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She sits quietly at her desk.

Wondering however she got herself into this mess.

Everything seems to be falling away from her, cracking at the seems.

Not getting the sleep, the images in her mind unclean.

She can't talk to anyone about her worries.

She has always had to take those emotions, buried,

deep within her mind to be set there for a long time.

Because little did everyone know, she isn't blind.

She watches them laugh and gesture toward her,

She feels the cold chill of your words, bur...

But she stays quiet at her desk,

hoping that one of you will not be like the rest.

She wonders what lead to this point.

How she even ended up in such a joint.

Four somber yellow walls surrounding her in her darkest hour.

To only come home to the complaints, a tower.

"You don't do anything right!" Her voice screams.

"You aren't really sad! You're just a teen!"

What did that all mean?

She sits in her desk, quiet and alone.

Never wanting to leave that class, never wanting to go home.

But at the end of the day, as she passes by...

She holds in tears and tries not to cry.

Because on October 8th she wanted to die.

And she could never lie,

she couldn't even try.

And she tried to confront the guy...

But all he did was walk away with a sigh.

She had finally said goodbye.

She sits quietly at her desk,

hoping the next day won't be like the rest.

Though she is quiet she can also see,

that the place she used to belong is no longer to be.

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