Chapter 14

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Johanna froze hearing the men's voices behind her coming closer. Looking around she saw a door at the end of the hall and ran for it. Getting inside she pulled out her phone texting Kate.

'911 track" Before turning on her tracking app. She didn't wait for a reply as she found somewhere to hide. The room was empty and she hid in it's darkness. The voices were closer now and her heart sank hearing the voice of the man she loved.

"Let me go, my daughter is a cop." He moaned as they drug him down the hall. Johanna covered her mouth as to not make a sound. She watched through the small crack seeing two men take her husband down the hall throwing him in a room before continuing down the hall.

Pulling open the door slowly she looked down the hall to make sure it was clear before making her way to the room where they were keeping him. The door was locked with a dead bolt and several other locks but easy to get into, no so much to get out. She worked quietly not wanting to make any noise that may draw the men back. Getting the door she pulled it open to a dark room. She glanced to where the men had gone but there was still no sign of them. Pulling out her phone she turned on her light shining it into the room. Jim sat on the floor covered in blood and her heart dropped.

"What do you want I've hold you everything." Jim spat not looking up.

"Jim" Johanna breathed making him look up.

"Jo you have to get out of here." He begged pushing himself off the ground.

Johanna felt a hand on her back as someone shoved her into the room locking the door again behind her.

"Well, not leaving now" She sighed looking at the door.

"What are you doing here?" Jim asked, his sounded tired.

"Trying to find you. Well not at first but..."

"Jo they want you." Jim said quickly.

"You're covered in blood." Johanna said diverting the conversation.

"It's not as bad as it looks." Jim sighed.

Johanna moved the light around the room till finally coming across a light switch. She flicked it on causing an florescent light to come on.

"Does anyone know you're here?" Jim asked as Johanna tried to look at the cut on his forehead.

"I texted Kate to have her track my cell." Johanna said glancing at her phone to make sure her text had sent, it had.

"Why do you always come after me?" Jim asked.

"Because you're always worth coming after." Johanna said with a soft smile.

"You could get yourself killed."

"At least mine comes with my job, I'm not letting you get caught in the cross hairs."

"It didn't always come with the job, till you star..."

"Jim, please don't do this." Johanna said looking into those brown eyes. "I fell in love with you 35 years ago and you have trusted me, I need you to trust me know." Johanna said cupping his face in her hands.


Kate laughed while she sat with Castle and the boys in the break room talking about family and the past few years together. Her phone blinked and she glanced at it seeing a text from her mom sent over a half-an-hour ago.

"Guys we have a problem." Kate breathed standing up almost knocking her chair over.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked.

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