Chapter 4

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     Fluttershy calmly woke up to the sound of birds outside her window. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced out of the window to see the sun barely poking over the hills. She glanced at an old wooden clock on her wall that told her it was 6 in the morning. Fluttershy sighed a bit annoyed. She made her way over to her window where a blue bird was still happily chirping on the branch of a nearby tree. Fluttershy opened the window.

"Hey ceasar," Fluttershy said to the bird. "Do you think maybe in the future you could do your singing somewhere else, or maybe do it a little quieter?" The bird chirped confused in response. "I know I told you to wake me up," Fluttershy explained, "But it's Saturday, ponies like to sleep late on Saturday's." The bird gave a dismissive series of chirps. "Well do try to remember next time." The bird gave a quick motion then he and the other birds flew over to a distant tree to continue their singing. Much to Fluttershy's dismay she knew that once she was awake there was no way she was going to go back asleep so she decided to make productive use of her time awake. She quickly brushed her mane and quietly made her way to Twilight's nursery. She cracked open the door to find Twilight who was very much still asleep. Twilight wasn't quite snoring, but she was breathing heavily and her body was contorted in a strange fashion that only a pony in a deep sleep would find comfortable. She was slowly suckling her pacifier as she slept. Fluttershy found the sleeping Twilight to be one of the most adorable things she'd seen in a while, but didn't want to wake Twilight from her peaceful slumber. She left the door open so that when Twilight eventually decided to get up she could hear it and let Twilight out of her crib.

     Fluttershy busied herself in the kitchen making breakfast for not only her and Twilight but the various critters that lived in and around Fluttershy's cottage. In between mixing various seeds, fruits, fish, and oats Fluttershy managed to make herself some steamed vegetables which she snaked on in between preparing food for the critters. After a while Fluttershy had prepared a significant amount of food that she had placed into three sacks depending on what type of animal would get them. Fortunately for her Fluttershy hadn't eaten all of her food which meant she could give the leftovers to Twilight which, when supplemented with a bottle, would be enough to fill her up. Fluttershy quickly got to work filling a bottle for Twilight. Fluttershy knew enough about taking care of baby animals to know how to make specialized drinks for different kinds of animals. She wasn't making this for any baby animal but she knew how to make a formula that suited Twilight's needs to keep her more than healthy. She carefully added small amounts of vitamins and minerals that Twilight didn't eat a lot of in her regular diet along with a ground up leaf that helped to keep her hydrated. The end result was something more akin to a health shake than anything meant for babies. So much so that after a few moments of thought Fluttershy duplicated the concoction for herself, though hers was poured into a coffee cup and not a bottle. Fluttershy placed the three bags of animal feed by the front door while she drank from her coffee cup. As she finished she heard some rustling from Twilight's room. She poked her head in the room and sure enough Twilight was beginning to rise from her sleep.

"Morning sunshine," Fluttershy said as she began opening Twilight's crib for her. Twilight stretched and gave a sleepy groan. While she was stretching something seemed to catch her off guard. "What's wrong sweetie?" Fluttershy asked concerned. Twilight crawled out of her crib.

"I think I might've had an accident," Twilight said nervously. As she uttered this Fluttershy was already unzipping her sleeper down to her diaper to check.

"That's ok sweetie," Fluttershy said confirming that Twilight's diaper was wet.

"No it's not Fluttershy," Twilight lowered her voice as if others were listening even though no one was around. "I don't remember doing it. Normally when I do I make a choice to it doesn't just come out like that. I don't remember it this time. If I wasn't wearing a diaper I would have wet the bed. I haven't done that since I was little."

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