Spinning, scared...
Waiting, scared.
Planning, fearful.
Seeing, cheerful.
You hand on my thigh, warm.
You lips on my neck, squirm.
You looked away, all I could see was you.
You looked at me, a solemn look you drew.
But why now does it hurt?
My blood runs cold when I think of you, curt.
That was a fun day, that wrecked it all.
Looks like we both totally dropped the ball.
But why now does this pain sicken me?
Causing a pain in my chest and wrists, bleed.
I need your friendship again.
Not this pain.
Holding from behind, fine.
Cops arrive, redesign.
Talking, lost...
Breaking up, that was the cost.
Why do these sickening memories taunt me?
Why can these not haunt you? Why can't you see?
Months, lost.
Years, tossed.
Did they mean nothing to you?
Was there something I could do?
No, we were falling too fast...
It was just sad that I was the last,
to let go... of these memories...
Now I only live to tell the stories...

What Does It Mean?
PoetryThis is a book full of poems, notes, and other sorts of things that help me out! It's... Idunno.weird.