Chapter 10

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            Twilight was busily making some soup in the kitchen with Fluttershy was nearby in her highchair. Twilight wore nothing but an apron and her diaper and Fluttershy was wearing a green onesie adorned with cute frog faces. Twilight hummed as she stirred the large pot and then used the spoon to taste the soup. She gave a happy smile and covered the pot with a lid and brought the temperature on the stove down.

"It's ready Rarity," Twilight called. Rarity could be heard making her way into the kitchen. While she was on her way Twilight picked up the crystal ball that she had set on a nearby table and looked into it . It gave a view of everything the wards she placed yesterday could see but nothing interesting was happening around the forest's edge.

"Anything yet?" Rarity asked as she entered the room to see Twilight staring into the crystal.

"Nothing," Twilight said. "But it's only been a day."

"I'm sure it'll turn up eventually," Rarity said as she lovingly patted Fluttershy's head while making her way over to Twilight's soup pot.

"It's chicken noodle," Twilight said pouring some out for Rarity into a bowl. "It's not as good as when Fluttershy makes it, but I did my best." Rarity took a sip and her face lit up.

"Well if Fluttershy makes it better than this then color me impressed."

"Thanks," Twilight said as she brought a bowl of the soup to Fluttershy. She tied a large bib around Fluttershy's neck and tried to feed her carefully, but even with her care Fluttershy still managed to make a mess. Twilight just smiled and cleaned Futtershy up when she needed to. "I need a diaper change after I finish feeding Fluttershy and I eat, if you don't mind."

"Not at all," Rarity said nonchalantly. "It's about the only thing I have left to do you seem to have everything under control."

"Don't sell yourself short Rarity," Twilight said "You've been a big help." Fluttershy finished her soup but Twilight left her in the high chair giving her some toys to occupy her while Twilight ate.

"If you want I can change you I the living room," Rarity said while Twilight quickly slurped her soup down. "It's just us here now."

"Oh yeah that's right," Twilight said her voice muffled by a mouthful of crackers. "Pinkie had to go and run sugar cube corner. Don't you have a store to run too?"

"Don't worry about it dear. I'm letting the brand rest this season. It's a fashion thing." Twilight shrugged her shoulders not getting it at all. "Don't worry yourself with the details point is the shop's closed for now." Twilight rolled her eyes as she finished her soup.

"Well let's get me changed because I'm sure Fluttershy needs one too." Twilight and Rarity made their way to the living room within earshot of Fluttershy who was still playing with her toys. "I'm sorry but I might be messy." A look of dislike flashed across Rarity's face before she composed herself.

"It's alright, this was an eventuality." Twilight gave a half smile.

"Yeah I tried to make it but these diapers are hard to take off and I ..."

"You don't need an excuse Twilight. I'll just try not to think about it too much," Rarity said as she was about to begin but Twilight stopped her.

"Uhh do you think I could have a pacifier," Twilight said slightly embarrassed.

"Of course dear," Rarity said placing a pacifier in Twilight's mouth. Twilight greedily started suckling a look of relief on her face because it had been so long. Rarity was happy to have Twilight quiet while she tried her best to clean Twilight without getting anything on her. While it took some time Rarity did manage to clean Twilight and change her diaper while keeping herself clean as well. As Twilight was getting up she felt a familiar vibration coming from her cutie mark.

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