Untitled Part 12

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Kate walked into the small coffee shop looking around for Roy. She smiled seeing him in the corner and walked towards him. He grinned and stood up to greet her.

"Hi" She smiled giving him a hug.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet." Roy said before taking a seat.

"Yeah I was happy to, I'm starting to go crazy at home" Kate chuckled.

"When are you due?" He asked.

"Uh, if I don't go into labor by next Tuesday they will induce labor. Both of the babies are fully developed so they just want to avoid health risks." Kate explained.

"It's hard to believe that kid I met is going to be the mom of three kids" Roy chuckled.

"I'm still trying to believe it." Kate smiled she took a breath before looking at Roy. "Why did you really ask me here Roy? I know it wasn't just for old times." Roy nodded.

"I wanted to apologize." He said Kate only watched him. "I tried to get the information to Smith before they could hurt you but I didn't get it to him in time."

"Roy, you don't need to apologize, I'm still here. Yeah I got shot but Bracken's behind bars because of you and my mom." Kate said hating that he felt guilty.

"You got shot?" He asked frantically.

"I thought you knew" Kate said.

"No" Roy shook his head.

"It was at your funeral. There was a sniper and he shot me in the chest."

"I had no idea, I just knew things happened that I had hoped to stop." Roy said, Kate reached out and took his hand.

"Please don't blame yourself. You did everything you could, I stopped digging and I fell in love. And I owe you a huge thank you because without you I wouldn't be here." Kate said, Roy looked up.

"My wife hates me for what I did" Roy sighed.

"I take it you talked to her?" Roy nodded.

"She's slowly letting back into their life but the girls are grown up. My oldest is in college and now my baby's in high school so I never see them."

"She'll come around, she loves you. When you love someone that much it's hard not to let them back in."

"It's hard is all"

"I know, I struggled with my mom" Kate sighed.

"Your mom always talked about you" Roy smiled.

"She did?" Kate asked

"Mhm, just about what you were like growing up and how much she missed you and your dad but mostly you."

"Now we see each other every day." Kate laughed.

"She's good at what she does, a lot like you."

"Speaking of what I do, I need to get home and be a momma." Kate smiled softly, Roy nodded.

"It was good to talk to you" Roy said standing up to hug her again.

"Yeah, come in and visit the boys and I sometime." Kate smiled.

"Will do, and good luck." Roy winked, Kate rolled her eyes.

"Thank you" She laughed as she walked out.

When she got home the house was quiet and she saw Rick and Carson asleep on the couch. She smiled walking over to put a blanket over them. Rick opened his eyes and Kate leaned down to kiss him.

"How was Roy?" He whispered.

"Good, how long has Car been asleep?" Kate asked sitting down next to Rick.

"Mmmm about an hour, we were watching Star Wars" Kate laughed rolling her eyes.

"Real father son bonding"

"Oh yeah" rick smiled looking at Carson.

"Oh Ow" Kate winced closing her eyes as she sat up.

"You okay?" Rick asked laying his hand on her back.

"I'm not sure, I'm going to go use the bathroom and try to take a shower."

"Is it the babies?" He asked.

"Yeah, but that's the first one"

"Was that a contraction?"

"I don't think so, but a shower still sounds good" Kate said pushing herself up.

"If you need me holler" Rick said Kate nodded and walked to the bedroom.

The water of the shower felt nice on her skin and she relaxed against the wall. Opening her eyes she let out a long slow breath as a stronger cramp hit. Reaching out she turned the water off and stepped out of the shower leaning onto the sink counter as she tried to calm her now heightened nerves. She felt a warm liquid run down her leg and she tried not to panic as excitement and nerves coursed through her/ She dried off and wrapped herself in a towel before walking into the bedroom taking a seat on the bed.

"Babe" She called calmly focusing on her breathing. Contractions hadn't started yet but she was still scared about having the twins. Rick walked into the bedroom and Kate looked at him.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"My water broke" She said, his eyes grew wide and he moved towards her kneeling down in front of her laying his hand on her stomach.

"Hospital?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, but don't wake Carson up yet."

"I'll call Alexis and have her come over to watch him." Rick replied, Kate nodded.

"Babe, I want my mom in there with us." Kate said hesitant. Rick smiled standing up to kiss her forehead.

"Your the one having these babies, I am fine with whatever you want to do." Kate smiled.

"I love you" She said quietly.

"I love you too, now let's go get you to the hospital" He smiled, she nodded and smiled moving to get dressed.

This was it, this was the moment she spent 9 months waiting for. She was going to finally meet the two people she was already in love with.

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