Chapter 5

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     Twilight and Fluttershy walked over a hill and could see all of sweet apple acres before them. The sun was resting at the top of the barn a sign that the day was coming to a close. Twilight was beginning to waddle as her diaper had become uncomfortably wet. Seeing this Fluttershy quickly made her way to the farm Twilight following behind her. They approached the barn, the doors were wide open and Applejack was talking with Rarity inside. Fluttershy quietly knocked on the barn door interrupting Applejack and Rarity's conversation.

"Oh Fluttershy," Applejack said surprised. "I forgot you were coming today. Ya'll give me a minute to get yer critter food ready."

"Oh that's fine," Fluttershy said politely. Twilight tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder anxiously. "Oh if you don't mind do you think we could go somewhere private so I can change Twilight's diaper."

"Fluutershy!" Twilight yelled embarrassed. Rarity and Applejack giggled.

"You can use the barn," Applejack said leaving. Rarity didn't take the hint and remained in the barn. Twilight and Fluttershy looked at her expectantly. After a few seconds of this Applejack return quickly ushering Rarity out of the barn closing the door behind her.

"What!" came Rarity complaining from the other side of the barn.

"I wonder what Rarity's doing here?" Twilight pondered.

"We can ask her later," Fluttershy said removing the disposable diaper she had stored under her hat. She then helped Twilight free her legs from the romper she was wearing and gestured to a nearby hay bale. "I don't have anything to tie your little hoofsies with so you're just going to have to behave ok," Fluttershy said as she removed a pacifier from under her hat and stuck it in Twilight's mouth. Twilight peacefully started suckling the pacifier as Fluttershy changed her soggy diaper. The disposable diaper wasn't as thick as the cloth one Twilight was wearing for most of the day but it would be fine until they returned to Fluttershy's cottage. After Twilight was changed Fluttershy wrapped the wet diaper discreetly inside the diaper cover and tied it around her body so that it hung off of her left flank. While she was doing this Twilight managed to get back into her romper. The two emerged from the barn Rarity was waiting next to the door.

"Hello girls," Rarity sang. "Been having fun today?" Rarity asked coyly. Twilight blushed.

"Oh we have," Fluttershy said cheerfully. "And my little baby was a big helper today." Twilight was now deeply blushing.

"I bet she was," Rarity said pinching Twilight's cheek. The combined affection from the two of them was making Twilight grow increasingly shy. "You should let me foalsit some time you know." Fluttershy and Twilight looked a little unsure at this prospect. "Oh you can say no if you want," Rarity said beginning to add drama. "I'm just so alone with no special somepony to play with, I just want to try it just once." To finish her dramatic scene Rarity began forcing herself to cry. Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other neither of them buying Rarity's act. As Rarity continued to sob though Twilight spoke up.

"I don't mind I guess," Twilight said clearly unsure. "It's up to you Flutters."

"Oh well if you're ok with it," Fluttershy said attempting to shift blame.

"Well you don't have to leave it up to me. You can say no," Twilight said hopefully.

"Oh no I couldn't. If if you want to let Rarity foalsit then I won't stop you." Rarity was beginning to get annoyed at the constant blame shifting.

"Can somepony give me a yes or no sometime today," Rarity said annoyed. Twilight spoke up.

"I guess you can be my foal sitter." Twilight said hesitantly.

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