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"Hmmm," Rarity pondered staring at Twilight. She put her red glasses back over her eyes and scrawled something on a piece of paper. Twilight wiggled around anxiously on a podium. She was wearing a light blue dress that had an embroider picture of a sheep prancing on the chest. The skirt of the dress was adorned with white polka dots and it went all the way to the base of Twilight's tail. Past Twilight's tail was a thick pink diaper the sides of which were adorned with curvy lines. Twilight seemed to be annoyed with Rarity.

"Is this going to take much longer Rarity?" Twilight asked a bit annoyed. "It feels like we've been at this for hours."

"This is a delicate process Twilight. I have to get the skirt length just right. Enough were you can catch glimpses of the diaper but not so much that it's constantly visible it's a tough length to nail down just right." Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. "Just try and stay calm dear I'm almost done. Besides it's not like you have to stop to go to the bathroom."

"Haven't heard that one before?" Twilight said quietly under her breath.

"Ok I think you're right we do need a break," Rarity said picking up on Twilight's growing annoyance.

"Thank you," Twilight said relieved. She stepped down from the podium as Rarity helped her get undressed. After the dress was removed Twilight shook a little trying to get the stiffness out of her limbs. "Sorry Rarity I know how hard you're working on this new line. I just couldn't take it anymore."

"I know I know," Rarity said sympathetically. "I can always just do a spin on last year's foal fashion if this doesn't work out. Wasn't there something else you needed done while you were here?"

"Oh yeah," Twilight said as she moved the coat around her neck out of the way to reveal the pink collar around her neck. "Fluttershy was worried that my collar might be getting a little too tight."

"It's supposed to be darling," Rarity said inspecting the collar under her glasses. She tugged at it to see how far it would move from Twilight's neck.

"That's what I told her, but you know how she is always worried about everything. It's not really up to me anyway."

"I suppose it does seem a bit tight. Do you wear it in the bath?"

"Yeah I don't ever really take it off. You and Fluttershy are the only two that have the key to it."

"I think it may have shrunk a tad dear."

"Oh should I stop wearing it in the bath then."

"Oh no dear. This is a simple fix I left a little bit of extra fabric sewn on the inside because I figured this would happen eventually." Rarity walked over to her desk and rummaged around until she found a small key. She also found a piece of rope and tied one end in a loop. She went over to Twilight who lowered her head. Eventually Rarity found the heart shaped lock on the back of the collar and opened it with her key. She then carefully removed the collar and quickly threw the rope loop over Twilight's head.

"What's this?" Twilight asked confused about the rope. Rarity tightened it up against her neck.

"I take collars very seriously Twilight. You're going to have to wait here until I get done." Rarity said as she tied the other end of the rope to a small ringlet in the floor.

"Is this really needed Rarity?" Twilight said. She tugged on the rope to get a good sense of where it let her wander.

"Yes Twilight," Rarity said as she wandered into a back room. Twilight rolled her eyes and laid down on the floor. She could very easily undo the knot, but she decided against it she didn't want to upset Rarity. It wasn't long before Rarity emerged from the back room. "Ok all done. This should fit a little better." Rarity said as she put the collar around Twilight's neck. "Let me know if the fit bothers you because I'm about to lock it." Twilight ran the tip of her hoof around it. It was looser than she liked but she didn't see any reason to complain.

"I think that's fine," Twilight said happily. With a click Rarity locked the collar in place.

"Ok all done," Rarity sang happily. "You guys really should let me some other things for you. I have so many ideas," Rarity said removing the rope from around Twilight's neck.

"Easy cowgirl," Twilight said playfully. "We don't really do all that."

"But I'm more than happy to let you try. Bon Bon absolutely loves the stuff I made for her."

"I appreciate the enthusiasm Rarity, but I don't think it's what we're looking for," Twilight said as she grabbed the dress she wore in. It wasn't a particularly loud dress. It was a light shade of pink and the skirt trailed past Twilight's flank and covered her diaper completely. "I've got to head back home now. Sorry I couldn't help you get the sizing right."

"It's fine," rarity said dismissively. "We can try again some other time. See you later Twilight," Rarity waved as Twilight walked away.

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