still barely grasping it to launch him upwards. This lured Free into lunging but as Wraith went to attack he turned his scythe sideways from what would have been a killing blow. Winded, Free took two blind shots and missed both. One bullet in the chamber.

“Free give up. Is this really worth it? Don’t you just want your sister to be happy!?”

He looked up. He coughed a little blood from the massive blow. “I, will decide when my sister is happy. What she has is false love, not happiness.”

“How do you know you idiot, even your girlfriend wants you to leave her alone!”

“After you!” And Free blasted out a massive tornado like blast. Wraith smashed his scythe into the ground so the wind didn’t whisk him away.He was now motionless and Free pulled back his revolver hammer and took aim. Out of the 95% of favouring possibilities, this was far from it. Wraith knew that he was about to die.

But a guardian light ascended from the storm. It almost resembled…

A hammer.

The large tool blasted Free out of the storm, causing him to mix the sixth shot. Amicci stood gasping for energy, as her weapon returned to it’s normal shape and size. The night cloaked them and rain began to drizzle, and then pour. Wraith walked up to Free and put the scythe around his neck. “Your sister deserves better then you.” He then raised it and retracted his armour. He walked back to the class to tell Becky of the unpredicted variable in the outcome.

Amicci sheathed her weapon and held out her hand to help Free up. He reached up and grasped, but as she helped him up she bashed him across the face with her shield. “Idiot.” She choked up tears. “Here I was, thinking you’d changed, but your stuck on your sister, let her live for fucks sake Free!”

“Amicci…” He said dazed.

“I don’t, want to hear it. I don’t want to be a witch, until you can smarten up.”

“We need to though!” He did a kick up with a sudden uncalled for burst of energy. “It’s our destiny to fight for Kin and Sierra! We need all 8!”

“Well obviously you don’t think so, because you almost killed one of ours. You had the gun at his head. You would have ruined everything in that instance. You’re lucky you’re a witch, or I’d kill you right here. Right now. I can’t believe I let you con me again.” And she dropped her amour, walking back to her dorms. Free dropped back down to his knees.

“I thought I could change… I thought I could be something worth fighting for. I don’t want to be the villain.” He transformed to draw his sword so he he could throw it. He splintered a tree and as he went to retrieve his blade he punched the tree so hard, that with the previous damage, the chunk of the trunk blasted into slivers, leaving his hands bleeding. “I am a hero.”

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