Chapter 6

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"What am I supposed to do Fluttershy?" Twilight cried anxiously as she paced around the living room of the palace in nothing but a hastily taped on diaper. Fluttershy stood nearby uncomfortably, trying to remain positive in an attempt to calm Twilight down.

"Let's just try and calm down," Flutterhsy said quietly.

"I can't calm down!" Twilight said beginning to panic.

"I just think maybe you're jumping to conclusions here. We need to try and look at the situation calmly so we don't make any rash decisions."

"But Fluttershy this was the second time this happened, it's not a fluke anymore. Oh Celestia, a princess who wets the bed I'll be the laughing stock of royalty."

"Maybe we need to take a break for a few days," Fluttershy offered. "Let's get you out of that diaper and do something grown up for a change."

"No I can't do that!" Twilight said stopping Fluttershy from approaching her. "What if I have an accident?"

"Twilight you're jumping to conclusions again. Just because you had an accident at night doesn't mean you'll have one while you're awake."

"You don't know that for sure though!"

"Ok ok if it makes you feel better about it keep it on. Listen I know you're scared right now, I'm here for you we'll get through this."

"What if this means we won't be able to play anymore? Oh no I went so long without someone to share this with I can't go back." Fluttershy sighed defeated. Twilight was really concerned about this. It's not that Fluttershy wasn't, but she didn't know what to do about it either and she needed Twilight's help to come up with something. Twilight increased her pacing speed a sign that Fluttershy's efforts to calm her down were fruitless.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Fluttershy snapped. Twilight stopped pacing to look at Fluttershy. "Sit," Fluttershy commanded.

"Fluttershy I don't think this is the time," Twilight began but she was cut off by Fluttershy.

"Sit!" Fluttershy repeated more sternly this time. Twilight obeyed but shifted around uneasily as she did. Before she could say anything Fluttershy began lovingly petting her mane

"Fluttershy I don't..."

"Shhh," Fluttershy hushed Twilight as she continued rhythmically stroking down Twilight's mane. Fluttershy began humming a soft tone as she moved to scratching behind Twilight's ear and underneath her chin. Twilight quickly fell to the floor and rolled over and Fluttershy began lovingly rubbing her stomach and tickling her. Before long Twilight was a giggling mess rolling around in the floor. After a few minutes of this Fluttershy stopped leaving Twilight on the floor panting.

"Feel better?" Fluttershy said still calmly.

"Yeah," Twilight said still giggling a little.

"Sorry I uh got carried away there," Fluttershy said embarrassed.

"No you're fine," Twilight said lovingly burying her head in Fluttershy's chest. "What are we going to do about my accidents though," Twilight said catching her breathe finally.

"I know you're worried about it," Fluttershy said calmly. "But I think we should just wait and see if it happens again."

"What if it does?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy was quiet for a minute.

"If it bothers you Twilight," Fluttershy paused. "We'll find a way to work through it," Fluttershy said reassuringly. There was a small pause from Twilight.

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