• pull the trigger, piglet •

349 23 15

Yes, this is from that comic on tumblr. But it's super serious. (TW: suicidal things, arguing, blood)

Where are you? Are you okay?! Why did you go??? - Received @ 02:24 A.M.

Danny looked at the gun next to him and hiccuped, tying his hair back with shaky hands before shaking his head and sobbing more.

I'm not okay. I went cause I thought it would be for the best. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I'm sorry for hurting you and Ross and Suzy and Barry and Brian and holly. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. - Sent @ 02:35 A.M.

Where are you now?! I can come get you! - Received @ 02:37 A.M.

I'm in my bathroom with a gun in my hands. Other than that I don't know what's happening or where I am. I don't even know if I'm in LA anymore. - Sent @ 02:41 A.M.

Oh god, please stay safe, you're gonna be okay. - Received @ 02:42 A.M.


Dan was a mess.

Every Night he sat in his bathroom with the gun in his mouth. Everyday he got a text from Arin.

Ollie was stable, his cocaine addiction was getting worse though. Ollie did lines and pretended to love Dan.

Dan was okay with that. It's what he deserved, right? Why else would it be happening? He didn't particularly believe in fate, but he didn't have anything else to believe in.

He lay in bed quietly, staring at the ceiling with the gun in his hand. He was tired. It was a deep exhaustion that filled his bones, he just wanted to sleep his life away. Dan could make himself sleep right now, just the slightest movement of his finger could give him a satisfying rest.


Ollie stormed into the small apartment, shocking Dan from his slight slumber on their tatty couch. Danny stood up carefully and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.



Dan flinched and widened his eyes, "what's wrong?!"

"My fucking dealer's dead and the nearest coke dealer is two cities away!"

Dan frowned softly and walked over, rubbing his back gently, "maybe it's for the best, baby... We both need to cut back..."

Ollie grit his teeth and Danny was scared that he was finally gonna hit him; Dan closed his eyes slowly and grimaced, waiting for the blow.

He flinched and gasped gently when a hand was gently placed on his cheek, he opened his eyes to find Oliver looking into his eyes with a soft serenity he had never seen; he wrapped his slim hands around the tan wrist and leaned into the warm touch with a breathy sigh.

"You're right, baby... We both need to cut back..." Ollie frowned, bringing Dan close, "c'mere..."

Daniel instantly looped his arms around Ollie's neck, blushing and hiccuping gently before burrowing into his chest, shaking and crying.

I've missed you, piglet, it's like you were never here... Please don't go...


Danny woke up alone. The apartment was silent. He was covered by warm sheets but it wasn't the warmth he wanted. He wanted Ollie to hold him from behind and stroke his hip like he used to.

He wanted to be loved.

Dan stood up carefully, tugging on a shirt and some large, baggy boxers, grabbing his phone and checking any texts from arin.

If you turn on your location on your phone and connect to us on Bluetooth, we can help you. We can save you. - Received @ 14:47 P.M.

I'm still a mess, though. - Sent @ 17:52 P.M.

We can help you, we WILL help you. Please come back to us! - Received @ 17:56 P.M.

Dan didn't reply, he stared at the settings on his phone and frowned, hands shaking as he watched the Bluetooth notification.

He kept it off.

Danny walked through to the kitchen and sighed shakily, raising his brows when he saw Ollie leaning against the table.

"Piglet..? Come back to bed..."

"No... Im... I need my cocaine.... Fuck..."

Dan frowned, gently settling a hand on his partners back, "Just sleep it off..."


"Baby, come on-"

"Stop! Stop- stop teasing me! You want me to be like this! You want me to suffer!" Dan flinched when Ollie pushed him away roughly, stumbling into the wall.

"No, I don't want that! I love you!"

"No you don't!" Ollie fumbled around at the table, loading his gun and pointing at Dan with wide, panicked eyes.

Danny froze, he tensed gently and teared up, "Baby... Baby calm down... Piglet..."

"Stop calling me that! It's all a lie!" His hand began to shake as he cocked the gun.

Dan whimpered, he flicked his eyes to his phone and rapidly turned on the location and Bluetooth, "Oliver! Please!"

We're on our way, stay safe xx - Received @ 18:39 P.M.

"Dan, you're lying, you don't love me!"

Danny froze and sobbed gently with a weak i do... I love you so much...

"Then why do you want me to stop coke?! Why are you cutting back on weed? It makes us better! We're better when we're blinded by the bad!" Oliver settled his hand on the trigger and Danny snapped.

"Fucking do it! Shoot me! Unload the whole god damned cartridge into me! I'm done with this! I wanna love you but I cant! You're breaking yourself apart!"

Dan watched as Ollie sobbed and closed his eyes, his own eyes staying open and defiant.

He was ready.

The door burst open as the trigger was pulled, Dan recoiling gently from the shot and blood soaking through his shirt after a moment.

All was silent. Still. Calm.

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now