Chapter 7

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"Never have I ever met anyone who has been through so much and come out so strong. I have had the privilege of working with her for over 10 years and she has always given 110% when it came to her job. But she has given more to her family and her community along the way. Please give a warm and grateful welcome to Elizabeth Harrison." Agent Morris said stepping aside as Johanna walked up the stairs to take the stage.

"Thank you Agent Morris." She looked out at everyone seeing Jim and Kate sitting at their table. "A long time ago I was a completely different person. My life was where I wanted it to be and I was married to the love of my life and I had a beautiful daughter. I was a civil rights lawyer here in New York and everything was what I had dreamed. But I was forced to make difficult decisions and spent the last 16 years away from those two spectacular people." She paused taking a slow deep breathe. "Helping people, especially those without a voice has been my goal as a lawyer and as an FBI agent since I could remember. I thought it was my duty to save the lives of those who had been lost. But what do you do when you are lost? I spent many of the last few years afraid that my daughter and my husband would hate me, when I returned he did. I helped my daughter find my grandson after he was kidnapped. After I finally got to see my husband again, I never thought that I would see my daughter as a wife or as a mother and I never thought I could fall even more in love with the man I loved all those years ago. Today I stand before you in hopes that soon those in witness protection can have voices and have their own lives back without fear." Johanna said, Kate smiled catching her eye. "Another person is waiting to go home, let's help them."

Everyone stood applauding her, she smiled thanking them before walking off where interviewers and people were waiting for her. She waded through answering questions but all the while wanting to get to her husband and daughter. Before long the press thinned and she spotted the table where, Kate, Jim and Rick were seated with some other friends she could care less about.

"That was lovely" Jim said standing up as she approached the table.

"I just want to go home" Johanna sighed as he kissed her cheek.

"We actually were hoping to go out and celebrate." Jim said looking at Kate and Rick.

"Where?" Johanna asked.

"We were kinda thinking weekend in the Hampton's" Kate sad.

"The Hampton's?" Johanna asked surprised.

"Bags are already packed and in our cars and Martha, Alexis and Carson are already there." Kate said smiling.

"I think that sounds like an amazing idea." Johanna smiled as Jim's arm slipped around her rubbing circles on her back.

"Agent Harrison could we get a photo of you and your husband?" A photographer asked, Johanna looked at Jim who smiled.

"Of course." She said letting the man take what he wanted.

"You alright?" Rick asked as Kate rubbed her back. She turned to him smiling.

"Yeah the twins are just being very active today." Se sighed turning to face him.

"will you be good in the car?"

"Mhm, I can't wait to not have a case" She said Rick laughed laying his hands on her waist.

"I miss working with you" He frowned

"Nothing to say you can't Castle"

"Mmmm have a case like the good ol' days." Kate laughed looking up at him.

"Finish each other sentences and have you drive me crazy with your theories." She smirked.

"Hey I will always stand by those." He said she smiled kissing him softly. Turning she saw her parents watching them.

"Yes?" Kate asked.

"Nothing, you two ready to get out of here?" Johanna smiled

"It's your night my love" Jim whispered Johanna smiled taking his hand as they left.

They drove the several hours to the hampton's and by the time they reached the beach house they were ready to turn in. Kate showed her parents to their room leaving them so they could get some sleep. Johanna was out on the balcony when Jim found her after his shower. He walked up behind her gently placing his arms around her kissing her shoulder.

"I wasn't lying earlier when I said your speech was amazing." He said softly.

"Thank you" She smiled laying her head against his.

He swayed slowly as she closed her eyes. "I wasn't lying when I said I loved you more than I ever thought possible." She said smiling as he kissed her again.

"I hope not" He said his one hand lifting her shirt the other teasing her skin moving up her midrift.

"James Beckett" She laughed gasping.

"Johanna Beckett" He growled.

"At least take me into the bedroom before you take all my clothes off." She smirked as he pulled her into the bedroom letting her close the glass doors.

"You're beautiful" He whispered a while later as they lay in bed both tired.

"Go to bed" She teased hitting his hip.

"Mmmm but I love you" He moaned, she rolled over handing laying on his chest.

"In a month we are renewing our vows, save every word you have ever told me for that moment because I don't think either of us can tell each other at this moment how we feel. Because the love I have for you is indescribable because you keep amazing me even after all this time." She said he smiled kissing her forehead.

"I will always tell you I love you because you are the love of my life but believe me our wedding will be the best I can make it. You diverse everything and I plan to give it to you." She sighed in disbelief bringing him in for a kiss.

"Oh screw it I love you" She breathed making him chuckle.

"Won't ever change"

"Never" She smiled laying her head on his chest closing her eyes.

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