The sweet summer bliss,
The heart-felt kiss,
But these are all things that I will miss.
The sweet nothings
Soft hands cupping.
These are all the loving,
things that I shall miss and leave.
And all the things that people deceive.
It's the sweet nothings and words that we seem to hate.
Even though some would put that up for debate.
The simple words that the wives and husbands say,
Are the exact things that keep most real emotions at bay.
Till Death Due Us Part, are the exact things that we hail.
But most people just say these words then bail.
But I am proof of these words not actually matter.
Because I am past death yet my love for him hasn't tattered.

What Does It Mean?
PoetryThis is a book full of poems, notes, and other sorts of things that help me out! It's... Idunno.weird.