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     Twilight was laying on Fluttershy's lap in the living room wearing a white onesie with purple trim. Fluttershy stroked her mane lovingly. Fluttershy wasn't wearing anything but the pink collar Twilight picked out for her She pressed her hoof against the bottom of Twilight's diaper.

"Uh – oh someone had an accident," Fluttershy said caringly. Twilight blushed.

"I didn't even notice that time," Twilight said a little embarrassed.

"That's ok baby, that's why you're wearing diapers, now come on lets go get you changed. Fluttershy put a pacifier in Twilight's mouth and began leading her up to the nursery. Once they made it up the stairs Twilight eagerly laid down on the changing table paying no mind that she had squished her messy diaper against herself. Fluttershy happily began changing Twilight. "Wow you really did lose all control didn't you?"

"Don't tease me," Twilight said blushing.

"I'm not teasing you. I'm just happy that I get to take care of my little one 24/7." Twilight giggled at this comment.

"I guess it's a good thing you got potty trained so fast then."

"Well I'm not done yet I still have night accidents every now and then," Fluttershy said finishing taping Twilight's diaper. "But I'll get there eventually." Fluttershy helped Twilight stand up from the changing table Twilight thanked her with a kiss on the cheek. Fluttershy giggled slightly as the kiss tickled her a little. She patted Twilight's head a gentle signal to stop.

"Do you think we should check on her, I wonder how she's doing?"

"I guess we should check on her, hopefully this little attitude adjustment worked and she'll behave."

     Fluttershy and Twilight made their way to Twilight's other extra bedroom which had been turned into a makeshift nursery. The occupant of the nursery was currently locked in a playpen inside

"Are you going to behave now Rarity?" Fluttershy asked with authority. Rarity didn't answer. Mostly because she was very well restrained, with mittens over all of her hooves and a ring on her horn blocking her magic, and a pacifier gag in her mouth and couldn't say anything past a muffle. Fluttershy reached in the playpen and took the pacifier out of Rarity's mouth.

"Ok ok," Rarity said frantically. "You've had your fun and made the joke. Can you please get me out of this you know how I hate messes Fluttershy this is killing me." Rarity was referring to her very full diaper that was sagging even underneath the plain white onesie she was wearing. It was very obvious the diaper was full because of both the smell and the fact that there was a yellow stain on the bottom of Rarity's onesie where the diaper had started to leak.

"You are messy aren't you," Fluttershy said motherly. "If I change you are you going to be a good girl?"

"Please Fluttershy," Rarity begged. "You have to."

"Looks like somepony hasn't learned their lesson yet. Maybe I need to keep you in there a little longer."

"No no I'll be good promise," Rarity said frantically.

"I don't know if I believe you," Fluttershy teased. "A good foal would say it a little nicer."

"I be good girl mommy," Rarity said forcing a foolish speaking manner. Twilight laughed at the poor attempt.

"Don't make fun Twilight she's trying her best," Fluttershy scolded.

"Yes mommy," Twilight responded obediently.

"Ok let's get our new foal changed out of that messy diaper," Fluttershy said letting Rarity out of the play pen. She laid her down on a changing pad on the floor. Rarity blushed as Fluttershy removed her diaper and started cleaning her, Twilight watched while suckling on her pacifier.

"Maybe you can fill me in on why you kidnapped me and started treating me like a foal Fluttershy," Rarity said polite as she could. Fluttershy shut her up by putting her pacifier back in her mouth.

"I believe that you shouldn't do something to somepony that you wouldn't have done to you. If you are going to foal sit Twilight and I then I need to know that you have an appreciation for our situation when we're foals. Understand?" Rarity nodded meekly mostly to avoid upsetting Fluttershy who had already locked her in a playpen for disobedience. "Good, and I don't want any more attitude out of you today or I'll do worse than putting you in your playpen for a few hours."

"Ooooo," Twilight teased from the background.

"That goes for you too Twilight, I don't tolerate teasing. Twilight became quiet and looked away shyly.

"I sowwy," Twilight said innocently.

"I forgive you, why don't you help me pick out a new onesie for Rarity hers is a little dirty," Fluttershy said tossing the soiled onesie into a hamper.

"I think she would like one of the frilly ones," Twilight said with enthusiasm.

"How about it Rarity?" Fluttershy asked nicely. "We do have some frilly onesies if that's what you want."

"That sounds nice," Rarity said poorly hiding the fact that she was excited to wear anything with extra decorations frills included. Flutteshy picked out a purple onesie with darker purple frills for Rarity to wear. Once she was dressed in it Rarity seemed to beam with happiness.

"I suppose it's not that bad once you get started," Rarity said admiring how cute she looked

"I'm glad you're starting to have fun," Fluttershy said with an encouraging pat on Fluttershy's shoulders.

"Yay!" Twilight screamed excited. "Now Rarity's happy." The three of them shared a laugh at Twilight's comment as they made their way to the living room.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well that's it for this one. I had fun writing it. I'm not sure what I'll do next. I've been thinking of doing a rewrite of Raquel's Only Wish since the original was deleted by the author. I asked her around the time she left if it would be ok if I did a rewrite and she didn't seem to care one way or the other so i think I'm good to go. I'll reread the original for sure and then see if that's what I want to do. Anyway as always i hope you guys enjoyed it look forward to more stories in the future.

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