• you sparked a fire in me that refused to die •

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Danny was too far gone, his mind lead astray by the wonders of the neatly rolled blunt in between his slender fingers. He knew it was bad, his mother had always warned him about drugs on the streets of Jersey, the killers and the tranquillisers, he just didn't know that not all drugs were inanimate, simple objects, such as the drug in his hand.

Daniel didn't know that some drugs could come with brown hair, brown eyes, a warm heart and a crippling addiction.

He knew the others hated it, each and every one of them, but he had to numb the pain and get rid of this awful sinking feeling in his chest, his crippled heart skipping a beat each time he saw his addiction.

Daniel Avidan needed help that no one apart from his addiction was willing to give, and he refused to accept it, declining each and every offer every time the addiction spoke; his mind screaming for more each time the low, sultry voice resonated through his ears.

As a result, he went back into the world of drugs, he mainly smoked weed but the thought of taking cocain often crossed his mind; his dealer also offered it, free of charge.

He declined until one day, he took the cocain but never used it, keeping it safely tucked under his mattress and often taking a gander at the stark white powder, his mind wondering to what types of trips he could achieve with this and, more often than not, if it would distract him from his brunette addiction.

Sometimes, he played with death.

He would try to overdose a lot, he would drink and smoke, he even thought about harming himself, but then realised that he just needed a distraction from the world, not a way to stop it.

Arin Hanson was a provocative match, Daniel Avidan was the influential kindling that created a wildfire of emotion. Daniel was addicted to the burning euphoria that Arin gave him.

Song ~ The Child They Left Behind - Hot Sugar

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now