Chapter 14: Unwanted Visitor

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Becky slept calmly in her room, with the window shining the moonlight of Sierra’s second moon onto her bed. A man grabbed the ledge of the aforementioned window and he hoisted himself into the dorm, when he heard a gun cock behind him. He turned and looked Gozlin in the eye.

“Listen creep you’ve go 4.5 seconds to step your ass back out that window before I lodge 44 millimeters of lead into your skull.” Her threateningness diminished considering she was wearing her PJ’s.

The boy flicked his hair and Gozlin pulled out her other pistol, but her hands were shaking. “You look familiar, have we met mystery boy?”

“Once before. You kind of just coward in the back though, I believe we haven’t been formally introduced” He smiled and his teeth reflected in the moonlight. “The name’s Baxter Corvox.”

Gozlin’s brain put one and two together and she pulled the trigger. Baxter ducked and Becky fell out of her bed uttering something along the lines of:

“Holy fucking batshit rhinoceros! Gozlin what‘re you doing!?” She looked to her side and saw her cowering outer part. She freaked out with a loud shriek and pulled out her staff, firing off the top half into his forehead, knocking him out.

He awoke an unspecified amount of time later. He had his hands chained behind a chair and his legs tied to the chair legs. Gozlin and Becky stared at him, each holding their weapons at the ready. Baxter looked to the side to see his own weapon taken and placed aside. Gozlin kept a calm collected smile, and sheathed her pistol. hiding the other behind her back. She wandered up and placed her hand on his knee, she lowered her glasses down to the tip of her nose and she rubbed his cheek with his other hand. “Why are you here sweetheart?”

Baxter blushed uncontrollably. He smiled unsettled at Gozlin. “Uhm, n-no reason”

Becky screamed. “Bullshit!” Gozlin backed off and pistol whipped Baxter in his manhood. He quivered in pain and Becky wandered up. “You walked right into our base. You need to have a reason!” Becky tilted his head up. The moonlight shone onto Baxter’s face. A long scar ran across his face. She remembered that moment. The first fight with the dark witches. Baxter looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Becky, I came because I thought the war unfair. I want to explain to you what’s going on. The glyphs, the dark witches, our resurrections. All of it was known.We knew all of it. I’m here Becky, to protect you.”

Gozlin stepped in. “Then tell us, what are you?”

“Even that we are not certain. Each of us has a class, but we have counterpart aspects to go with the same element. I’m insanity, the warrior of darkness. There is also Ozpin Prince, or Giving, the controller of seas. Draco Fazzhekr, or Ignorance, the wizard of flames. Fiona Corvox, or Misfortune, the heir of storms. Jade Hozmary, or Meta, the conjurer of earth. Bakaian Hashinuru, Lone, the sion of blood. Raven Skrall, Misery, the bender of mind. And the most powerful, Amokko Kae, or hate, the tyrant of light. That plus your witches makes 16. Only 8 of us are going to survive to the end of it. Thats all I know. Your glyph represents your aspect. The black is how much were filling it up, the gold is you guys. Whatever it fills with decides who masters the aspect. Either the light or dark. Thats what this is about, mastery. Becky, as sanity you must be the most sane person you can be, Gozlin, be the cocky bitch you always wanted to be. Because thats how you’re going to live. It powers up your magic. Speaking of magic,” he mumbled. The chains exploded off his hands. “There, much better.” He moved up to Becky and held out his hand, but she had her sword ready. “Now, I want to help you. They don’t deserve to win. They kill and hurt, when you guys don’t even know why you're fighting. Now you know.” So he held up his hand and closed his fist. “I want to fight with you!”


The next day at class, the 6 other witches talked and Becky and Gozlin walked in Baxter. He looked to them and Free didn’t even think. He pulled out his sword and ran at Baxter. He held it up to the dark witches throat and the others drew their weapons. “What is, he, doing here?”

Becky pushed him up to Free so the two looked eye to eye. Hozzletop walked up to the two. Baxter mumbled. “I’m not the bad guy. Yet.”

Hozzletop grabbed him. “Do you wish to teach us!? Oh god please say yes I’m ninety percent done with this class. I could pull some strings and make you a faculty member, please take these students!”

Baxter cringed. The whole class laughed. It made him seem, human.

But a tall asian figure watched from the distance in a tree. He decided to trail the students and the new teacher. Dragonetta shoulder checked Baxter and drop kicked him. “What was that for!?” He snarled.

“For murdering my friend, Professor Corvox.” Baxter stood up.

“Listen, don’t think of me as a dark witch, or a professor really. I’m another of you guys, even if I am Identical to Becky. I’m a friend.”

Jaden walked by eating a sandwich he got from god-knows-where. “Well, you're overdoing it. Act natural.” And the boy kept walking. Jaden was always the odd one out, though recently he had been getting out with them more, despite him saying about one sentence a day. Amicci hadn’t spoke much, and she stayed a good distance from Free. The two had a very bad falling out that night. Free didn’t like Baxter. He had a bad feeling in his gut, he felt like something was about to hit them. Which is why he was very confused by his own next action. A shuriken shot at Baxter and Free knocked it out of the way with his cobalt longsword. Baxter pulled out his sword and a man wandered up. He was a tall asian man, with a katana on his belt. He ran his sword over his fingers and the blood fell out, but it quickly formed the shape of a katana in his left hand. He held two swords and Baxter wrapped his chain around his tessaiga. The boy laughed.

Free managed to figure out who he was. “Bond. The Wizard of Blood.” He muttered

Becky was still blindsided. She threw her sword into the air and lashed out her chain, catching her sword and quickly wrapping it. “Listen, Baxter’s on our side now.”

“I’ve been trailing him since he left the shadow manor. Oh right, you guys don’t know what that is. It’s where the dark witches come from.” The man talked in large bursts. He twirled his iron sword and went into a battle position.

Free looked to him. “What’s your real name, Bond?”

He smiled. “My name? My name is…”

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