Chapter 11

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     Twilight was busy mixing the Raccni venom she got from Tom with several compounds and putting them into various tubes and flasks and placing them in the lab so they could finish reacting. Rainbow Dash was curiously poking at the bubble where Tom lay unconscious from Twilight's numerous venom extractions.

"So," Rainbow Dash said bored with the unconscious Raccni. "Which one of these is the cure?"

"Difficult to say," Twilight said. "I've combined the venom with every compound I could think of that had similar composition, we just have to wait a day or two and see if there are any changes. If worst comes to worst we could always inject it like a vaccine into one of us and see if we can produce any antibodies."

"Who's the lucky pony that gets that job?" Rainbow Dash asked as the two of them moved into the living room where Rarity was playing with Fluttershy.

"Hopefully it won't come to that," Twilight said optimistically. "So let's just cross that bridge when we get to it ok." Rainbow Dash seemed satisfied at this response. "Anyway thanks for helping me in the lab."

"No problem," Rainbow Dash said boastfully. "I've done some snake wrangling before and this was kinda the same thing. Except usually the snakes don't complain that much." Twilight laughed a little at this. "See you soon," Rainbow said happily as she flew out through the castle's front door.

"I'm glad you two are getting along," Rarity said happily.

"Me too," Twilight said. "It was really tiring fighting all of the time." Twilight moved over to Fluttershy who greeted her happily with a hug.

"Well apparently we have some time to kill," Rarity said with a sigh.

"Yes we do," Twilight confirmed. "It'll be about a day before the samples are done maybe longer for some of them." Twilight seemed to struggle saying something. "Listen since we've got a while."

"Is there something wrong Twilight?" Rarity asked picking up on Twilight's nervousness.

"Well it's been so long since Fluttershy," Twilight was stuttering. "And there's no telling how much longer until she can."

"Twilight are you asking what I think you're asking?" Rarity said piecing together some of Twilight's ramblings. Twilight nodded her head and Rarity and Rarity burst into a happy yell. "I'm so glad you're finally letting me babysit," Rarity said hugging Twilight.

"Are you sure you can handle both me and Fluttershy?" Twilight asked concerned.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head," Rarity said patting Twilight on the head. "Let Rarity take care of everything." Rarity led Twilight and Fluttershy up to the nursery where she dressed them in matching pink onesies. "Don't you two look cute?" Fluttershy giggled and fell on her back. Twilight started to help her up but Rarity stopped her by sticking a pacifier in her mouth. "Twilight I'm taking take care of you and Futtershy. So you don't need to worry about anything except being cute. Now come with me." Rarity led the two back into the living room and into the play pen in the corner of the room. Once they were both inside the playpen Rarity closed the top on it locking it shut. "I've left you two some coloring books and toys in there," Rarity siad looking in on Twilight and Fluttershy through the play pen walls. " Why don't you two get reacquainted with each other while I go and make you something to eat."

      Rarity left humming her way to the kitchen. Twilight was a bit unsure of herself but Fluttershy began poking her with a stuffed bear playfully as she suckled on her pacifier. Twilight couldn't help but giggle and she slowly got more in the mood. Over the next few minutes Twilight and Fluttershy played various games, colored, and had childish conversations about their favorite color or how pretty or silly one of their stuffed animals was. They carried on this way for a while before Rarity returned from the kitchen.

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