You sit by the phone.
Listening to the dial tone.
You send a risky text.
Hoping that he'd understand, your ex.
But he wants nothing to do with you.
He doesn't even care how much blood you lose.
You cut away every night, hoping someone will notice.
But you could never show them this.
He doesn't care about you he never has.
He wants to keep away, just as...
you want to pull him close.
You've always loved him the most.
There's no way out, he's going for other girls.
While you can't sleep, stuck in a whirl.
But he doesn't care about you, he never will.
You scream but no one can hear how shrill.
He'll never love you, he faked it.
And now bleeding from your wrists, you sit.
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What Does It Mean?
PoetryThis is a book full of poems, notes, and other sorts of things that help me out! It's... Idunno.weird.