Chapter 8

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     Twilight stood addressing the rest of her friends in a smaller side room of the palace. Fluttershy was off just to the side in Twilight's playpen wearing one of Twilight's foal dresses, a pink one with an embroidered bunny on the skirt, peeking out from the skirt was one of Twilight's diapers. Twilight was also wearing one of her diapers, but her's seemed to have been more carelessly taped than Fluttershy's, and in general her appearance was a bit frazzled.

Fluttershy was absent mindedly playing with a stuffed animal and suckling on a pacifier while Twilight explained the situation to the rest of her friends.

"Fortunately breaking the spell this time around will be pretty easy because I didn't self-cast it," Twilight said finishing her explanation, "but if I break it the other spell will just take over again, it's also why I can't give her any kind of potion to lessen the effects. So we have to find a cure for that spell before we can break this one. Any questions?" Twilight asked having caught everypony up to speed.

"So let me make sure I understand you," Rainbow said accusingly. "Fluttershy is in an emotional fit and you decide to cast a mind control spell on her!" Fluttershy made a small gurgling noise over to the side confirming Rainbow's assessment.

"Well yes," Twilight clarified. "But the basic principle is that dark magics tend to cancel out each other's effects if they do similar things so that's why I went with the mind control spell."

"I think what Rainbow means to say," Applejack said trying to prevent a confrontation between Twilight and Rainbow. "Is that, well couldn't you have found some other spell, maybe something less extreme for Fluttershy's sake."

"I know where you're coming from," Twilight stated. "But I'm not exactly an expert on dark magic this was the only spell I could think of."

"Well you should've thought of a better one," Rainbow said still antagonistic.

"I think the important thing here is the Fluttershy is ok," Rarity interjected. "Relatively speaking of course. Twilight are you ok taking care of her? It's not too much work for you?" Rarity asked taking note of Twilight's already haggard look.

"Well it's definitely not what I'm used to," Twilight admitted. "I think I'm getting the hang of it though," she said unconvincingly.

"Mommy I hungwy," Fluttershy shouted from her playpen.

"Of course you are sweetie," Twilight said approaching the play pen and releasing Fluttershy who immediately embraced Twilight in a hug. As her friends got closer Fluttershy buried her head in Twilight's coat out of shyness.

"I don't mind helping," Pinkie Pie said cheerily. "Taking care of you was oodles of fun when it wasn't oodles of weird. I'm sure Fluttershy will be no sweat." Pinkie said happily. She had already begun tickling Fluttershy causing her to giggle and remove her face from Twilight and open up more.

"Are you sure you're ok Twilight?" Applejack asked. "I would think only one of you would need diapers," Applejack sated as she and everypony else had noticed that Twilight was still padded.

"Oh that," Twilight said. "Well all the time I've been with Fluttershy may have had an adverse effect on my ability to control my own bladder, and all this stress has sort of made it worse."

"You don't seem bothered by it at all," Rainbow Dash huffd under her breathe. Nopony else seemed to hear her.

"Oh well sweetie then you do need help," Rarity said. "It's no problem. I'm sure between me, you, and Pinkie Pie we'll keep Fluttershy happy."

"I'm all about making ponies happy!" Pinkie said skipping around the room joyfully.

"Come Fluttershy dear," Rarity said coaxing Fluttershy with loving pats on the head. "Let's get you something in that tummy of yours." With that Fulltershy followed meekly behind Rarity and Pinkie into the kitchen.

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