Chapter 8: Return to the Acadamy

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“Okay,” Hozzletop began, “lets write out what we know. They said there was 8 witches of Kin. There was Jade, Fiona, and Baxter. Also, a fourth one named Raven. Now they all used similar weapons and magics to their so called ‘counterparts’ but do we have any definitive proof that they are counterparts?”

Hozzletop began making a rough sketch of each of them. Free spoke out. “My eye.” They all turned to him. He moved his bang out of the way of his eye to reveal a scar across it. “At birth I had this eye. Kids at school called me the demon kid because I didn’t have a pupil. So one day I tried to cut it out, and thats why I have this scar. Fiona had the eye, but not the scar. She, other than the gender, is a genetic replica of me. Nobody else should have that mutation.”

“Wow…” Jaden muttered “You suck at cutting your own eyes out.”

Free threw his chair back. “Oh yeah, what's your sob story!?”

Jaden’s eyes went from his normal sarcastic, to miserable. “I do not want to talk about my awakening. Some things are better left unsaid.” And he stormed out of the room. Slamming the door behind him.

Becky went to run after him and Dragonetta stopped her. “Becky, he’s Grief, remember. Something horrible must’ve happened to someone he loved. I don’t think he wants to talk about it. We shouldn’t bother him.”

Becky returned to her seat. Gozlin decided to speak “Well, it was quite obvious they wanted to kill us, but why? We also have no idea how they got our name. It’s pointless to try and answer questions right now, we’re just making more. Baxter said in three days time he will hunt Becky down and kill her. He knows about the academy. He is gonna make a strike. We need to be ready. Now if you can all pull your heads out of your asses we can start preparing the schools defences for an attack consisting of 1 to 8 overpowered highly trained magical warriors.”

Hozzletop smashed his desk furiously. His head was steaming and all the students jumped. Silence enveloped the room, as if it were soundproof. He looked around the class and started to scream. “Do you think the board knows about the witches!? If anyone finds out about you 5 students, you’ll all be expelled, and Gassalade will take my position! Are whole operation would be blown, and now we need that more than ever. We are now on full alert self defence, but if we want to beat these guys, have any of you managed to use your elements yet!?”

Nobody moved. Eventually Becky stood up, and turned invisible. “I figured it out a while ago.” She said out of nowhere. “Using a spell is an issued mental command. Like I just calm down and think, invisible. I’m guessing that has to do with my aspect. Here, Dragonetta. You’re the sion of flames. Your powers were born and created in fire. You can become fire. Focus your rage. Get mad.”

She started to snarl. Nobody knew what she was focusing on, but her arms burst into flames. Like Olivia, she used her fists, so this was a good weapon for her. She took a few jabs. “Man, I like this!” She said. Free and Gozlin felt a little left out. Free was luck, and most of Gozlin’s pride was faked. She can’t really make it on randomly.

The class checked out Dragonetta’s flame arms and Hozzletop snuck out. He ran to the bathroom and started coughing blood.

“Why now!?” He snarled.

The students walked out of class and decided to walk to the campus restaurant together. They all took a seat, and even Jaden rejoined them later. His eyes were a little red, but they decided not to touch on it. Becky said the question that everyone had been thinking. “Why do they look like us?” In that instance, it seemed like they all lost their appetite. “There must be more to this than meets the eye. We are almost completely certain it isn’t luck. They had our DNA but how?”

Jaden spoke out “Many theorists believe Kin is a mirror to Sierra. Could the witches be part of that mirroring? And I wonder if the monsters have anything to do with this?”

“We need to stop thinking about this.” Free muttered. “Last time I thought too hard about something I tried to carve out my eye, so lets try to keep things off track for a while. We do need to discuss one more thing though, Hozzletop said he’d clear us to have weapons holstered on campus. If an attack does happen, where are we going?”

“Rendezvous at the atrium. Beneath the grand tower.” Becky said, grabbing her weapon and walking out of the booth. Free called out to her.

“Where are you going?”

“Uh… Laundry!” And she ran. Outside the restaurant she met up with Wraith. “Hey, how’ve you been?”

“Good, listen, we need to talk.”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m here. They say some assassins are gonna attack the school, so the top five students are allowed to have weapons holstered. We’re not suppose to hang out until probations over. Talk later!” And she kissed him on the cheek and ran off. He was dumbfounded.

“Well, coming out of the witch closet will be harder than I thought…” He said.

Free met up with Amicci. The two looked each other in the eye. He broke the silence. “Thanks for coming. Listen, about the party. I’m sorry. My sister can handle herself. But I really like you Amicci!”

“Free, I’m mad at you because you literally left a goddamn makeout session at a party, to go see if your sister was fucking anyone? Free, your my first real boyfriend, I really like you to, but I’m not sure if I can rely on you. Can I trust you?”

He hugged her. “You can always trust me.”

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