Chapter 7: A (Not-So) Friendly Field Trip

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Wraith and Olivia were pinned down by a group of Wolf Beasts. Olivia roundhouse kicked one and punched another in the face. She didn’t have a weapon, and never wanted one. “Isn’t this more fun Olivia!?” Wraith called running at a wolf and jumping over it, ripping it in half lengthwise with his scythe.

“You’re nuts you know that!?” She yelled. Her fists were in thick gauntlets so that she didn’t scar up her hands. Wraith looked in distance and saw a girl running. He took off after her. “Wraith, really!? Again!?”

“Stay here or go to camp, I’ll be back!”

“Wraith!” She called. In her rage, she punched to the side hitting a wolf beast so hard, its neck snapped instantly.


Becky pulled out her sword and wrapped her chain around it. Insanity flipped his hand around and he held the blade upside down. Meta (the girl in the green jacket.) held a large Naginata with a chain wrapped around her body. Lastly, Misfortune had a rifle in one hand, and a dagger in the other. It was odd. Becky thought. Change, Greif. Insanity, Sanity. Luck, Misfortune.

Jaden got his katanas ready, and Free grabbed his sword. Gozlin and Dragonetta backed off for the time being. Jaden launched in and slashed upwards at Meta. She twirled her naginata and knocked both of his blades out of the way. While staggered, free ran with his sword back and went for a slash but the brown hair girl blocked it up with her rifle perpendicular to the clash. His blue tinted platinum blade bounce off with a fury of sparks. Insanity jumped over the crowd and tackled Becky with his left hand and pushed his sword across the ground towards her neck. She slid out to her right and dropped her foot on his back. As she pulled back her sword to kill him, she hesitated and he got up smashing his sword into hers. Their blades locked and they both pulled it to full power. The saws started to radiate red with heat as the friction of the blades picked up.

Jaden relentlessly smashed his blades against Meta’s naginata. He started to scream “Why! Won’t! You! break!” And he finally decided to take a new approach. He threw his first sword into an above tree and pulled himself up with the mechanisms on his shoulders. He launched into the air. He then threw his sword back into the ground and launched down in a spin. Meta’s face was enough of a signal that she didn’t expect it. Her Naginata cracked in half and she spun around with the top half aimed at Jaden’s throat. Jaden had his sword at hers and the wind blew her bangs out of his eyes. They were a beautiful hazel. Just like his. Her cheekbones, and her hair colour. All matched up to his. “Meta means change right?” Asked Jaden. She nodded. “Who are you?”

Free and Misfortune were a fury of blades and bullets. Eventually they finally ran out of ammo and backed off from one another, and they were both out of breath. Free holstered his pistol. “Your tough there little missy…” She whipped her hair out of her eye.

It was a white blank eye. “You yourself there hotshot.”

Free lowered his weapon dumbfounded. “No goddamn way…”

Becky screamed and pushed her sword forwards. The chain was white hot. “Becklyn Corvin!” Insanity screamed. She knew she wouldn’t win this, so she pulled a backup switch on her blade. The chain release. It snapped off and slashed across his face, and he barreled into the back. He got up and he had a scar across his face. Blood dripped in large amounts and Becky noticed numerous details in the young boys face. “Whats your name?” She asked.


“No, not your witch name. Your real name”

And Insanity grinned.


Wraith caught up with the girl and put his scythe around her neck. “Who are you?” He snarled.

“Oh, Joy. Misery needs company.” The girl said.

Wraith dropped his weapon. “No, who are you?”

“I told you who I am. My name is misery. And your name is Joy.” The girl grabbed two short scythes. She faced Wraith.

His hand glowed gold. “I planned to have no part in this war. I’ve already figured it all out. But you, I don’t know who you are. I’ve never heard of your aspect.”


“What?” Becky asked.

“You heard me. Baxter Corvox. These two are Jade Hozmary and my sister, Fiona Corvox. We are 4 of the 8 witches of Kin.”

Free fell back “But theres only three of you?” They all looked around. Nobody could find a fourth.

Jade screamed. “Damn! We lost, Raven! She must have gone after her light self. Baxter, we have to fall back.”

Baxter sheathed his blade. A black circle appeared on his hand. “Be warned, Corvin. This will be the last time we meet without me killing you. Three days from now. We will meet again.” And he ran into the bushes. Becky turned to the headmaster.

“Hozley!” She ran over and started shaking him. He slowly opened his eyes.

“Oh my god! Kids, are you alright!? What happened?”

Free walked up. “Only minor injuries. We’re mostly fine. We have much bigger issues.”

Hozzletop stood up and brushed dirt off his clothes. “Who were those people?”

Nobody knew what to say. Jaden Sat on a rock back a good distance and said what nobody else wanted to. “The darkness.”

End of Act 1

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