Chapter 15- Injured

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Briar's pov
Me and Myles are waiting in the wings of the stage because we're on next. In this competition, we only get one chance to perform and everyone who has been on so far have been incredible. I didn't think that there were going to be so many great dancers. I look over to Myles and he looks fine. 

"How are you so chilled right now?" I ask.
"We're going to do great Bri." He says.
"You will but I won't! What if my hair bobble falls out and I can't see anything? I'll fall off the stage and injure myself! Everyone is going to laugh at me!" I say and place my hands over my face.
"What are you talking about? You're one of the best dancers I know!" He says.

"Could Myles Erlick and Briar Nolet please take the stage?" The announcer says.
"Come on, you can do do this." Myles says.
"Here goes nothing." I say.

We both walk on stage and get into our starting positions. The music starts to play and we start dancing. To my surprise, I was doing really well. I normally get nervous at competitions but being with Myles, makes me feel better.

I was feeling great until me and Myles did our synchronised flips. When I landed, my ankle twisted around and then I felt a snap. I winced in pain but carried on dancing in agony. I did my best not to show it but every time I do a trick, the pain gets worse.

Soon enough the music stops and we finish our duet. Because we were the last contestants to compete, everyone else walks on to the stage. The pain is getting worse, can they just hurry up and announce the winners?

"In third place, we have Katrina and Tyler!" The announcer says.
I swear if she beats me I'll be so angry.
"In second place, we have Liam and Joanna!" The announcer says.
I hope we won because I would've hurt myself for nothing.
"In first place, we have Briar and Myles!" The announcer says.
We won! We won! I'm happy we won but ouch! The pain is getting worse.

Everyone claps and we all walk off stage. Once we get inside the wings, I drop to the floor in pain. I let out a yelp and all eyes are on me.
"Briar what's wrong?" Myles asks and rushes over to me.
"My ankle, I did something to it on stage." I say and feel tears dripping down my face.
"Don't just stand there and watch, help me!" Myles yells to everyone.

One girl walks over to me.
"Go and get help, I'll stay with her." She says.
"Thank you." Myles says and rushes off.

Myles' pov
I run as fast as I can to reception.
"Call an ambulance!" I yell to the lady who's behind the counter.
She immediately picks up the phone and dials 911. She soon puts it down.
"They're on their way. What happened?" She asks.
"It's my duet partner, I think she may have broken her ankle." I say.
"Can you take me to her?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say and run back to Briar with the receptionist running behind me.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" She asks Briar and tries to comfort her.
"Briar-owww." She yells in pain.
I sit down next to Briar and tightly hug her.
"Ok Briar, the ambulance is on its way. I have to go and wait by the door to direct the paramedics you." The receptionist says and leaves.

"Briar when did you do this?" I ask.
"On our first flip." She says and lets out another cry.
"You're going to be ok." I say.
"Ow!" She yells and I keep hugging her.

After about ten minutes, the paramedics arrive and take her away on a stretcher. I follow them to the ambulance and try to get in but the paramedic stops me.
"I have to go with her!" I yell.
"You can visit her at the hospital." The paramedic says.
"No I have to go with her!" I yell.
"Sorry but you can't." He says.
"Myles!" Briar yells just as they shut the door and drive off.

"Ugh!" I yell and smash my fists against the wall.
"Myles?" Someone asks.
I turn around and see my mum with Tamara.
"Where's Briar?" Tamara asks sharply.
I point to the ambulance that's leaving.
"What the hell have you done to my daughter?" She shouts at me.
"Do you really think that I'd hurt my own girlfriend?" I ask.
"You two are dating?" She asks and I nod my head.
"Anyway, why's my daughter in an ambulance?" She asks.
"She hurt herself on stage." I say.
"I thought I noticed something was off with her." My mum says.
"Why didn't you go with her?" Tamara asks.
"They wouldn't let me." I say.
"Well what are we just standing here chatting for?" My mum asks.
Me and Tamara look at her weirdly.
"We have to go to the hospital now!" She says.

Me and my mum get inside our car while Tamara gets inside her car. Once we get to the hospital I text Abbey.

M- I have some good and bad news.
A- Can I have the good new first?
M- Me and Briar won.
A- Well done! How is there bad news?
M- Briar is in hospital.
M- She may have broken her ankle, or badly sprained it.
A- I'll be there as soon as I can.
M- See you here.

"Abbey will be here soon." I say as we walk into the waiting room.
"Alan will as well." Tamara says.
My mum notices how worried I look.
"Hey she's going to be ok Myles." She says and rubs my back.
"What if she isn't? She won't be able to dance for ages." I say.
"I know my daughter. She's strong and she'll get over this quickly." Tamara says.
"I hope so." I say.

I do not want to dance with Abi.

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