Chapter 7

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      Twilight was struggling to get Fluttershy to the hospital. She was galloping as fast as she could with Fluttershy on her back. Since she had been bitten about an hour ago, Fluttershy had been constantly raving and squirming which wasn't helping Twilight carry her any faster. Twilight had been mostly ignoring what Fluttershy was saying, as it didn't make any sense, one second she would be laughing before launching off into a screaming fit and then just as quickly start crying.

      After an incredibly long run Twilight burst into the hospital before immediately falling down exhausted with Fluttershy still ranting on her back. The hospital staff and waiting patients looked shocked at the sudden entrance

"Help I need," Twilight began but couldn't finish because she was out of breathe.

"Quick nurse she needs help!" shouted one of the doctors finishing Twilight's thought. Two nurses quickly grabbed Fluttershy from Twilight's back and put her on a gurney before rushing into the back of the hospital with Twilight struggling to follow them.

"Please help she's," Twilight struggled to speak while chasing after the doctors and nurses.

"Doctor it appears she's bouncing rapidly between emotional states and moving uncontrollably," one of the nurses said again finishing Twilight's thought.

"She was bit ... Forrest," Twilight struggled to speak.

"Doctor there are bite marks on the neck, she must have been bitten by some creature, probably from the everfree forrest" The other nurse said. Twilight gave up talking and focused and catching her breathe.


      The wounded creature continued to quickly scurry along the floor of the ever free forest before stopping at the base of a tree. He quickly identified a particular root and tapped on it with one of his legs. After a few seconds another snake like head emerged from a small hole in the tree.

"Tom there you are," the other head said happily. "You're not looking too good buddy? What happened to your shell?" it asked referring to Tom's shell that was still badly damaged from his encounter with Twilight.

"Oh Rick it's ridiculous. Quadrupedal equines with magic and wings, and one of them was shooting fire at me, and then she threw me on the ground cracked my shell," Tom said struggling to come to terms with what just happened to him.

"Easy easy man. Hold on I'll get the door for you," the head went back into the small hole and some clicking and locking sounds could be heard before a small hatch in ground popped up. Tom quickly scurried down the hatch and into a small tunnel that was dimly lit with magic torches that hung on the tunnel's walls. They burned with a green light and the flames themselves moved differently than a typical fire. The tunnel itself seemed to continue for miles and it branched off into numerous other tunnels with other tunnels leading into it as well forming a complicated inter connected network. As Tom scurried along the tunnel Rick emerged from another tunnel that merged into the one Tom was in.

Rick was in a shell that was made from the same material Tom's was and it had a similar shape as well, only Ricks was smaller and more round and featured wings on the top that could be used for flight, though at the moment Rick was scurrying along with similar twig like legs

"Sorry about your shell Tom," Rick said sympathetically. "I know you worked really hard getting the stealth thing working." The two expertly moved through several connected tunnels as they talked going deeper and deeper down into the earth.

"Tell me about it," Tom said sadly. "This one was a real work of art; I'll have to make a new one. Hey did Cindy wake up yet?"

"No her whole section is going to be out for another year or two, they had to get the lights during this last sleep."

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