Chapter 1

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     A blue bird chirped outside of Twilight's window. The noise caused her to rustle awake. Her movement also caused Fluttershy, who was sleeping next to her to wake up as well. They both were a sight. Their manes were tangled and messy and the fur on their coats was tufted in odd arrangements.

"Good morning baby," Fluttershy said lovingly. She leaned in to give Twilight a kiss on the forehead.

"Can I have five more minutes?" Twilight asked groggily.

"Come on silly the sun's up so you have to be up to," Fluttershy said as she got up from the bed. She threw the covers off of Twilight revealing the Pink diaper she wore to bed. "We have an appointment with Rarity to pick out our dresses for the gala. All of our friends will be there."

"Ok ok," Twilight rolled off of the bed.

     The two of them made their way to the bathroom and crowded around the sink. Fluttershy turned on the faucet while Twilight grabbed their toothbrushes with magic. She quickly ran the toobrushes through the running water and put one squirt of toothpaste on each of them. Flutterhsy turned off the faucet and the two began to brush their teeth. After they were done the two simultaneously spit  into the sink. After they brushed their teeth they brushed their manes back into shape and sat down across from each other. They then applied finishing touches to each other. Fluttershey finished styling the front of Twilight's mane while Twilight curled Fluttershy's eyelashes. After they were finished the two kissed each other lovingly on the cheek. They then moved to the closet where Fluttershy began thumbing through the myriad outfits she had acquired for Twilight since they've been together. She pulled out one of Rarity's foal fashion dresses. This was a purple one decorated with sideways white stripes instead of the usual embroidered animal motif. This dress ended in a purple satin tutu that stopped way before Twilight's tail. It had a purple diaper cover with a single frill around the waist in a similar style to the tutu.

"I know it's a little showy," Fluttershy said placing the outfit down on the bed. "But it's just our friends and you know they don't mind, so you're wearing this today." Fluttershy said not giving Twilight a choice in the matter.

"Yes mommy," Twilight said obediently. Fluttershy smiled happily. Fluttershy moved over to Twilight and looked carefully at her diaper.

"You're still dry. Let's wait til after breakfast to change you. I'd hate to waste a perfectly good diaper."

"Works for me," Twilight said as the two made their way towards the castle's kitchen. "What did you want to eat?" Twilight said happily skipping past the living room and into the kitchen. The living room sat just off of the main chamber of the castle where the magic map was, and was fairly spacious. The walls were crystalline but the furniture was a bit more comfortable,  wooden tables and chairs and a large purple love seat. The furniture here wasn't near as imposing and royal looking as the rest of the castle. The kitchen was similar. Metal appliances stuck out against the crystal walls oddly. Empty spaces on the walls were covered with various knick knacks to try and make the juxtaposition of crystal and metal less jarring. "I just went to the store yesterday so I've got all kinds of stuff we could whip up."

"I think I'd be fine with some fresh fruit," Fluttershy said removing assorted fruits from Twilight's fridge.

"Sounds perfect," Twilight said grabbing a plate for the two of them. They spent the next few minutes chopping up a pineapple, some apples, and pears into a colorful arrangement on the plate. Fluttershy made her way to the living room but Twilight stayed in the kitchen.

"What is it baby?" Fluttershy called.

"Do you think maybe you could feed me in the highchair?" Twilight asked cutely.

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