Chapter 13

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     Rarity yawned as she woke up, she quickly turned on the filly monitor she had on the nightstand next to the bed. She heard silence from the other end so she got up and started getting ready, hoping to be done before Twilight and Fluttershy woke up. She started to hear some rumblings from the monitor while she was giving her hair its signature curl, so she quickly finished so she could greet the two fillies as they woke. In the time it took her to walk from Twilight's bedroom to the nursery Twilight and Fluttershy were already awake and were snuggling together quitely.

"Good morning sweeties," Rarity sang. Twilight and Fluttershy turned finally noticing her come in. Twilight was still suckling on her pacifier and holding a stuffed rabbit while Fluttershy was just laying down her pacifier hanging from her pajamas by a clip. Rarity unlocked and opened the crib and let the two out. "I think I've got an idea of something fun we can do today." Rarity said getting the two out of their pajamas.

"What's that Rarity?" Twilight asked eagerly.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise," Rarity said getting the two of them undressed. She then made them lie down on the changing table Twilight had wet during the night but Fluttershy was dry so Rarity focused on changing Twilight first. Twilight suckled on her pacifier while Rarity changed her. "Fluttershy I noticed your diaper isn't wet you aren't holding it in are you?" Fluttershy looked away ashamed.

"Maybe a little," She said messing with her hair embarassed.

"You may be Twilight's big sister but you're still a filly and fillies use their diapers," Rarity said authoratively. "You don't want me to tell you twice." Fluttershy blushed and started wetting her diaper while Rarity finished changing Twilight. Rarity got Twilight in a diaper before Fluttershy finished so she waited patiently on Fluttershy. 

"I'm done," Fluttershy said meekly. Rarity put a pacifier in her mouth and started to change her

"Good girl," Rarity cooed. Fluttershy suckled on her pacifier while Rarity finished changing her. Now that both Twilight and Fluttershy were in clean diapers Rarity giddly moved toward the closet to pick out outfits for them. "This is my favorite part," Rarity said looking through all of the outfits she had made trying to find the best one. "I'm thinking we go with a short dresses because it's so hot out." Rarity said holding out a white and red dress with an embroidered strawberry design on the front. She then pulled out a similar dress that was blue and had small pictures of flowers throughout. Rarity expertly dressed Twilight in the strawberry dress and Fluttershy in the blue one. She then finished the ensemble with a red diaper cover and bonnet for Twilight and a blue diaper cover for Fluttershy.

"I don't know," Fluttershy said looking at the dress in the mirror. "Everypony can see my diaper."

"That's the point dear," rarity said dismissively. "It looks cute, and it makes it easier for me to check when your dipaer. I'm sure Twilight agrees." Twilight nodded her head enthusiastically and hugged Fluttershy. With the extra love from Twilight Fluttershy accepted the dress.

     Once Twilight an Fluttershy were dressed Rarity lead them  into the kitchen putting them in their highchairs for their breakfast that consisted of filly food.

"Now the first thing we have to do before we get to the surprise is take care of the critters at Fluttershy's," Rarity said shoving a spoonful of the mush into Twilight's open mouth.

"Oh yes," Fluttershy agreed excitedly sitting on the edge of the highchair with the straps preventing her from going too far. "I know Rainbow Dash and Applejack did their best, but I miss all my little critters and ..." Fluttershy was interrupted by a spoonful of filly food.

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