Chapter 3

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//Warning: Just to be up front this chapter is going to contain some messing. If that's not something you want to read then feel free to skip this chapter.    

 Fluttershy quietly opened the door into her cottage. Both she and Twilight were carrying small bags of luggage. Once the door was opened Twilight and Fluttershy sat their bags down on the floor. Twilight was still wearing the dress she wore earlier that day to Carousel Boutique. Due to the length of time she had worn it, pretty much all day as Twilight looked outside to see the sun setting, the dress had become rather uncomfortable. She quietly removed it while Fluttershy busied herself in the kitchen.

"Twilight I have to feed the critters before dark," Fluttershy said heading toward the door of her cottage holding a bag of generic feed. "Be a dear and unpack our things would you?"

"Sure thing," Twilight said as she had finished getting undressed. She threw the dress and diaper cover on top of the suitcases and took them to the laundray wearing only her diaper. Twilight began washing Fluttershy's dirty clothes. She didn't have a lot, Twilight wore enough outfits for the both of them, so she was able to finish quickly. She hung Fluttershy's clothes on a rack to dry and moved into the nursery to unpack her clothes. Fluttershy's nursery, formally her guest bedroom, was a good deal smaller than the one in Twilight's castle. Twilight's crib took up most of the room, and the rest was taken up by a changing station leaving only a small but cozy path of floor right in front of the closet. Despite its smaller size this nursery was filled with just as much love. Several of the toys on Twilight's crib were hand stitched by Fluttershy in her free time. The walls were a nice peaceful shade of white that calmed Twilight down considerably while she was putting her clothes in the closet. The nursery in Twilight's castle was great for playing in, but Twilight always felt like this smaller one at Fluttershy's house was easier to fall asleep in. Twilight began to get drowsy just looking at the mobile that hung over the crib. Twilight was startled when Fluttershy suddenly approached her from behind and pressed her hoof against Twilight's diaper. "Oh my, you're wetter than I thought you'd be," Fluttershy said sweetly. She wasn't wrong Twilight hadn't noticed herself, but without the diaper cover it was easy to tell that her diaper was very used. It had a noticeable change in color and sagged off of Twilight's body.

"I guess I could use a change," Twilight said bashfully. Fluttershy expertly lead Twilight over to the nearby changing table and secured her hooves in the straps and placed a pacifier in her mouth. Fluttershy quickly removed the soiled diaper and replaced it a cloth diaper with three stuffers. Twilight was about to ask why there were so many stuffers but she was stopped when she felt something long and cold on her bottom and then slowly slide inside of her. The pacifier in her mouth, and her surprise at the suddenness of the insertion, prevented her from letting out little more than a grunt before Fluttershy was finished. Flutterhsy removed the small metallic grabbing instrument she had just used to deposit something inside of Twilight. She quickly placed the utensil in a nearby glass of water with bleach in it. "What was that?" Twilight asked alarmed spitting out her pacifier as she did. Fluttershy caught it and placed it back in her mouth before speaking.

"It's something I picked up at the pharmacy," Fluttershy said pinning the cloth diaper on Twilight. She then reached under the changing table and pulled out a Velcro diaper cover and placed it over the already thick cloth diaper. "I thought if you wanted to we could try it one day," Fluttershy said as she released Twilight. "Since you were a little miss sassy pants today though I made the decision for you."

"But what is it?" Twilight asked now more intrigued than concerned. Fluttershy didn't tell her at first and instead removed a clear pair of locking plastic pants from under the changing table and quickly fixed them on Twilight locking her in. Flutterhsy silently handed Twilight the box they came in. The box read "Extreme constipation relief" Twilight could make out the Flim Flam brother logo brazened on the corner. She could only hope that this meant the product wouldn't work.

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